Pop quiz: What is the percentage decrease in deaths by a Vitamin D increase of 10 nmol

Note: UK definition of deficiency is: <25 nmol/L   (<10 ng/mL)


Take the test at MDedge

Description of Lancet study is at Does Vitamin D Benefit Only Those Who Are Deficient?

  • Estimating dose-response relationships for vitamin D with coronary heart disease, stroke, and all-cause mortality:
    observational and Mendelian randomisation analyses - Lancet, Oct 2021 -PDF

VitaminDWiki - Mortality has

{FONT(size="18")} People die sooner if they have low vitamin D{FONT}
{img fileId="2699" width ="450" link="People die sooner if they have low vitamin D – Nov 2014"}
click on image for details

There are {SQL(db=>vitamind)}SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tiki_category_objects` WHERE `categId`=30{SQL} articles in Mortality category

{DIV(class="lefth4")}LECT catObjectId, COUNT(*) FROM `tiki_category_objects` WHERE categId = 30 OR categId = 82 GROUP BY catObjectId HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) AS categs INNER JOIN tiki_objects ON tiki_objects.objectId = categs.catObjectId WHERE type = "wiki page"{SQL} Mortality Meta-analyses
This list is automatically updated
{category id="30+82" types="wiki" sort="created_desc" split="n" and="y" sub="n" showdescription="n" showname="y" showtype="n" one="y" showTitle="n"}

{FONT(size="17")} See also in VitaminDWiki{FONT}

VitaminDWiki - Mortality and Virus studies

VitaminDWiki - Optimum category starts with

The RDA is barely enough for the bones to survive.
   Need an optimal level for the body to thrive

99 items in Optimum Vitamin D category

Example pages


2455 visitors, last modified 10 Dec, 2021,
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