
Introduction to Iodine

32 items in Iodine category

See also Vitamin D and Iodine are similar, and both are deficient and important to health

$25 billion reduced health care cost due to Iodine fortification in Iran - 2024

The economic cost of iodine deficiency
After more than 30 years with improved iodine nutrition, the article estimates that Iranian children have collectively

  • gained approximately 90 million IQ points.
  • 30 million cases of goitre and thousands of thyroid surgeries have been prevented,
  • with an approximate savings of more than $25 billion in health care expenditure.

Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)


4 books on the importance of Iodine to health

Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It - 2014
The Iodine Crisis: What You Don't know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life - 2018
Healing With Iodine: Your Missing Link To Better Health - Sircus 2018
Iodine: Why more is better - 2022 Free Amazon kindle unlimited

32 Iodine articles in VitaminDWiki

See also web

Iodine associated categories: Omega-3 9, Magnesium 7, Zinc 7, Iron 7, Vitamin K 6, Vitamin B12 6, Supplement 5, Boron 5, Pregnancy 5, Vitamin A 4, Resveratrol ,3 Curcumin 3, Vitamin C 3, etc

Thyroid and parathyroid 3 Cost savings 2 Cognitive 2 Fortification 2 Calcium 2 Cancer - Breast 2 Obesity 2 Vitamin D Receptor 2   March 2024

21259 visitors, last modified 29 Aug, 2024,
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