

Multiple select
  ID Name Size Created / Uploaded Last modified
1836 Profound vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy - Dec 2010.png
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1560
38.46 KB 02 Apr, 2011 02 Apr, 2011
1834 Vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy - 2011.png
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1560
43.56 KB 02 Apr, 2011 02 Apr, 2011
1818 Excess Calcium Mercola March 2011.gif
from Vitamin K Mercola March 2011.gif
15.73 KB 26 Mar, 2011 26 Mar, 2011
1816 Vitamin D Mercola March 2011.gif
Benefits of vitamin D: from http://tinyurl.com/mercola311
20.12 KB 26 Mar, 2011 26 Mar, 2011
1683 IU of vitamin D to add vs X
15.23 KB 05 Mar, 2011 05 Mar, 2011
1668 dose-response Feb 2011
see wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1425
24.93 KB 20 Feb, 2011 20 Feb, 2011
1659 Bone growth and loss
NIH publication 10-7577 April 2010
41.94 KB 31 Jan, 2011 31 Jan, 2011
1657 All-cause Mortality table1 - CDC Jan 2011
see wiki page http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1359
35.32 KB 29 Jan, 2011 29 Jan, 2011
1650 UV-I MN
45.70 KB 13 Jan, 2011 13 Jan, 2011
1635 UV index Alaska 2009
58.74 KB 05 Jan, 2011 05 Jan, 2011
1634 vitamin D per minute vs latitude
from http://www.vitamind3-cholecalciferol.com/
5.38 KB 05 Jan, 2011 05 Jan, 2011
1208 Vitamin D adequate input chart
from Dietary Guidelines for Americans vitamin D - June 2010
65.05 KB 23 Jun, 2010 01 Jan, 2011
1596 Institute of Medicine Calcium and Vitamin D interactions
released Nov 30, 2010
35.25 KB 30 Nov, 2010 30 Nov, 2010
1589 Vitamin D UK 45 year olds - 2006
wiki page for details: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1169
27.93 KB 25 Nov, 2010 25 Nov, 2010
1578 Vitamin D in the body - Rediscovering Nov 2010
This image in in Wiki page:http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1140
which also had link to the PDF
25.81 KB 13 Nov, 2010 13 Nov, 2010
1560 Mortality rates blacks and whites vs vitamin D - Grant Nov 2010
details on wiki page http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1096
22.23 KB 01 Nov, 2010 05 Nov, 2010
1563 Lupus in vicious circle with vitamin D - Nov 2010
see in wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1101
28.97 KB 02 Nov, 2010 02 Nov, 2010
1561 Blacks vitamin D mechanisms - Grant Nov 2010
for details see: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1096
21.26 KB 01 Nov, 2010 01 Nov, 2010
1558 D2 injection dose response Grimes 2010.gif
see wiki page http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=53
20.93 KB 28 Oct, 2010 28 Oct, 2010
1559 D3 oral dose response - Grimes 2010
see wiki page http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=53
28.36 KB 28 Oct, 2010 28 Oct, 2010
592 Graphic snake oils -> vs proof
134.79 KB 26 Feb, 2010 01 Oct, 2010
1535 vitamin D pathways to bone health - July 2010
see wiki page:
14.69 KB 28 Sep, 2010 28 Sep, 2010
1530 UV and vitamin D - May 2010
in wiki page and PDF with same title
17.23 KB 28 Sep, 2010 28 Sep, 2010
1522 Cholesterol down 10 percent - CDC
17.40 KB 20 Sep, 2010 20 Sep, 2010
1519 Dose Response versus vehicle - Sept 2010
see wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=951
30.26 KB 18 Sep, 2010 18 Sep, 2010
1516 Immune system and vitamin D interactions - 2010
on wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=950
45.59 KB 18 Sep, 2010 18 Sep, 2010
1513 vitamin D role in cardiovascular health - Sept 2010
see wiki page http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=949
40.28 KB 18 Sep, 2010 18 Sep, 2010
1511 Vitamin D and asthma hypothesis - 2010
see wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=823
34.13 KB 18 Sep, 2010 18 Sep, 2010
1499 From foods NIH NHANES Sept 2010.gif
51.98 KB 18 Sep, 2010 18 Sep, 2010
1498 Vitamin D status - NIH Sept 2010
on wiki page http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=946
38.38 KB 18 Sep, 2010 18 Sep, 2010
5 Toxicity log graph
By Garland
44.10 KB 21 Jan, 2010 06 Sep, 2010
1484 Vitamin D blood tests in a London hospital
in wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=894
36.30 KB 06 Sep, 2010 06 Sep, 2010
1481 response-dose from Connor Breast Cancer - slide
PDF is at tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1480
