
Odds of living to 100 increase by 40 percent if had been born in the fall – 2011

Season of Birth and Exceptional Longevity: Comparative Study of American Centenarians, Their Siblings, and Spouses

Journal of Aging Research, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 104616, 11 pages
Leonid A. Gavrilov and Natalia S. Gavrilova
Center on Economics and Demography of Aging, NORC at the University of Chicago, 1155 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

This study explores the effects of month of birth (a proxy for early-life environmental influences) on the chances of survival to age 100. Months of birth for 1,574 validated centenarians born in the United States in 1880–1895 were compared to the same information obtained for centenarians' 10,885 shorter-lived siblings and 1,083 spouses. Comparison was conducted using a within-family analysis by the method of conditional logistic regression, which allows researchers to control for unobserved shared childhood or adulthood environment and common genetic background. It was found that months of birth have significant long-lasting effect on survival to age 100: siblings born in September–November have higher odds to become centenarians compared to siblings born in March. A similar month-of-birth pattern was found for centenarian spouses. These results support the idea of early-life programming of human aging and longevity.

PDF is attached at the bottom of this page
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Excellent study, well thought out

You can, however, live a long time even if born in the Spring: take more vitamin D

Many studies have proven that taking more vitamin D decreases incidence of many diseases and even treats a few of them.
Vitamin D also decreases death rate from all sources (mortality)

See also VitaminDWiki

Vitamin D should reduce medical costs

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1442 Month vs longevity.jpg admin 07 Jul, 2012 18.82 Kb 1520
1441 Month of birth vs longevity - 2011.pdf admin 07 Jul, 2012 621.62 Kb 932