Request made July 1, 2011
FAO and WHO call for data on vitamin and mineral recommendations
Codex Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary Uses: Nutrient Reference Values
The 32nd Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Food for Special Dietary Uses (CCNFSDU) requested the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide the 33rd session of CCNFSDU (November 2011) with a report of existing daily vitamin and mineral intake reference values for apparently healthy populations of adult males (preferably aged 19-65 years) and adult females (preferably aged 19- 50 years). This information should be collected from data sources published after 1998 from recognized authoritative scientific bodies and from FAO/WHO.
Vitamins Minerals
Vitamin A Calcium
Vitamin D Magnesium
Vitamin E Iodine
Vitamin K Iron
Vitamin C Zinc
Thiamin Selenium
Riboflavin Copper
Niacin Chloride
Vitamin B6 Chromium (3+)
Folate Sodium
Vitamin B12 Fluoride
Pantothenate Manganese
Biotin Molybdenum
The following are detailed variables to be included in the report:
- The values themselves
- Applicable age ranges
- Physiological endpoints used to establish the INL50 or similar, or other measures such as AI and the reason for the choice
- Method of calculation of INL98 or similar from INL50 or similar including coefficients of variation
- Reference body weights and basis for extrapolation methods if used
- Determination of or assumptions about dietary bioavailability of the vitamins or minerals
- Conversion factors applied to provitamins, isomers or other relevant nutrients to units of equivalents such as niacin equivalents.
- Year that scientific evaluation was conducted
- Basis for the value i.e., primary evaluation or derivation from other countries’ values
Deadline for submission
- The requested data should be submitted before 15 August 2011.
Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy
Facsimile: (+39) 06 57054593
Telephone: (+39) 06 5705 3552
E-mail: Janice.Albert at
Nutrition Policy and Scientific Advice Unit
Department of Nutrition for Health & Development
World Health Organization
20, Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27,Switzerland
Facsimile: +41 22 791 4156
Telephone: +41 22 791 3229
E-mail: nutrition at (Attention: NRVs)
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Only looking at supplement needs of healthy, young, white, standard weight individuals
Like all other govt organizations, they are ignoring
- Interactions between supplements: example Calcium and Vitamin D
- Interactions of supplements with drugs
- Need far more Vitamin D if live long far from the equator
- Vastly increased needs for certain high risk peoples, such as
See VitaminDWiki
- Vitamin D Recommendations
- Recommendations from around the world and during the past 50 years have varied a lot.
- Vitamin D Council against FDA - due to FDA ignoring needs for Blacks, Elderly, etc.
- 11 new reasons why vitamin D deficiency is becoming epidemic