- Dr. Boz video, 7 minutes - with transcript - July 2024
- 40-150 ng of Vitamin D need to treat health problems
- VitaminDWiki – Health problems fought by 50,000 IU weekly:
- VitaminDWiki – Magnesium and Vitamin D contains
- VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium are synergistic - many studies
- VitaminDWiki - Omega-3 helps many health problems
- VitaminDWiki - Overview: Omega-3 many benefits include helping vitamin D
- VitaminDWiki – Overview Magnesium and vitamin D has a venn diagram
- VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell table show the importance of each
Dr. Boz video, 7 minutes - with transcript - July 2024
Last week a sales rep who's about my age was in my office and we were talking about how difficult it is to try and stay healthy she asked me well what do you take for supplements and I showed her on my desk I take this that and the other and she said oh my doctor checked that a couple years ago I'm fine and I said oh no no you should definitely be checking that several times a year to make sure it's as high as it should be so I pulled out testing kits we PR our fingers tested our labs and sent them in and the results were far from ideal we were both disappointed let's start with number three of my top three supplements and it is one of the ones that we checked this supplement is omega-3 when my friend and I checked this in our test it came back in the 5.7 range and it should be north of eight the only folks that I've ever seen keep it up north of eight in fact in the double digits were some of my sardine fans yes they ate sardines for a month and sure enough their number came back at above 13 so if you don't like to eat sardines every day Omega-3 is very valuable in the way it improves our longevity specifically looking at the heart health your eye health and your brain health keeping that Omega-3 High it is difficult when you first start taking foods that are high in Omega-3 you'll find a universal complaint that everybody burps them up and indeed if you've ever used sardines to try and raise your Omega-3 that happens the absorption of the Omega-3 is difficult and there are some things that you can do to improve it you could eat sardines for a week and your body would figure it out but most people don't tolerate that several of the supplements have reformulated the Omega-3 to be a triglyceride form you'll know it's the right form because they advertise it and they charge you for it it does take more expense to unwind that supplement from its natural form and put it back together in the more absorbable less Burpee way so a triglyceride form of Omega-3 is a valuable and potent way to raise your health score 95% of all Americans are deficient and unless you're in Japan or eating like people from Japan you're probably going to need to supplement or several of those cans of sardines but most importantly you should take this with other fats that does help the absorption even if it's not that triglyceride form so the second supplement is one that I actually didn't test in the blood test and I often don't test it in patients the importance of Magnesium is abundant from mental health to neuroplasticity to the synaptic function of your muscle cells in other words without it you get cramping and with it you get a better functioning of your muscle cells to the way you sleep uh the list is endless on how important Magnesium is and if you're going to place bets bet that you're deficient unless you're taking supplement months regularly of Magnesium almost everyone is deficient I can feel the deficiency sneak up every week in my life when I fast I take the supplements and I am trying to get ahead but I fast every week and when I get to that 48 hours to to 60 hours of fasting my body has diuresed it has removed excess fluid now this is a good thing for me at 52 years old but it also sweeps out a bunch of Magnesium so any excess that I had on board is probably in the toilet and this book by Dr James Nicol anonio is an excellent read but is a to when you look into his resources and the sites that really outline which form of Magnesium should you take I'm a big fan of the Magnesium L3 and 8 but it is the most expensive in preparation for this video we ordered several supplements and one of them was Magnesium 3 and8 in the gummy form now now this was not my idea but in the name of science I had a few it chopped my blood sugar up to 200 and the food craving was actually a little hard for me to resist so I ended up taking too many which then gave me diarrhea so my supplement ended up in the toilet take those Magnesium supplements regularly and if you want the ones that are slow on the gut easy on cost I use a slow Meg I usually take one of those on the days when I'm not fasting and two on the days when I'm fasting and the most