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IOM food fortication vs Endocine Society patient care – Vitamin D – abstract Sept 2011

Short-term and long-term consequences and concerns regarding valid assessment of vitamin D deficiency: comparison of recent food supplementation and clinical guidance reports

Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care: 19 September 2011, doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e32834be798
Hollis, Bruce W.

Purpose of review: The function and use of vitamin D supplementation has become very controversial. This review attempts to provide a balanced perspective with respect to the experimental findings published in the past 18 months.

Recent findings: The recent contrasts between the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report and the Endocrine Societies report have caused great confusion with respect to the dietary requirement for vitamin D as well as the amount of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D that is desirable.

Much recent data contradict the suggestions of the IOM report with respect to vitamin D's role in chronic disease such as

  • cancer,
  • cardiovascular function,
  • immune function and
  • autoimmune ailments such as multiple sclerosis.

Summary: Controversy regarding supplementation with vitamin D is fueled by the different purposes of the

  • IOM (guidance for food fortification and not to individualized patient care) and the
  • Endocrine Societies (patient care) reports.

Healthcare providers should formulate their own opinions with respect to vitamin D as it pertains to the care of their patient.
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See also VitaminDWiki