32.35 KB 06 Sep, 2010 06 Sep, 2010
1482 15000 IU give daily weekly and monthly - OConnor Breast Cancer -2009
from PDF tiki-download_file.php?fileId=1480
25.34 KB 06 Sep, 2010 06 Sep, 2010
1467 Proposed Vitamin D Australia - table 2007
19.17 KB 05 Sep, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1463 Pea Corn and capsule of vitamin D - picture .jpg
51.60 KB 05 Sep, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1240 MS Latitude correlation - Garland smile graph
37.19 KB 30 Jun, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
185 Intervention studies of vitamin D and fracture - table 2009
2009 11 studies in a table from Nutrition Research Review
79.98 KB 04 Feb, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
551 Calcium and vitamin D supplements - chart Jan 2010
XY plot of Calcium with vita D supplements reviewed in Jan 2010 of Consumer Labs
13.33 KB 18 Feb, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1016 Vitamin D deficiency in Turkey - table 2010
Note: divide these figures by 2.5 to get ng/ml Very very low when heavily clothed May 2010
27.85 KB 15 May, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1200 Melanoma & sunscreen associated in 7 studies - chart 2010
from PDF and video available at http://www.grassrootshealth.net/
52.67 KB 18 Jun, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
686 Vitamin D ng vs disease1 -Garland 2009
2009 number of ng/ml needed to deal with various diseases
30.59 KB 11 Mar, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1024 All Cause Mortality big improvement from 15 to 27 ng - Heaney chart 2010
from Grassroots May 2010
70.76 KB 17 May, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1247 30000 IU toxicity - slide
26.65 KB 30 Jun, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1431 10,000 Finnish children got 2000 IU - slide 2010
from Vitamin D for breastfeeding - Hollis Medical slides 2010
37.60 KB 29 Aug, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1420 Diets lack micronutrients such as vitamin D - table June 2010
This is just a portion of the table see also wiki page: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=800
14.56 KB 27 Aug, 2010 05 Sep, 2010
1461 Elderly vitamin D interactions
32.19 KB 04 Sep, 2010 04 Sep, 2010
1450 mental health 2
part 2 of table from Vitamin D, light and mental health
Mats B. Humble Aug 2010
23.60 KB 02 Sep, 2010 02 Sep, 2010
1449 mental health 1
part 1 of table from Vitamin D, light and mental health
Mats B. Humble Aug 2010
15.71 KB 02 Sep, 2010 02 Sep, 2010
1445 influence diagram of vitamin D and cognitiion - 2008
Review of evidence
44.25 KB 31 Aug, 2010 31 Aug, 2010
1432 Dose response for 3600 IU
from Hollis Breastfeeding 2010
26.77 KB 29 Aug, 2010 29 Aug, 2010
1428 Oliver Gillie book covers
2 free vitamin D books - focus on Scotland
39.33 KB 29 Aug, 2010 29 Aug, 2010
1426 Ways that vitamin D interacts with kidney disease
from Vitamin D and Chronic Kidney Disease - June 2010 in Kidney gallery
21.93 KB 28 Aug, 2010 28 Aug, 2010
1422 Food does not provide enough micronutrients- 2006
Primarily diets of athletes
24.82 KB 27 Aug, 2010 27 Aug, 2010
1417 Cost of health care as percent of GDP
This PNG, (not GIF) image is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_in_the_United_States
70.71 KB 26 Aug, 2010 26 Aug, 2010
1416 229 genes VDR binding fold enrichment - Aug 2010
see the wiki for review and link to the PDF: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=794
16.17 KB 25 Aug, 2010 25 Aug, 2010
1410 sun into body
simple graphic
14.42 KB 22 Aug, 2010 22 Aug, 2010
932 UV and skin color on same global map
by the same author as the Evolution of Skin Color 1999, but different artist
85.21 KB 13 Apr, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1001 UV map of world from Sci Am 2008
78.15 KB 10 May, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1361 Map of minutes of sun to get 106 joules in Jan
from: UV in North America with many maps - July 2010.pdf
36.76 KB 11 Aug, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1362 Map of minutes of sun to get 106 joules in July
from: UV in North America with many maps - July 2010.pdf
47.73 KB 11 Aug, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1402 cholesterol increase while death and cardio decrease.gif