important supplement that I take that I really work hard at elevating is vitamin d yeah vitamin d is not just a vitamin it's a hormone and when my friend and I sent in our results we were both woefully low we were in the mid-30s which may look like a normal level if you're looking at standard Labs but I aim for Peak brain performance I also know that if I get low on my vitamin d I tend to slump in energy in mood and sometimes get more illness than I like to admit the vitamin d that I strive for is 50 or above the reason I reach for that is I know that to repair any mental damage or to have that Peak brain performance 50 is the minimum viable product for the best functioning brain however I fall short frequently when I routinely take the supplement I do great but as I said earlier I'm not the best at doing that I also live in Florida now so I keep thinking I should be able to get this from the the sun in another effort to try and raise my vitamin d I invested in a vitamin d lamp but apparently the only way that works is if you sit in front of it so I am trying to sit in front of my vitamin d lamp for about 5 to six minutes at least three times a week yet my vitamin d was only 38 so I have room to improve when you add vitamin d to our cells that hormone goes into the cell and then into the nucleus and it helps the nucleus transcribe the proteins that that cell is meant to deliver to your body so the superpower of cells like astrocytes in your brain are because of the proteins that are transcribed out of the nucleus they are delivered to the brain and allow you to have that Peak brain performance that same application is applied to Heart cells and bone cells and immune cells every single cell in our body needs the help of vitamin d to deliver the transcription proteins require D for their superpower for their ability to help our body it's why a minimum level of 50 is the goal that's what it takes to keep the brain from sinking backwards I seek to keep my vitamin d from 50 to 80 just for maintenance but when I'm helping patients repair from a disease I want them pushing north of 70 there are folks that see it tip above a 100 and I just tell them they can slow down on the supplement the real best benefits appear to be somewhere between 50 and 100 and I hope you're doing a better job than I am at keeping it there the vitamin d the Omega-3 those are powerful Replacements but if you want to see my favorite way of increasing Magnesium and the experience of somebody seeing a float for the first time check out this next video it's part of that American tradiction documentary that we did a couple years ago I'll see you there
40-150 ng of Vitamin D need to treat health problems
Vitamin D | Treats | ||||
150 ng | Multiple Sclerosis * | ||||
80 ng | Cluster Headache * Reduced office visits by 4X * | ||||
70 ng | Sleep * | ||||
60 ng | Breast Cancer death reduced 60% Preeclampsia RCT | ||||
50 ng | COVID-19 T1 Diabetes Fertility Psoriasis Infections Review Infection after surgery | ||||
40 ng | Breast Cancer 65% lower risk Depression ACL recovery Hypertension Asthma? | ||||
30 ng | Rickets |
* Evolution of experiments with patients, often also need co-factors
VitaminDWiki – Health problems fought by 50,000 IU weekly:
ADHD, Anxiety, Asthma, Autism, Back Pain, BPH (prostate), Cancer - Breast, Cancer - Colon, Cancer - Prostate, Cardiovascular, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cognitive Decline, Colds, COVID, Depression, Diabetes, Endometriosis, Falls, Fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Hay Fever, Heart Failure, Hives, Hypertension – Pulmonary, Immune System, Infant, Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome, Influenza, Kidney Disease, Knee-Pain, Lupus, Migraine, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscles - women, Obesity, Pain - Chronic, Pain - Growing, PMS, Preeclampsia, Premature Birth, Respiratory Tract Infection, Schizophrenia, Sleep-Poor, Sleep Apnea, Smoking, Sports Performance, Stroke, Surgery, Tonsilitis, Tuberculosis, Ulcerative Colitis, Ulcers – Venous, Urinary Tract Infection click here for proof
VitaminDWiki – Magnesium and Vitamin D contains
- Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
- Longevity experts take Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium - Patrick video Sept 2023
- The ONE Supplement All Longevity Experts Are Taking (Magnesium) - video and transcript Dec 2023
- Magnesium deficiency – causes and symptoms – May 2016
- Magnesium Depletion Score predicts increased risk of various health problems
- Vitamins and Metals needed by the Immune System – Jan 2020
- Magnesium: intake decreased, difficult to measure in body – Sept 2018
- Magnesium deficiency estimated by just 6 Yes No questions - Dec 2019
- Magnesium fights diabetes (yet again)– meta-analysis Nov 2021
