
Off topic – 20 percent overtreatment in US – Sept 2017

Overtreatment Is Common, Doctors Say New York Times Sept 2017

Summary of a survey published in PLOS One
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21 % of medical care was unnecessary
22 % of prescriptions
25 % of tests
11 %of procedures

Fear of malpractice 84.7%
Patient pressure/request 59.0%
Difficulty accessing prior medical records 38.2%
Borderline indications 37.7%
Inadequate time to spend with patients 37.4%
Lack of adequate information/previous medical history 36.7%
Pressure from the institution/management 20.8%
Looking good in performance evaluations 13.4%
The hassle of communicating with other physicians 11.9%
Pressure from colleagues 11.8%
Financial security of physicians 9.2%
I don’t think there is any overutilization 1.1%

Suspect that 20% overtreatment, etc., adds <10% to cost of medical care

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Off topic – 20 percent overtreatment in US – Sept 2017        
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