Toggle Health Problems and D

Dementia risk increases with latitude (less vitamin D) - Feb 2015

Sweden Dementia Twin Females

Geographical Variation in Dementia March 2015 - behind paywall
Image Image

United Kingdom - Dementia

ITVNews Jan 2013
Green = higher risk, not red!!

United States - Parkinson's Disease

Nature 2013

Europe - Parkinson's Disease


See also VitaminDWiki

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
5087 Dementia odds ratio.jpg admin 20 Feb, 2015 10.22 Kb 1370
5086 Dementia Swedish female twins.jpg admin 20 Feb, 2015 26.36 Kb 1516
5085 PD Europe 23andMe.jpg admin 20 Feb, 2015 29.35 Kb 20632
5084 PD US map.jpg admin 20 Feb, 2015 40.90 Kb 2902
5083 Dementia UK.jpg admin 20 Feb, 2015 43.66 Kb 1600