Widespread regular sunscreen application deemed not useful in the US – April 2018

British Journal of Dermatology, DOI10.1111/bjd.16682
William Burgess Grant

The recent paper on preventing melanoma by increasing regular application of sunscreen by Olsen et al. is an interesting academic study, but not fully relevant to the U.S. since the beneficial effect of sunscreen use on melanoma risk comes from one clinical trial in Australia which has the highest known melanoma rates due to very high UV doses in fair‐skinned people who evolved at high northern latitudes.
Many Americans have dark skin pigmentation, well adapted for American UV doses.
In addition, though sporadic exposure increases melanoma risk, regular occupational UV exposure can reduce it, for reasons likely including tanning, thickening of the stratum corneum, and increased vitamin D production.

 Download the PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDWiki

Dr. Grant’s book "Embrace the Sun" was printed in June 2018

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