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Melanoma huge increase - perhaps due to use of sunscreen or lower vitamin D - Aug 2014

Melanoma — Epidemiology, Genetics and Risk Factors

PDF 1st chapter of book is attached at the bottom of this page
Entire Book – free

  • While squamous cell carcinoma of the skin has been closely associated with long term occupational exposure to the sun, risk of developing melanoma seems to be more associated with intermittent, high intensity sun exposure (MacKie and Aitchison, 1982; Lew et al., 1983)
  • Various epidemiologic studies support the finding that the number of severe sunburns and total childhood sun exposure are positively associated with the development of melanoma (Holman et al., 1986; Scotto and Fears, 1987; Cust et al., 2011; Newton-Bishop et al., 2011; Volkovova et al., 2012)


Also has nice chart of Skin problems vs UV spectra

Bloomberg Tanning Story Cited No Tanning Industry Sources At All Dec 2012

Age Adjusted Melanoma Incidence

See also VitaminDWiki

Melanoma and suncreens Time line -2010

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
4256 Lifetime Melanoma Risk.jpg admin 10 Aug, 2014 23.09 Kb 1644
4255 Age Adjusted.jpg admin 10 Aug, 2014 52.12 Kb 1542
4254 Melanoma vs UV.jpg admin 10 Aug, 2014 80.98 Kb 1956
4253 Melanoma.pdf admin 10 Aug, 2014 1.21 Mb 888