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CureTogether Vitamin D symptoms, treatments, and causes

CureTogether is an excellent source on 100's of diseases

CLICK HERE for update Dec 2013

Snapshot on Vitamin D Oct 2011

The darker the blue the more severe: minimal, mild, moderate, severe, extreme
Gray = not rated

Chart is sorted by improvement: top = best

Light Green = Moderate improvement; Dark green = major improvement; Gray = No effect


Causes believed for their vitamin D deficiency - interesting

- - - - - - - - - -

Some of their charts of popularity of treatment


Dandrift light and vitamin D


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Multiple Sclerosis


SAD - light therapy & vitamin D

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
815 CT SAD treatment.png admin 14 Oct, 2011 23.22 Kb 2458
814 CT MS treat.png admin 14 Oct, 2011 18.95 Kb 2048
813 CT Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.png admin 14 Oct, 2011 27.31 Kb 2115
812 CT Dandriff.png admin 14 Oct, 2011 15.50 Kb 1764
811 CT Cause.png admin 14 Oct, 2011 24.63 Kb 3982
810 CT treatment by most improvement.png admin 14 Oct, 2011 26.43 Kb 2131
809 CT Symptoms.png admin 14 Oct, 2011 23.41 Kb 2593