Hospital utilization Australia (NSW) 1415 Vaccinated, 0 unvaccinated - Dec 2022


This caused such an uproar that they had to deal with the problem.
Starting Dec 31, 2022 they no longer report on the vaccination status of people in the hospital.

Excess deaths - 5 possible reasons - many studies

Includes > 100 items, such items as

  • 17 million Excess deaths after COVID vaccination - Sept 2023
  • Excess deaths being noticed by Life Insurance Companies - USA Today Aug 2023
  • US Deaths - following chart


VitaminDwiki COVID infections and vaccinations decrease Vitamin D – many studies


Vaccination and/or Infection

Hypothesis: The body consumes Vitamin D each time the immune system is activated
The "GREEN" person started with a high level of Vitamin D
This assumes no vitamin D supplementation by supplements, sun, etc.

1375 visitors, last modified 15 Jan, 2024,
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