statistics from 167 countries
86.56 KB 19 Aug, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1408 Deficiency definitions have strong impact - CDC Aug 2010 - GIF
35.17 KB 21 Aug, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1407 Cancer incidence with vitamin D supplements- CDC Aug 2010 - GIF
from PDF in File Gallery - More about vitamin D, also wiki
26.04 KB 21 Aug, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1406 Females with more than RDA - CDC Aug 2010 - GIF
from file gallery: More about vitamin D, also in Wiki
36.56 KB 21 Aug, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1405 Males with more than RDA - CDC Aug 2010
37.41 KB 21 Aug, 2010 21 Aug, 2010
1347 Blood test results - huge variation from same source July 2010
see also Wiki and File with similar words in name
13.18 KB 08 Aug, 2010 18 Aug, 2010
1183 Response to 1600 IU of vitamin D - lots of variability June 2010
Endocrinol Metab Clin N America
18.99 KB 14 Jun, 2010 18 Aug, 2010
1357 Diabetes less for those taking more vitamin D
from Review of Diabetes Sept 2010
20.23 KB 11 Aug, 2010 18 Aug, 2010
1158 Melanoma and suncreens Time line -2010
25.52 KB 09 Jun, 2010 18 Aug, 2010
1238 Iceberg - rickets is above the waterline
13.25 KB 30 Jun, 2010 18 Aug, 2010
207 Far more vitamin D deficiency US NHANES 2004 vs previous - chart 2009
esp dark skin Ginde
25.85 KB 04 Feb, 2010 18 Aug, 2010
1266 Causes of vitamin D insufficiency in Cystic Fibrosis
from PDF in file Gallery Diseases - other
14.82 KB 30 Jun, 2010 18 Aug, 2010
1399 TB by ethnic group in UK - Grimes 2009
huge difference between 1st and 2nd generation immegrants
13.23 KB 17 Aug, 2010 17 Aug, 2010
1383 not close to getting 2 hours of sun
From PDF in Noon Gallery - UK 2010
21.77 KB 12 Aug, 2010 12 Aug, 2010
1369 MS vs vitamin D summary of studies - clinical 2009
from PDF in MS Category
7.64 KB 12 Aug, 2010 12 Aug, 2010
1365 Biological Response - generic concept
From Assessment of evidence for vitamin D and MS - 2010
11.36 KB 11 Aug, 2010 11 Aug, 2010
1358 Diabetes vs latitude from review Sept 2010
38.24 KB 11 Aug, 2010 11 Aug, 2010
1349 TB by race from CDC
79.85 KB 09 Aug, 2010 09 Aug, 2010
1236 D2 10000 and 25000 - Holick 2004
99.51 KB 30 Jun, 2010 06 Aug, 2010
1265 Elderly vs latitude and vit D - 2010
from File = 1264|Vitamin D and health status in elderly - June 2010.pdf
18.06 KB 30 Jun, 2010 06 Aug, 2010
1327 Peer papers per year - Norman July 2010
See also the PDF and wiki
30.99 KB 30 Jul, 2010 06 Aug, 2010
1328 Health and Vit D - Norman July 2010
see also wiki page and PDF
44.24 KB 31 Jul, 2010 06 Aug, 2010
957 UVB increase in past 30 years
Graph of UV vs latitude
40.76 KB 16 Apr, 2010 05 Aug, 2010
371 hypovitaminosis 15 year old girls 2006
1 graphic from PDF
17.78 KB 13 Feb, 2010 05 Aug, 2010
987 Evidence of lack of vitamin D and Calcium causes chronic disease
37.06 KB 02 May, 2010 05 Aug, 2010
1209 Chart summarizing clinical trials of CVD and vitamin D 2009
34.24 KB 24 Jun, 2010 05 Aug, 2010
1210 Chart summarizing clinical trials of colon cancer and vitamin D 2009
33.65 KB 24 Jun, 2010 05 Aug, 2010
991 Chart: Canada burden 2010 table 1
50.19 KB 03 May, 2010 05 Aug, 2010
1337 Disease Incidence chart Lahore
37.10 KB 02 Aug, 2010 02 Aug, 2010
260 How much vitamin D in other-mammals
Vit-D-ency- editor Feldman 2005
188.01 KB 06 Feb, 2010 17 Jul, 2010
264 Vitamin D vs 25OH in the blood
Hollis 2007
9.17 KB 06 Feb, 2010 17 Jul, 2010
1245 side effects of vitamin D by vitamin D council as formatted by Knox 2010
29.41 KB 30 Jun, 2010 06 Jul, 2010
693 mortality curve from Heaney whats a deficiencyChart:
35.00 KB 11 Mar, 2010 05 Jul, 2010
1034 Calcium in blood virtually unchanged with 10,000 IU vitamin D - Chart April 2010
Very Safe. Chart by Heaney, downloaded from Grassroots April 2010
34.08 KB 18 May, 2010 04 Jul, 2010
340 NZ vitamin D and race
15.34 KB 11 Feb, 2010 04 Jul, 2010
512 Studies of blood levels of risk of diseases epidemiology - table 2009
Nice chart from Epidemiology 2009
50.42 KB 17 Feb, 2010 04 Jul, 2010
272 Vitamin D 60ng/ml chart
Garland recommend 60 ng/ml
61.39 KB 06 Feb, 2010 04 Jul, 2010
1250 uvb map of world Jan 1998
40.12 KB 30 Jun, 2010 30 Jun, 2010
1249 uvb Canada over 20 year including clouds
48.42 KB 30 Jun, 2010 30 Jun, 2010