COVID-19 is strongly associated with low vitamin D

Page started April 5, 2020

COVID-19 and High Risk for low Vitamin D


  • *From the DOCX file at the bottom of this page Link

Example of studies relating increased disase risk to poor vitamin D Genes

VitaminDWiki has several Gene categories

Aware of only a single study (Chinese) observing at COVID-19 association with low vitamin D
A retrospective study could be made of Vitamin D from COVID-19 patient blood draws

High Risk category in VitaminDWiki start with:

67 items in High Risk Category

Those at high-risk of being Vitamin D deficient will require about 1.5X more vitamin D to restore their levels
Those who are at risk due to being obese need about 2X more vitamin D to restore their levels

see also
  Overview Dark Skin
  Overview Seniors
  Overview Obesity
  Overview Pregnancy
  Overview Deficiency
   Shut-in category which has 39 items
   Middle East category which has 154 items

22 VitaminDWiki pages had CLOTH in the title as of July 2022
16+ VitaminDWiki pages with SHIFTWORK etc in the title
10 Groups Are More Prone To Vitamin D Deficiency - 2017 - additions include: >age 55, IBD, Vegans, Depression, Headaches

12918 visitors, last modified 05 Apr, 2020,
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