
Lambs get 10X more vitamin D3 in their milk formula than humans

Lambs and Sheep: Royal Instant Lamb Milk Replacer 12,000 IU /lb

An excellent all milk protein, high fat (30%), low lactose (less than 25%), formula made with human grade ingredients, human-edible lard and coconut oil, soluble vitamins, chelated trace minerals, selenium and zinc proteinate providing a complete milk ration for lambs until weaning. Feed Royal Instant Milk Replacer to lambs cold, manually or free choice as a substitute for ewe's milk to maximize economic use of milk, whenever ewe's milk is inadequate or unavailable. It will stay preserved for up to 24 hours.

  • Crude Protein - 20%
  • Crude Fat - 30%
  • Crude Fiber - 0.15%
  • Lactose - 25%
  • Vitamin A - 32,000 IU/lb.
  • Vitamin D3 - 12,000 IU/lb

packaged in 50# bags, 25# bags, and cases of 8x4# bags.

Royal Milk Replacer Pellets

Use of this mini-pelleted prestarter can help early wean lambs without weaning set-back. Early weaning is key to reducing health problems present during milk feeding and lowering milk replacer cost. Feed this product along with normal feedings of milk or milk replacer as the first dry feed or mixed into the starter feed. Use with lambs, rams or ewes in sick pens, after shipping, during lactation, breeding, whenever feed consumption is reduced, or as a conditioner for show.

  • Crude Protein - 25%
  • Crude Fat - 10%
  • Crude Fiber - 1%
  • Vitamin A - 32,000 IU/lb.
  • Vitamin D3 - 12,000 IU/lb.
  • Vitamin E - 100 IU/lb.

Vet's Choice Multi-Specie Instant Milk Replacer

An excellent acidified, all-milk, high fat milk replacer with feeding directions for all baby farm mammals. Non-medicated with lactic acid bacteria to adjust pH and maximize population of beneficial bacteria. Produces excellent results under extreme conditions.

  • Crude Protein - 20%
  • Crude Fat - 20%
  • Crude Fiber - 0.15%
  • Vitamin A - 32,000 IU/lb.
  • Vitamin D3 - 12,000 IU/lb.
  • Vitamin E - 150 IU/lb.

Packaged in one and five pound resealable plastic pouches, 10 pound pails and 25 pound pails.

Royal Milc, Inc.; P.O. Box 548; 8860 Upper 208th Street; Lakeville, MN 55044

Toll-Free: (800) 690-9870; Phone: (952) 469-3492; info at royalmilcinc.com; www.royalmilcinc.com
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1 lb of solid is added to 5 lbs of water to make the lamb milk

Thus the vitamin D in one pound of the lamb milk is 1/6 of 12,000 IU per pound = 2,000 IU per pound/pint of milk

Or 1,000 IU per cup

Compare this to the vitamin D in fortified cow milk given to human infants: 100 IU per cup

Lambs get 10X more vitamin D in their milk formula

See also VitaminDWiki