Toggle Health Problems and D

Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough

Overview of the controversy

  • A few governments say 10 ng is OK
  • Some governments say 20 ng is OK
  • Some governments say 30 ng is OK
  • Most experts say 40 ng is good
  • Some experts say 50 ng is much better for disease prevention
  • A few people think that > 80 ng is needed to deal with possible vitamin D restrictions due to genes
  • Some experts say 50 ng is too much
  • Some concern that >40 ng may be too much if taking some fixed chemotherapy or not adjust cofactors
  • Some experts feel 50 ng is not enough to TREAT some diseases
  • Consensus: 0 ng is bad and 30 ng is good/ok

Notional Graph of Expert Opinions of levels with Vitamin D MONOTHERAPY
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1293
Note: Monotherapy just increases vitamin D levels, and rarely adjusts the cofactor intake (Ca, Mg, Vitamin K2, Omega-3, etc)

Vitamin D needed to TREAT Health problems (30 ng to 150 ng)

Vitamin D Treats
150 ng Multiple Sclerosis *
80 ng Cluster Headache *
Reduced office visits by 4X *
70 ngSleep *
60 ngBreast Cancer death reduced 60%
Preeclampsia RCT
50 ng COVID-19
Infections Review
Infection after surgery
40 ng Breast Cancer 65% lower risk
ACL recovery
30 ng Rickets

* Evolution of experiments with patients, often also need co-factors

At VitaminDWiki - need 20 - 49 ng

At VitaminDWiki - 50 - 60 ng

At VitaminDWiki - need > 60 ng

May 2023 study 30-60 ng


At VitaminDWiki - COVID

At VitaminDWiki - Optimal/Treatment

At VitaminDWiki - other


Some indications that >40 or >50 ng may sometimes cause some problems



Agreement: 50 ng is NOT TOXIC

U Shaped curve due to long follow-up time, not latitude - by Dr. Grant

The U-shaped relationship comes only from prospective studies with long follow-up times.
In my considered opinion, it is an artifact of the long follow-up time, not high latitude.
References (some of which are in VitaminDWiki)

  • Robien K, Cutler GJ, Lazovich D. Vitamin D intake and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women: the Iowa Women's Health Study. Cancer Causes Control. 2007 Sep;18(7):775-82.
  • Lim U, Freedman DM, Hollis BW, Horst RL, Purdue MP, Chatterjee N, Weinstein SJ, Morton LM, Schatzkin A, Virtamo J, Linet MS, Hartge P, Albanes D. A prospective investigation of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and risk of lymphoid cancers. Int J Cancer. 2009 Feb 15;124(4):979-86.
  • Grant WB. Effect of interval between serum draw and follow-up period on relative risk of cancer incidence with respect to 25-hydroxyvitamin D level; implications for meta-analyses and setting vitamin D guidelines, Dermato- Endocrinology, 2011 July, Aug Sept.;3(3) epub (lag) http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/dermatoendocrinology/article/15364/
  • Grant WB. Additional strong evidence that optimal serum 25(OH)D levels are at least 75 nmol/l. Int J Epi 2011 40: 1005-1007.

Chart of Vitamin D levels vs race - April 2013

Vitamin D vs Race at is.gd/vitD_race

See also Google Scholar

See also web - vitamin D test "reference range" = 20-100 ng

Grassroots Health infographic 40-60 ng (2020)


