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Is Vitamin D the Answer to Health Care Reform? -May 2010

John Phillip May 16, 2010
Health care reform continues to be one of the most pressing issues for a majority of Americans. As politicians move forward with sweeping changes to the current defunct health care system, many people are left with non-existent or poor coverage, and a plan which is far from ideal and not likely to improve any time soon.
Now is the time for personal action to prevent heart disease, cancer and stroke which claims the lives of 1.4 million people in the US annually. Vitamin D supplementation is the key to preventing many of the most lethal diseases which plague Western populations today.
Studies confirm that heart disease can be reduced by as much as 53%, and cancer incidence slashed by up to 77% in those people with the highest levels of Vitamin D in their blood. For mere pennies a day, we could be taking advantage of this powerful weapon which could yield billions in health care cost savings each year.

  • Vitamin D Reduces Risk From a Fatal Heart Attack

Heart attacks related to coronary artery disease kill nearly 157,000 people each year. Those with the lowest levels of Vitamin D are 2.5 times more likely to suffer a fatal heart attack, which would result in 93,000 fewer deaths each year by supplementing to optimal Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D works at many levels by helping the body to properly regulate blood pressure, blood glucose and insulin, as it helps prevent excess calcium in the blood which leads to coronary plaque.
It’s estimated that the cost savings of a nation with optimized Vitamin D blood levels would be $84 billion each year. That dollar figure doesn’t take into account the suffering and lost productivity of the millions of Americans who suffer from some form of heart disease. We could take that savings to the health care
Overwhelming evidence exists that the risk of 17 different types of cancer can be cut by as much as 77%. This could conservatively prevent the unnecessary demise of 350,000 people in the US each year. We have evolved with high levels of Vitamin D over the course of generations, and we know that it functions at the genetic level by supporting the development and replication of new cells.
Vitamin D is required by every cell in our body and represents a powerful ally toward a healthy lifestyle. Vitamin D helps activate the immune system, permitting our body to detect and snuff out potential invaders, including single cancer cells which will multiply if left unchecked.
The federal government spends $1 billion each year to prevent or develop cures for many lethal diseases and yet Vitamin D is not on their radar. It’s estimated that mandatory supplementation to optimal Vitamin D levels would save the US nearly $400 billion annually, which would effectively put an end to concerns over skyrocketing health care costs.
With the countless studies confirming that Vitamin D can have a major impact in reducing the risk of disease, it’s clear we must make the decision to protect ourselves and provide for our own health care reform.

John Phillip is a Diet, Health and Nutrition Researcher/Writer with a passion for Health Modification through proper diet, nutritional lifestyle and appropriate supplementation. His passion is to research and write about the cutting edge medical technology which will affect our lives through life extension principles.
Author’s blog http://myoptimalhealthresource.blogspot.com/

Previous blog post: Vitamin D Facts For Life – May 5, 2010

Vitamin D is regularly in the medical news headlines being credited as a treatment and preventive measure for diseases ranging from the common cold to heart disease, diabetes, cancer, stroke and Alzheimer's. Now we can add improved stamina and physical performance as we age.
By promoting muscle strength, bone growth and repair, Vitamin D has demonstrated the ability to delay age-related illnesses and improve the quality of life in aging adults. Vitamin D supports the healthy function of our cells at the genetic level and it's essential that we maintain proper blood levels to ensure continued health and longevity.

  • Vitamin D Linked With Improved Physical Performance

As we age many of our body's natural defense systems we have taken for granted all our life begin to weaken, leading to reduced physical performance and poor quality of life. It's estimated that as high as 90% of the senior population is deficient in Vitamin D, and those with the lowest blood levels are directly associated with the most loss of mobility and physical performance using tests of walking, balance, endurance and strength.
Conversely, those individuals with the highest blood levels of Vitamin D retained a much higher degree of physical mobility and muscle function, and suffered a reduced incidence from other significant health concerns. Even higher levels of Vitamin D, achieved only through targeted supplementation and blood testing will result in better outcomes for an aging population.

  • Vitamin D Prevents and Treats Heart Disease

Heart disease or atherosclerosis is the leading cause of death in the US. The risk of sudden death from a heart attack can by reduced by as much as a third by ensuring the highest level of Vitamin D through blood testing. Every cell in our body carries a Vitamin D receptor which is required to perform genetic replication. Insufficient levels in the blood means that all the cells are not being saturated with the vitamin and heart disease incidence increases dramatically.
Research shows that those people with the lowest levels of Vitamin D are 45% more likely to develop heart disease and 77% more likely to die from any cause. These studies suggest that Vitamin D may provide these significant health benefits due to its ability to reduce blood pressure, regulate blood sugar and control inflammation, all factors which contribute to heart disease.

  • Vitamin D Enhances Immune Function

People who supplement with Vitamin D know that they rarely suffer from the common cold or influenza when everyone around them is coughing and sneezing. Researchers have shown how Vitamin D activates our primary immune system component known as the T cell. The T cell has a Vitamin D receptor which allows it stretch out like an antenna, engulfing the microbial invader and keeping us from becoming ill.
A supercharged immune response is important in the defense against cancer. Everyday cancer cells develop in our body and are normally picked up by an alert immune system. As we age and Vitamin D levels drop, cancer cells escape detection, eventually developing into a tumor. By increasing blood levels of Vitamin D, our T cells are placed on high alert which has been shown to reduce the incidence of 17 different cancers by as much as 77%.
With mounting evidence about the health benefits of Vitamin D, there is still much confusion about how much is needed to maintain proper levels in the blood. Due to variations in body weight, sun exposure, dietary intake and genetic factors, every person will need to supplement independently based on the result of a simple blood test. Most normal weight adults should begin by supplementing with 5000 IU of Vitamin D per day for the first 90 days, and then have a 25OH(D) blood test to check levels. Experts believe that the optimal target range is 50 - 70 ng/ml. Adjust Vitamin D supplementation in 1000 IU increments to increase or decrease blood levels by 10 ng/ml.
Vitamin D has been shown to prevent and treat a wide range of diseases, and targeted supplementation is essential for every adult to prevent illness and extend a healthy life.

Is Vitamin D the Answer to Health Care Reform? -May 2010        
779 visitors, last modified 17 May, 2010,
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