VitaminDWiki pages having WOUND or BURN in the title

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Items found: 10

WOUND in title (8 as of Dec 2021)

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Items found: 10

BURN in title (21 as of Dec 2021)

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Items found: 22
Title Modified
Burns, ulcers, and wounds healed by Vitamin D - many studies 08 Sep, 2023
Vitamin D raised after intense exercise if initially low and can burn fat – June 2022 27 Jun, 2022
VitaminDWiki pages having WOUND or BURN in the title 29 Dec, 2021
2.4 X fewer burn complications if have more than 20 ng of Vitamin D – Nov 2021 06 Nov, 2021
Fight Cancer with more than cut, burn, and poison – Nobel prize for T-Cell – Oct 2018 12 Aug, 2021
Fewer Burn problems if adequate Vitamin D – Less ICU, Hospital, Sepsis (10X) – Dec 2019 17 Dec, 2019
Wounds and burns healed with Vitamin D 24 Jul, 2019
Burns - will 200,000 IU of vitamin D decrease hospital stay - RCT 2021 21 Mar, 2019
The effect of vitamin D on different human cells, with emphasis on burns and ICU – April 2018 21 Apr, 2018
Health benefits of non-burning exposure to UV light – Jan 2017 14 Nov, 2017
Can burn pain be relieved by 4 g of Omega-3 and 2,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT due 2021 18 Oct, 2017
Perhaps not burn from the sun if have enough vitamin D 13 Apr, 2017
Severely burned children recovered muscle capability much faster with daily 1000 IU of vitamin D – RCT March 2017 01 Mar, 2017
Burn patients have little vitamin D and uncertain response to supplementation – Dec 2014 04 Sep, 2016
Bone fractures after a burn - none if vitamin D, 6 if no vitamin D – RCT May 2015 04 Sep, 2016
Burn victims often have bone fractures, but not if supplemented with vitamin D3 – RCT May 2015 04 Sep, 2016
Go ahead, soak up some sun (but don’t burn) – Holick July 2015 01 Aug, 2015
Hypothesis: Extensive burns reduce vitamin D, which increase bone loss – Nov 2012 31 May, 2015
Burned skin produces only about 25 percent as much vitamin D – March 2012 31 May, 2015
92 percent of Burn patients had low vitamin D, 600 IU did not help – Aug 2014 03 Feb, 2015
Quarterly vitamin D injections 2 years after burns did not help bones – March 2015 01 Feb, 2015
People with old burns improved muscle strength with 2200 IU average vitamin D – RCT Sept 2014 20 Dec, 2014

VitaminDWiki category: Topical Vitamin D contains

Topical is one of the many ways of increasing the vitamin D in your body
Topical is 2X to 50X more expensive than oral form
Topical is great for those who not want to swallow pillls nor fortifiy their food/drink with Vitamin D
Topical is one of the many gut-friendly forms of vitamin D (good bioavailability for those with poor guts
Topical is especially good form to apply directly to skin problems:
    - i.e. Psoriasis  Warts  Burns  Acne  Eczema  Wounds  (lasts about a day)
    The skin, like most tissues of the body, can fully-activate Vitamin D locally - no liver nor kidney needed.
Provides perhaps 100X higher concentration of Vitamin D to that portion than if same dose were taken orally
There were 98 topical Vitamin D products on Amazon Sept 2024 Creams, oils, patches, nanoemulsions, etc.
   I prefer Nutrasal nanoemulsion form
Suspect that topical Vitamin D is best absorbed where the skin gets Vitamin D naturally
- - - face and hands vs the back or the inside of arms
Nanoemulsions can also be applied topically under the tongue and inhaled

See also VitaminDWiki

See also BURNS in Google Scholar (53,000 as of Dec 2021)

  • Role of vitamin D in treatment of keloid - March 2021
  • Role of topical cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) in the management of electric burns Oct 2020 FREE PDF
  • A Review of Vitamin D and Scarring: The Potential for New Therapeutics. -Jul 2020, DOI: 10.36849/jdd.2020.4986
4197 visitors, last modified 26 Apr, 2022,
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