72+ pages have 50 ng in the VitaminDWiki title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 72
Title Modified
Vitamin D levels jumped during COVID - 2X more had at least 50 ng, 8X more had at least 100 ng – July 2024 11 Aug, 2024
Colon Cancer survival increases with vitamin D, up to 50 ng – Aug 2024 11 Aug, 2024
In vitro Fertilization not helped if Vitamin D is slightly above 30 ng (need 50 ng) – July 2024 05 Jul, 2024
Many diseases prevented if Vitamin D level higher than 50 ng -Sunil June 2024 02 Jun, 2024
Is 50 ng of Vitamin D enough to fight COVID - TrialSiteNews - Jan 2024 31 Jan, 2024
50 ng of Vitamin D - 100 hours of noon sunbathing OR 3 dollars of Vit D 05 Aug, 2023
50 ng level of Vitamin D proven to fight many diseases - Whittle May 2023 17 May, 2023
4X reduction in prediabetes progressing to T2D if more than 50 ng of vitamin D – RCT March 2023 01 May, 2023
Fight infections such as COVID with 50 ng of Vitamin D – Sunil Dec 2022 19 Dec, 2022
Mortality reduced by 35 percent if everyone had 50 ng of vitamin D - Grant Oct 2021 09 Dec, 2022
Kidney Inflammation not reduced by 30 ng Vitamin D (many health problems need 50 ng) – Nov 2022 09 Nov, 2022
Complement system (part of innate immunity) needs Vitamin D (50 ng is good) – Sept 2022 01 Oct, 2022
10,000 IU Vitamin D raised basketball player levels (more than 50 ng need to improve performance) – June 2022 01 Aug, 2022
Suggested dosing to get 50 ng of Vitamin D (if healthy) - July 2022 21 Jul, 2022
COVID probably fought by Vitamin D, might need 50 ng - Dr. Patrick Nov 8, 2021 21 Jul, 2022
Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough 14 May, 2022
COVID-19 mortality extrapolates to zero at 50 ng of vitamin D – 18th Meta-analysis Sept 2021 18 Mar, 2022
Optimal Vitamin D level: 50-90 ng - Dr. Vasquez 18 Mar, 2022
Psoriasis reduced for those getting Vitamin D levels above 50 ng – RCT Feb 2018 11 Mar, 2022
Prevent half of T1 Diabetes with vitamin D levels of 50 ng – Dec 2012 04 Jan, 2022
Texas town wants employees above 50 ng of Vitamin D to fight COVID-19 - Dec 24, 2020 26 Nov, 2021
Discussion of COVID and 50 ng of Vitamin D (video and transcript)– Dr. Campbell Nov 17, 2021 19 Nov, 2021
Vitamin D might a risk factor of insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, etc. (50 ng) – Oct 2021 26 Oct, 2021
Vitamin D and COVID, review of evidence, loading dose if less than 50 ng - Masterjohn Sept 2021 05 Sep, 2021
Less muscle inflammation after exercise if high level of Vitamin D (50 ng) -July 2021 08 Jul, 2021
Little risk of infection after surgery if have more than 50 ng of vitamin D - 2014 30 May, 2021
Jaw joint (TMJ) needs 30-50 ng of Vitamin D and a good VDR – April 2021 14 Apr, 2021
More than 30 ng of vitamin D is sometimes needed (Kidney needs 50 ng) – March 2019 31 Mar, 2021
To protect against COVID-19, how much vitamin D – 20 to 50 ng – March 19, 2021 23 Mar, 2021
5000 IU of vitamin D in daily bread resulted in 50 ng and improved quality of life– May 2014 20 Mar, 2021
How much vitamin D is needed ( perhaps 50 ng for infections) 08 Mar, 2021
Saudi study defines normal Vitamin D level to be 50 to 70 ng (diabetes, etc.) - June 2020 12 Dec, 2020
Diabetes 50X less likely if 30 ng of Vitamin D and intense exercise – April 2018 11 Nov, 2020
Only 1 NCAA basketball player getting 10,000 IU vitamin D daily achieved 50 ng goal – Jan 2020 01 Sep, 2020
Critically Ill or injured patients need 30-50 ng of Vitamin D – Matthews March 2020 18 Mar, 2020
