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Ireland - Vitamin D often less than 20 ng, recommends only 800 IU - April 2021

JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH Report on addressing Vitamin D deficiency as a public health measure in Ireland

Recommendation 1

Daily Vitamin D supplements of 20-25ug/day (800-1000 IU/day) should be recommended to the entire adult population, where possible and where medically appropriate, as a public health measure to reduce the risk of respiratory and other illnesses such as osteoporosis. The Committee recommends that where required, any supplementation at higher doses than this should be taken under medical supervision.

Recommendation 2

A public health policy to increase knowledge and encourage increased intake of Vitamin D through supplementation should be developed in time for consideration for Budget 2022.

Recommendation 3

To reduce the cost of Vitamin D supplementation and to promote its uptake, the Government should reconsider the current VAT applied, with a view to either reducing or preferably eliminating it.

Recommendation 4

Specific measures need to be put in place for vulnerable groups, especially nursing home residents and those who are in confined settings, such as prisons; and for frontline and healthcare workers. For these groups, provision of Vitamin D should be administered on an opt-out basis. Additionally, for the duration of this pandemic, those attending Covid- 19 test centres should be offered Vitamin D supplements on presentation for their Covid- 19 test.


800-1000 IU will eventually get half of the population above 20ng, but COVID-19 appears to need > 40 ng

Note: It takes 5 months to get more virtually everyone to 40 ng with 5,000 IU
8 studies found that it takes 1,800 IU to eventurally get half of the participants to 40 ng
Response - 8 studies  bit.ly/16TuWp5

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Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday April 9, 2021 13:31:33 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)

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15399 Ireland percent.jpg admin 09 Apr, 2021 51.20 Kb 352
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