
Breast Cancer medicine pain reduced with 4300 IU vitamin D – RCT June 2012

Highlight from Vitamin D May Help Breast Cancer Survivors Stay on Track Medscape Medical News

2012 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology®

  • aromatase inhibitors
    half of the women have severe musculoskeletal pain from these agents, and 18% to 30% report fatigue, [resulting in] a discontinuation rate of about 10% each year,"
  • 30,000 IU of oral vitamin D3 weekly on starting letrozole therapy achieved significant benefits in terms of fatigue, joint pain, and disability from joint pain.
  • Using the Simple Descriptive Pain Intensity
    37% of women receiving vitamin D3
    51% of those in the placebo group
  • adverse quality of life events = 42% vs 72%

Note: aromatase inhibitors reduction of bone causes pain

See also VitaminDWiki