
Vitamin D Blog

Dementia 19X more likely if low vitamin D

Monday January 23, 2012

Dementia was 19X more likely for woman who had low vitamin D levels (less than 10 ng)
Study measured vitamin D of 40 women at age 78 then 7 years later found that 6 of the women got dementia
Those who had less than 10 ng were 19X more likely to get dementia than the others
Study concluded that testing for vitamin D would be a good prediction as to who would get dementia
It would have been far better if they had recommended adding vitamin D to reduce dementia.

There is a lot of support for the idea that dementia is associated with vitamin D deficiency, but not to the 19X level

Risk of cognitive decline 50 % higher if low amount of vitamin D – Aug 2011
Cognitive impairment 4X more likely when vitamin D less than 10 ng Nov 2010
Vitamin D less than 10ng associated with cognitive decline – July 2010

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