
Diabetes reduces vitamin D levels which reduces cognition – June 2012

Diabetes Linked to Memory Problems in Older Adults NY Times June 2012



“What we’ve shown is a clear association with diabetes and cognitive aging in terms of the slope and the rate of decline on these cognitive tests,” said Dr. Kristine Yaffe, a professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of California, San Francisco. “That’s very powerful.”

Previous studies have shown that Type 2 diabetes correlates with a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia later in life.

The researchers looked at 3,069 people, many of them in their 70s. When the study began, 23 percent of the subjects had diabetes.

But nine years later, the gap in cognitive test scores had widened significantly between those with and without diabetes.
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  1. Low vitamin D increases probability of Diabetes
  2. Diabetes reduces kidney function
  3. Reduced kidney function reduces vitamin D (Vicious circle)
  4. Reduced vitamin D increased probability vitamin D deficiency related diseases
       such as diabetes, cognition and Alzheimer’s

See also VitaminDWiki


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