Toggle Health Problems and D

Increased incidence of health problems if iow Vitamin D

4X higher risk
Age-Related Macular Degeneration - wet
Cancer - advanced-stage
Childhood asthma
Cognitive Impairment
Diabetes T1
Frail when old
Increased risk of death if n ICU for 2 days
Lung disease - non-TB
Metabolic syndrome
Multiple sclerosis
Pneumonia acquired in hospital ==> death
Pregnancy - C-section, Preeclampsia
Psychiatric disorders as a teen
5X more likely
Allergic rhinitis
Childhood Cancer
Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary bypass ==> death
Hip Fracture ==> bad outcome
Hip fracture after stroke
Ischemic stroke
Low Bone Mineral Density
Nursing home - need feeding help
Restless leg syndrome
Rheumatologic disease
Sudden cardiac arrest
Urinary tract infection
Alcoholic get Alcoholic liver disease
Anemia in pregnant teen
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Coronary artery disease ==> death
Gastric Cancer
Leg pain
12 X
Allergic to peanuts
Die after first cardiovascular event
Die from elderly pneumonia
Get T1 diabetes if dark skinned vs white skinned
React to flu vaccine
Stroke patient becomes depressed

Details at is.gd/XlowVitD

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday March 3, 2019 10:29:22 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 16)
Increased incidence of health problems if iow Vitamin D        
1153 visitors, last modified 03 Mar, 2019,
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