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Get enough Vitamin D from UK winter sun (if white skin and believe that 10 ng is enough) - Aug 2018

Is Sunlight Exposure Enough to Avoid Wintertime Vitamin D Deficiency in United Kingdom Population Groups?

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Aug 1;15(8). pii: E1624. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15081624.
Kift R1, Rhodes LE2, Farrar MD3, Webb AR4.


The UK government continues to mistakenly believe that 10 ng is enough
Most of the rest of the world believes than at least 30 ng is needed

Note a major mistake in the study.
They used UVR sensors which most liekly measure the total of UVA + UVB
Only UVB generates Vitamin D in the skin.
UVA greatly exceeds UVB after about 3PM, when a high UVR reading generates no Vitamin D.

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is required for cutaneous vitamin D synthesis, and experimental studies have indicated the levels of sun exposure required to avoid a vitamin D deficient status. Our objectives are to examine the sun exposure behaviours of different United Kingdom sectors and to identify if their exposure is enough to maintain winter circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D above deficiency (>25 nmol/L). Data are from a series of human studies involving >500 volunteers and performed using the same protocols in Greater Manchester, UK (53.5° N) in healthy white Caucasian adolescents and working-age adults (skin type I⁻IV), healthy South Asian working-age adults (skin type V), and adults with photodermatoses (skin conditions caused or aggravated by cutaneous sun exposure). Long-term monitoring of the spectral ambient UVR of the Manchester metropolitan area facilitates data interpretation. The healthy white populations are exposed to 3% ambient UVR, contrasting with ~1% in South Asians. South Asians and those with photodermatoses wear clothing exposing smaller skin surface area, and South Asians have the lowest oral vitamin D intake of all groups. Sun exposure levels prevent winter vitamin D deficiency in 95% of healthy white adults and 83% of adolescents, while 32% of the photodermatoses group and >90% of the healthy South Asians were deficient. The latter require increased oral vitamin D, whilst their sun exposure provides a tangible contribution and might convey other health benefits.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday May 13, 2019 10:19:55 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 7)

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11320 Winter UK.jpg admin 02 Feb, 2019 25.03 Kb 1171
11319 UK Winter 10 ng.pdf admin 02 Feb, 2019 1.93 Mb 658