
Vitamin D genes are important, update – Sept 2020

An Update on Vitamin D Metabolism

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(18), 6573; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21186573
by Federica Saponaro *OrcID,Alessandro Sab a OrcID and Riccardo Zucchi
Department of Surgical, Medical and Molecular Pathology and Critical Area, University of Pisa, 56126 Pisa, Italy


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Note: Mutations of genes with a * are not detected by a Vitamin D test
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Vitamin D is a steroid hormone classically involved in the calcium metabolism and bone homeostasis. Recently, new and interesting aspects of vitamin D metabolism has been elucidated, namely the special role of the skin, the metabolic control of liver hydroxylase CYP2R1, the specificity of 1α-hydroxylase in different tissues and cell types and the genomic, non-genomic and epigenomic effects of vitamin D receptor, which will be addressed in the present review. Moreover, in the last decades, several extraskeletal effects which can be attributed to vitamin D have been shown. These beneficial effects will be here summarized, focusing on the immune system and cardiovascular system

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Vitamin D genes are important, update – Sept 2020        
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14302 CYP27B1 F2.jpg admin 12 Sep, 2020 123.48 Kb 526
14301 Metabolism F1.jpg admin 12 Sep, 2020 62.08 Kb 567
14300 An Update on Vitamin D Metabolism._compressed.pdf admin 12 Sep, 2020 363.54 Kb 1473