Toggle Health Problems and D

Abu Dhabi 2012 - Modwahi

Presented at International Symposium on Vitamin D Deficiency - Abu Dhabi March 2012


Dr. Arwa Al Modwahi

Qualifications: M.D.
Position: Master of Public Health Nutrition, Senior Officer, School and Family Health Section, Health Authority-Abu Dhabi

Public Health Measurements in Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency

Deficiency of Vitamin D can result from inadequate nutritional intake of vitamin D coupled with inadequate sunlight exposure, health problems can limit vitamin D absorption, and some conditions might impair the conversion of vitamin D into its active element component.
Vitamin D deficiency cause rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults and research is undergoing on diseases that might be related to vitamin D deficiency.

A meta analysis and literature review prevails that populations suffer from blood “25(OH)D” levels below the optimal.
Studies have shown that adequate skin exposure to the sun does not increase the risk of melanoma as perceived in the media.
Given the magnitude of the problem, Public Health Nutrition measures are important for preventive intervention.

It is recommended to undertake further measurements such as implementing a

  • Food Consumption survey,
  • Nutrition Guidelines,
  • implement and monitor Food Fortification and
  • Initiate consumer awareness and encouraging adequate sun exposure.

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See also VitaminDWiki

Abu Dhabi 2012 - Modwahi        
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