Magnesium supplement types – Mercola Sept 2015

"Up to 80% of Americans are Not Getting Enough of this Essential Nutrient. Where Do You Stand?"*

Article includes the following table

Magnesium supplementCharacteristics
Magnesium glycinateA chelated form of magnesium that tends to provide effective levels of absorption and bioavailability.
Magnesium oxideA non-chelated form of magnesium bound to an organic acid or fatty acid. Contains up to 60% elemental magnesium and has stool-softening properties.
Magnesium chloride/ Magnesium lactateContains only about 12% elemental magnesium but tends to have better absorption capabilities than magnesium oxide which has 5 times the magnesium.
Henry Lahore, Admin of VitaminDWiki takes MgCl - both orally and topically
Magnesium sulfate/ Magnesium hydroxideThese are typically used as laxatives. Milk of Magnesia is an example of this type of magnesium. Since magnesium hydroxide can have up to 42% elemental magnesium, caution is required here not to take too much.
Magnesium carbonateThis form of magnesium has antacid properties and can contain from 29-45% elemental magnesium.
Magnesium taurateThis contains a combination of magnesium and taurine (an amino acid) that together may provide a calming effect on the body and mind.
Magnesium citrateThis is a form of magnesium with citric acid which has laxative properties. This can contain up to 16% elemental magnesium.
Magnesium threonateThis newer, emerging type of magnesium supplement has shown great promise in absorption, as well as potential tissue and cell membrane penetration
Mercola recommends and sells threonate.

See also VitaminDWiki

The TOP articles in Magnesium and Vitamin D are listed here:

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