400,000 IU barely raised liver transplant candidate vitamin D levels (no surprise) – March 2015

Effectiveness and Outcomes of Current Practice in Treating Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients Listed for Liver Transplantation.

Endocr Pract. 2015 Mar 18:1-26.
Chaney A1, Heckman MG2, Diehl NN2, Meek S3, Keaveny AP1.

VitaminDWiki Summary

Liver transplant candidates given 400,000 IU
But mal-functioning livers are not able to process Vitamin D
Wonder why they did not use Calcidiol
See also VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki pages containing TRANSPLANT in content

Items found: 37
Title Modified
Vitamin D would probably help both CKD and Kidney transplant (PDF behind paywall) – Sept 2024 03 Sep, 2024
Fecal transplants finally approved to fight C.difficile – July 2024 22 Jul, 2024
Autism risky if low vitamin D during pregnancy and early life (mice, fecal transplant reversed it) – March 2024 27 Mar, 2024
Vitamin D helps organ transplant - many studies 30 Nov, 2023
Liver transplant failure 2.7X more-likely if low vitamin D - Nov 2023 30 Nov, 2023
Vitamin D 100,000 IU loading dose and stem cell transplants – RCT Oct 2023 31 Oct, 2023
Fecal transplants - many studies 26 Apr, 2023
Fracture 4X less likely following kidney transplant if high-dose Vitamin D (100,000 every 2 weeks) – RCT Jan 2023 25 Jan, 2023
Fecal transplant from young reduced age-associated defects in old (mice so far) – Aug 2021 27 Aug, 2021
Liver transplants in children more likely to be rejected if insufficient vitamin D – Aug 2021 07 Aug, 2021
Very low Vitamin D levels after Liver transplant in children (need Calcitriol or topical) – May 2021 03 Jun, 2021
Kidney transplant rejection 1.8X more likely if low vitamin D – May 2021 22 May, 2021
1,000 IU of vitamin D provides little benefit (Kidney transplant in this case) – April 2021 22 Apr, 2021
Organ Transplant patients probably need more UV and or vitamin D April 2010 24 Mar, 2021
If you are getting a lung transplant you must have vitamin D - April 2012 24 Mar, 2021
Omega-3 reduced pancreas transplant failure by 3X and sepsis by 2X – review Dec 2019 18 Dec, 2019
Stem cell transplant (HSCT) patients are dying due to lack of vitamin D – Oct 2019 28 Oct, 2019
Stem Cell Transplants consume vitamin D – July 2011 23 Oct, 2019
Stem cell transplant (HSCT). death 28 percent less likely for each 10ng higher vitamin D level – Oct 2019 23 Oct, 2019
4X reduction in bone fractures following Kidney Transplant with monthly Vitamin D (100,000 IU) - RCT June 2019 17 Jun, 2019
Fecal transplants increased Vitamin D levels (germ-free mice) – March 2018 29 Jun, 2018
Liver transplant needs Vitamin D (actually semi-activated, not regular) – May 2017 27 May, 2017
Bone marrow transplant – like other traumas – lowers vitamin D levels – July 2011 17 Apr, 2017
Vitamin D may help after organ transplant – if can give enough – Jan 2011 25 Mar, 2017
4X fewer malignancies after kidney transplant if got active vitamin D – Prospective Score Sept 2012 25 Mar, 2017
Kidney transplant patients advised to avoid the sun, then 90% have very low vitamin D levels – Sept 2012 25 Mar, 2017
Vitamin D and biophospates are needed after organ transplant – Aug 2011 25 Mar, 2017
Calcitriol (active Vitamin D) recommended after kidney transplant – March 2014 28 Apr, 2016
Active form of vitamin D (calcitriol) cut in half the fractures following organ transplant – meta-analysis Aug 2011 26 Jul, 2015
Gut, Alzheimer, autism, disease, fecal transplant, etc - Dr. Perlmutter, May 2015 18 May, 2015
400,000 IU barely raised liver transplant candidate vitamin D levels (no surprise) – March 2015 26 Mar, 2015
Even with vitamin D supplementation Kidney transplant patients were deficient – Jan 2011 28 Aug, 2012
Babies Receive Heart Transplants Instead of Vitamin D Treatment 25 Jun, 2012
Kidney transplant worked better if initially have high level of vitamin D – April 2012 28 Apr, 2012
Vitamin D levels low both before and after organ transplant July 2011 27 Apr, 2012
Heart transplant 19 ng vitamin D vs liver transplant 13 ng – April 2009 12 Nov, 2011
Many Organ transplants cause skin cancer – what is the role of UV – Feb 2012 No value for 'modification_date_major'

Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in cirrhotic patients awaiting liver transplantation (LT). Optimal vitamin D management for these patients remains undefined. We sought to determine the effectiveness of our practice in addressing vitamin D deficiency in LT patients.

This retrospective study included 127 patients who received a first LT between July 2010 and July 2011. Outcomes measured included re-admission rates, fractures, and functional status post-LT. 25-hydroxyvitamin (OH) D deficiency was stratified as: mild 20-30 ng/mL, moderate 15-19.9 ng/mL, and severe <15 ng/mL. We estimated the amount of vitamin D supplementation required for each patient.

At LT evaluation, 107 patients (84%) had vitamin D deficiency, and 74% remained vitamin D deficient at LT. Only 62% received vitamin D supplementation pre-LT. Moderate and severe deficiencies were less common at LT and rare 4 months post-LT. There was an association between improvement in vitamin D deficiency category at LT and increased vitamin D (>400,000 IU total) supplementation (P=0.004). We found no association between vitamin D deficiency at LT and functional status, fractures, or readmissions post-LT. Patients receiving induction immunosuppressant therapy with basiliximab had a significantly greater degree of worsening in bone mineral density post-LT.

Moderate-severe vitamin D deficiency was very prevalent in a cohort of patients undergoing evaluation for LT. Deficiency was improved with increased vitamin D replacement therapy. Vitamin D deficiency at LT was not associated with worse bone or functional outcomes post-LT. The influence of basiliximab on bone health post-LT requires further evaluation.

PMID: 25786551

5369 visitors, last modified 07 Aug, 2021,
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