Low Vitamin D symptoms, need 50-80 ng, he takes 5,000 IU – Matthews interview Dec 2019 29 Dec, 2019
Biology of Vitamin D – 30ng min., 50ng preferred, 1000X lower cost than health problem – Feb 2019 02 Mar, 2019
Diabetes 5X less likely if more than 50 ng of Vitamin D – April 2018 23 Jan, 2019
Vitamin D is needed for human fertility – goal is 50 ng – Sept 2018 22 Aug, 2018
Colorectal cancer 60 percent less likely if have more than 50 ng of vitamin D (vs 5 ng) – meta-analysis April 2017 09 Aug, 2018
Korea proposes vitamin D of 20 ng, but notes 20ng increases osteo by 50 percent – Oct 2012 03 Jul, 2018
Half of Tianjin China had less than sufficient vitamin D (IoM of 20-50 ng) - June 2018 04 Jun, 2018
Hypertension not controlled by 26 ng of Vitamin D (50,000 IU bi-weekly A-A) – RCT Nov 2017 18 Nov, 2017
Chinese women in tropics needed 50,000 IU of Vitamin D monthly to keep above 30 ng – RCT May 2017 14 Jul, 2017
All myopic children had less than 50 ng of vitamin D – March 2016 06 Apr, 2017
A group of 6,000 people have vitamin D levels higher than 50 ng – GrassrootsHealth 29 Jun, 2016
Populations with more than 50 ng of vitamin D 09 Apr, 2016
Staph infection reduced 50 percent when have more than 30 ng of vitamin D – Aug 2011 13 Feb, 2016
Outdoor distance runners had great Vitamin D levels (50 ng) – Dec 2015 24 Dec, 2015
Asthma at age 20 increased if vitamin D during pregnancy was higher than 50 ng – Oct 2015 04 Nov, 2015
Sports benefits from up to 50 ng of Vitamin – meta-analysis - Nov 2012 29 Sep, 2015
Many more people now have vitamin D levels above 50 ng, especially seniors – May 2015 20 Jun, 2015
Vitamin D video: calcification, narrow-band UV, 4,000 IU, 50 ng – Dr. DeLuca May 2015 04 Jun, 2015
Dr. Oz recommends at least 50 ng of vitamin D 20 Mar, 2015
Dr Oz: 50ng of vitamin D - Nov 2009 20 Mar, 2015
Semen worse when vitamin D lower than 20 or higher than 50 ng – Oct 2012 16 Oct, 2014
Fertility in both women and men improves with more vitamin D (but less than 50 ng for men) – Dec 2013 16 Oct, 2014
Pregnant blacks 50 pcnt more likely to be depressed if 3 ng less vitamin D – July 2012 23 Sep, 2014
5000 IU vitamin D3 added daily to bread raised blood levels to 50 ng – 2009 16 May, 2014
Diabetics with 8ng less vitamin D had a 50 percent increase chance of DHCR7 gene variation – Jan 2014 29 Jan, 2014
Dr. Oz again recommends at least 50 ng of vitamin D - Dec 2013 05 Jan, 2014
50,000 IU of vitamin D monthly in winter gets most above 20 ng – RCT Nov 2013 21 Dec, 2013
Dr Oz recommends 50 ng vitamin D blood level 03 Dec, 2013
50,000 IU vitamin D weekly increased levels by 52 ng normally, but only 28 ng if obese – Oct 2013 13 Nov, 2013
At least 5,000 IU Vitamin D to get to optimal 50 ng - LEF Nov 2013 11 Nov, 2013
30 to 50 ng of vitamin D is optimal – Central Europe consensus Sept 2013 23 Sep, 2013
European Osteo group recommends 20-50 ng of vitamin D – Jan 2013 17 Jan, 2013
Probability of knee osteoarthritis up 50 percent if 20 ng less vitamin D – Nov 2011 10 Nov, 2012
Metabolic syndrome 50 percent more likely if under 20 ng of vitamin D - May 2011 23 Jun, 2012
USANA found 5000 IU resulted in 50 ng - Winter 2010 24 Sep, 2011
Vitamin D level of 50 ng may be too high - May 2010 24 Sep, 2011
Athletes need 50 ng/ml of Vitamin D – Cannell and Hollis – 2009 02 Jul, 2011

short URL = http://is.gd/Dlevels

Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough        
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2898 Mercola Optimal.jpg admin 12 Aug, 2013 21.97 Kb 6180