From the Economist
How mens' waistlines have grown since 1980
RISING levels of obesity are bad news for people and health-care budgets, but they also correlate with good things such as rising economic wealth. The three maps below, which are drawn from a new global study led by Professor Majid Ezzati of Imperial College, London, and published in the Lancet, show that, Polynesia aside, obesity was a rich-world phenomenon in 1980. By 2008 the rich world had itself expanded, bringing obesity to groups within countries that were previously considered poor, such as Brazil and South Africa. During that period, the prevalence rate of obesity among men doubled to nearly 10%. One country has stubbornly resisted this trend. For all its dynamism since India opened up its economy in 1990, its men have on average become even thinner. The study suggests that Congo is the thinnest country in the world, and Nauru the fattest. Imperial College's own map is here.
See also VitaminDWiki
- All items in Obesity and vitamin D 115 items as of April 2012
- Overview Obesity and Vitamin D
- Low vitamin D then Obesity then adenovirus-36
- Adenovirus is now in most humans and mamals in close contract with humans
- Women can lose weight with vitamin D - Nov 2010 2000 IU
- Perhaps low vitamin D increases child obesity - Sept 2010 BMI higher by only 1 if low vitamin D
- Vitamin D Levels at Birth May Predict Obesity Risk at age 3 - Oct 2010
- 600 mg dairy resulted in 12 pound loss in 2 years – Nov 2010 with graph
- More calcium and vitamin D resulted in weight loss – Sept 2010
- How Calcium might help reduce obesity – June 2010 technical
- Calcium and vitamin D aided weight loss – RCT Sept 2010 intervention - but abstract does not say how much was used
- 32 ng vitamin D and 500 mg of Calcium helped reduce weight by 5.6 kg – Sept 2010 intervention
- If fat and low on Calcium then taking Calcium and vitamin D will shed body fat 2009
- Low vitamin D in elderly women associated with being heavier and less active – Jan 2010
- Now we know why vitamin D is not advertised for weight loss it was patented
- Weight loss and vitamin D – SkinnyASP 2010 also has a 2 minute video
- Multivitamins and minerals helped obese lose weight – Feb 2010 intervention - no details in abstract
- Metabolic Syndrome and vitamin D - view of many papers Aug 2010
- Vitamin D Deficiency, Obesity and Cardiometabolic Risk: Is there any Relationship – Jan 2010
- author is scientific directory of company providing vitamin D testing
- Vitamin D and Weight Loss and Obesity – March 2010
- Adequate Vitamin D Levels May Aid Weight Loss in Obese Patients – Minn. 2009 widely reported on