Hypothyroidism risk reduced 32 percent in those getting vitamin D levels above 50 ng – Oct 2017

Physiological serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with improved thyroid function — observations from a community-based program

Endocrine, pp 1–11, Online: 24 October 2017
Naghmeh Mirhosseini, Ludovic Brunel, Giovanna Muscogiuri, Samantha Kimbal

Reduction in Thyroid Symptoms in 3367 people achieving >50 ng level of Vitamin D


Even more reduction in people achieving >80 ng


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Purpose: Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid disease. Our aim was to investigate the influence of vitamin D supplementation on thyroid function and anti-thyroid antibody levels.

Methods: We constructed a database that included 11,017 participants in a health and wellness program that provided vitamin D supplementation to target physiological serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations (>100 nmol/L). Participant measures were compared between entry to the program (baseline) and follow-up (12 ± 3 months later) using an intent-to-treat analysis. Further, a nested case-control design was utilized to examine differences in thyroid function over 1 year in hypothyroid individuals and euthyroid controls.

Results: More than 72% of participants achieved serum 25(OH)D concentrations >100 nmol/L at follow-up, with 20% above 125 nmol/L.
Hypothyroidism was detected in

  • 2% (23% including subclinical hypothyroidism) of participants at baseline and
  • 0.4% (or 6% with subclinical) at follow-up.

Serum 25(OH)D concentrations ≥125 nmol/L were associated with a

  • 30% reduced risk of hypothyroidism and a
  • 32% reduced risk of elevated anti-thyroid antibodies.

Hypothyroid cases were found to have higher mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations at follow-up, which was a significant positive predictor of improved thyroid function.

Conclusion: The results of the current study suggest that optimal thyroid function might require serum 25(OH)D concentrations above 125 nmol/L. Vitamin D supplementation may offer a safe and economical approach to improve thyroid function and may provide protection from developing thyroid disease

Clipped from PDF
  • 11,000 Canadians, Mean age was 48
  • "In Canada, one in ten suffer from a thyroid disorder, half of them undiagnosed”
  • “The present analysis utilized a large database of participants in a wellness program receiving vitamin D supplementation, with average doses of 6000 IU/d” (for 1 year)
  • “Approximately 2% of participants in this health and wellness program were found to be hypothyroid at program entry, with an additional 22% classified as subclinical hypothyroid.”
  • “ . . 15.8% of participants that reported thyroid medication use”
  • “ . . hypothyroid individuals were three times more likely (27%) and subclinical hypothyroidism nearly twice as likely (17%) to be vitamin D-deficient than euthyroid individuals (10%)”
  • “Most intriguing was the finding that subclinical hypothyroidism was reduced by 72% at follow-up.”

Chart of results by Grassrootshealth (GRH also sells TSH home test kit)


See also VitaminDWiki

6 Intervention Thyroid studies

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