During pregnancy the levels of Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Calcium drop – Nov 2022

Vitamin and mineral levels during pregnancy

Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) 2022 Nov 25;S0104-42302022005012212. doi: 10.1590/1806-9282.20220769
Kemal Hansu 1 , Ismail Gurkan Cikim 2

Objective: Numerous physiological changes occur during pregnancy, which affect both the mother and the fetus. The objective of this study was to evaluate the magnesium, calcium, phosphate, parathormone (PTH), and vitamin D levels in each trimester of pregnancy.

Methods: In this study, 30 pregnant women in the first trimester, 30 pregnant women in the second trimester, 30 pregnant women in the third trimester, and 30 healthy, non-pregnant women (control) in the same age group were included. The serum magnesium, calcium, phosphate, PTH, and vitamin D levels were measured in all the participants.

Results: No statistically significant difference was found in the PTH and phosphate levels within the groups.
In contrast, a significant difference was found in the vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium levels (p<0.001 for all).
By analyzing the differences between the groups, the vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium levels were found to decrease with increase in the gestational weeks.

Conclusion: For maintaining a healthy pregnancy and fetus, we recommend vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium levels to be included in routine follow-ups for each trimester and supplemented in case of deficiency.
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11 studies in both categories Pregnancy and Magnesium

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5 studies in both categories Pregnancy and Calcium

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VitaminDWiki - During pregnancy less Vitamin D due to increased Vitamin D binding Protein – May 2020

10 studies in both categories Pregnancy and Vitamin D Binding Protein

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