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Powerful Medicine - book

Powerful Medicine: Vitamin D: Shedding Light on a Worldwide Health Crisis By N D Lucinda Messer Dec 2009

happened across this book via Google books. Have not looked at it.

Amazon $17
"Vitamin D deficiency is a world-wide epidemic, with over one billion people at risk for its associated diseases." www.vitamindcouncil.org
Powerful Medicine: Vitamin D is the inside scoop on what has become a very real health crisis around the world.
Inside these pages you'll find out exactly how vitamin D operates in the body and what happens when it's not available for protection. A deficiency in vitamin D is the main reason we have skyrocketing incidence of Cancer, MS, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Depression, Season Affective Disorder, Autism, Hypertension and more.
And what can healthy levels of vitamin D do for you? To start with, activated vitamin D can: halt tumor growth and reduce tumor size, improve heart health by regulating blood pressure, improve insulin production and regulate blood sugar levels, improve chances of survival from cancer related surgery, keep bones healthy by regulating calcium levels, improve mental health and provide protection from the common cold, viruses and much, much more.
By reading this book you are stepping onto a path that will ultimately protect you and your loved ones from the natural consequences of vitamin D deficiency.
In light and health, Lucinda Messer, N.D.

Dr. Messer is a naturopathic physician and graduate of the prestigious Bastyr University. She has been in private practice for 15 years; specializing in women's health, nutritional and anti-aging medicine. Dr. Messer's writings on anti-aging, the thyroid and natural hormone therapies, have been widely published and she's frequently asked to speak on nutritional medicine. You can find Dr. Messer on the web at www.powerfulmedicine-vitd.com and www.DrLMesser.com
Her co-author Sidse Powell is a freelance writer with an undergrad in biochemistry and alumni of Seattle's The Film School. www.sidsewrites.com
The illustrations and cover were designed by Riley Dickens, a freelance artist with disciplines in film, animation, 2D/3D design, illustration, acrylics, digital paint, and more. www.rileydickens.com

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has supplement Information and links

Therapeutic guidance from Powerful Medicine: Vitamin D for specific diseases and conditions linked to vitamin D deficiency
Auto-Immune Diseases
Bone Health
Osteomalacia (Adult Rickets)
Breast Cancer
Colon Cancer
Lung Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Skin Cancer
Heart Health
Immune System
Immune System Health
Mental Health
SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder
Skin Health
Auto-Immune Diseases

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