Concealing clothing resulted in only 8 ng vitamin D – Feb 2011

Risk factors for vitamin D deficiency in women aged 20-50 years consulting in general practice: a cross-sectional study.

Eur J Gen Pract. 2011 Feb 25.
Le Goaziou MF, Contardo G, Dupraz C, Martin A, Laville M, Schott-Pethelaz AM.
Department of General Practice, University Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France.

Objective: Vitamin D deficiency is often unidentified, although treatment is simple and inexpensive. Our objective was to estimate the influence of concealing clothes and other risk factors for vitamin D deficiency in women aged 20 to 50 years consulting general practitioners.

Methods: 13 GPs in the Rhone Alps area planned to recruit 300 women (100 veiled and 200 non-veiled) from January to March 2008. Serum 25(OH)D and PTH were measured in one single laboratory (Biomnis(®)) by a radio-immunoassay method. A survey was administered about dietary habits, sun exposure, and quality of life.

Results: Among 247 women enrolled, 196 were analysed: 61 wearing concealing clothes (31.2%) and 135 without (68.8%). As expected, 25(OH)D serum level was significantly lower in covered women (20.1 versus 38.9 nmol/l P < 0.001). Of women who did not wear concealing clothing, 39.3% had severe hypovitaminosis D (25(OH)D concentration < 30 nmol/l). Women wearing concealing clothes had more often other known risk factors such as dark skin (P < 0.001), less sunlight exposure, or a higher Body Mass Index (P = 0.009).

Besides concealing clothing (OR 6.37, 95% CI: 1.35-30.09), multivariate analyses revealed two independent risk factors for vitamin D deficiency: no full-body sun exposure (OR: 3.06, 95% CI: 1.18-7.94) and no outdoor sports (OR: 2.81, 95% CI: 1.11-7.12) for threshold 52 nmol/l.

Conclusion: Young women consulting their GP had hypovitaminosis D more often than expected. Besides concealing clothing, absence of full body sun exposure during summer and of outdoor sports practice could suggest a possible vitamin D deficiency. PMID: 21348788

Average vitamin D with concealing clothing = 8 ng, vs 16 ng
6X more likely to have less than 21 ng vitamin D with concealing clothing

See also VitaminDWiki


VitaminDWiki pages containing CLOTH in title (21 as of Dec 2021)

Items found: 22
Title Modified
More hijab clothing may have resulted in 6X increase in Multiple Sclerosis in Tehran – May 2013 23 Aug, 2023
Concealing Clothing in Canada: half the level of vitamin D in blood – May 2012 22 Apr, 2022
Saudi females twice as likely to be vitamin D deficient as males (cloth) – July 2015 27 Dec, 2021
Ultra-orthodox Jews also suffer from 10 ng vitamin D levels (cloth) – Nov 2010 10 Dec, 2021
Need 1 hour of noon sun to get Hijab women to 20 ng of Vitamin D (cloth) – June 2019 10 Dec, 2021
COVID-19 increased 3.5 X if Ultra-Orthodox (cloth) Sept, 2020 10 Dec, 2021
400 IU of vitamin D helped a few adults (Orthodox Jewish mothers - heavy clothing) – 2001 10 Dec, 2021
Jordanian women vitamin D – 16 ng if Western clothing – 12 ng otherwise – Aug 2011 07 Aug, 2021
Burka clothing reduces vitamin D levels, which causes pregnancy problems – Oct 2015 07 Aug, 2021
Ultra-Orthodox Jews have concealing clothing, high levels of COVID-19, and ultra low Vitamin D - Feb 2021 07 Aug, 2021
Concealing clothing resulted in only 8 ng vitamin D – Feb 2011 07 Aug, 2021
Concealing clothing often results in low vitamin D levels (Sikh children in this case) – Aug 2021 07 Aug, 2021
Concealing clothing worn by Christian Orthodox monks result in low vitamin D (9 ng) – Nov 2018 14 Nov, 2018
Weak bones (Osteopenia) in 93 percent of women in Pakistan attending University and wearing Islamic clothes – March 2017 18 Mar, 2017
Permethrin-dipped clothing kills Zika mosquitoes even after 10 washings – Oct 2016 09 Sep, 2016
3 primates have higher levels of vitamin D than clothed humans, level varies between individuals – April 2015 10 May, 2015
Iran Multiple Sclerosis review finds huge increase in women (no mention of clothing) – Nov 2013 10 Aug, 2014
If heavily clothed, very little vitamin D – Dec 2012 22 Mar, 2014
Breast Cancer patients wearing concealing clothing were 13X more likely to be vitamin D deficient – March 2014 14 Mar, 2014
Excessive clothes and being indoors results in very low vitamin D levels – Nov 2011 01 Dec, 2013
UPF = SPF for clothing 01 Feb, 2012
Skin color and clothing but not sunscreens reduce vitamin D – Oct 2010 16 Oct, 2010

See web

Hajab prevalence: Wikipedia
from Wikipedia Nov 2013

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