- Magnesium in Healthcare (Rickets, Stones, Pregnancy, Depression, etc.) with level of evidence – Sept 2017
- Magnesium is great for health, topical much faster than oral, MgCl2 is the best – 2019
- Magnesium is important for health but levels are low – July 2018
- How to get lots of Magnesium – especially needed for Coimbra MS and Autoimmune Protocol
- Magnesium etc. reduced in crops (must supplement) – 2009
Magnesium and Vitamin D
- Intracellular Magnesium and Vitamin D - a few studies
- Vitamin D and Magnesium need each other - many studies
- Why Vitamin D is Useless without This Critical Nutrient (Magnesium) - Jan 2019
- 500 mg of Magnesium for 8 weeks increased Vitamin D by 4 ng – July 2020
- Magnesium and Vitamin D - pre-colon cancer – RCT Dec 2018
- Magnesium is vital to Vitamin D in 4 places (maybe 8) – March 2018
- Magnesium and Vitamin D – recent deficiencies, needed, synergistic - good overview 2017
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell
- Magnesium and Vitamin D - similar, different and synergistic
12+ VitaminDWiki Magnesium pages have MANY STUDIES in the title
The list is automatically updated
VitaminDWiki – Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium are synergistic - many studies
VitaminDWiki - Omega-3 helps many health problems
CIlck here for details
VitaminDWiki - Overview: Omega-3 many benefits include helping vitamin D
(- Omega-3 reduces risk of COVID-19 - many studies
- Cardiovascular problems reduced by Omega-3 - many studies
- Omega-3 helps muscles - many studies
- Omega 3 increases vitamin D in the blood – many studies
- Omega-3 index - many studies
- Omega-6 blocks Omega-3 etc. -many studies
- Omega-6 increase may have increased the risk of many diseases - Jan 2022
- Preterm birth decreased by Omega-3, etc. - many studies
- Omega-3 reduces many psychiatric disorders – 2 reviews 2016
- ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
- Schizophrenia relapses reduced 3X by Omega-3 – RCT Mar 2015
- Typical pregnancy is now 39 weeks – Omega-3 and Vitamin D might restore it to full 40 weeks
- Omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy reduce early preterm births (save 1500 USD per child) – Aug 2016
- Infants getting 1 g of Omega-3 for 12 weeks got better brains – RCT March 2017
- Omega-3 conference and 12 publications – Nov 2014
- Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell by VitaminDWiki
- For every Omega-3 dollar there is a 84 dollar savings in Cardiovascular costs - Foster and Sullivan April 2016
- Overweight women on caloric restriction diet got 3X benefits from 8 weeks of Omega-3 – RCT Dec 2015
- 2.7 fewer days in hospital after surgery if had taken Omega-3 (19 RCT) – meta-analysis – June 2017
- Sepsis: 4 fewer days in ICU if add Omega-3 – meta-analysis of 12 RCT – June 2017
- Omega-7 - in addition to Omega-3
- Consuming more monounsaturated fat increased vitamin D – Aug 2011 has the following
WikiPedia Good (more vitamin D into bloodstream)= much more BLUE than Green
Almonds and macadamia nuts are examples of good foods to take with vitamin D
VitaminDWiki – Overview Magnesium and vitamin D has a venn diagram
Magnesium | not Magnesium | ||||
Vitamin D | Magnesium or Vitamin D Aging, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease; Asthma, Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Cancer, Cerebrovascular, Chronic Fatigue, Diabetes, Hearing Loss, Heart Disease, Heart Attack, Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular Disease, HIV, AIDS; Hypertension; Kidney Stones, Migraine Headache, Multiple Sclerosis, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Peripheral vascular disease; Pregnancy-related problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sports-related problems, | Vitamin D only Acne, Allergy, Autoimmune, Bone, Breathing, Celiac, Cognition, Colds and Flu, Cystic Fibrosis, Dental, Fertility, hyperparathyroid, Immunity, Kidney, Liver, Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Pain - chronic, Parkinson, Psoriasis, Rickets, Strokes, Sarcoidosis, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Tuberculosis, Vision, Hair, Skin, Sports | |||
Not Vitamin D | Magnesium only Aggressive Behavior, Alcoholism, Arrhythmia, Cerebral Palsy, Chemical Sensitivity, Cluster Headaches; Cocaine-related Stroke; Constipation, Cramps, Fluoride Toxicity, Head Injuries, Central Nervous System Injuries, Magnesium Deficiency; Menopause, Mitral Valve Prolapse, Nystagmus, Psychiatric Disorders; Repetitive Strain Injury, Sickle Cell Disease, SIDS, Stress, Stuttering, Tetanus; Tinnitus, Sound Sensitivity; TMJ; Toxic Shock; Violence | Neither ALL OTHER DISEASES |
VitaminDWiki - Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell table show the importance of each
Supplement | # of studies | Increase D to tissue | How Often | ||
Vitamin D | 986+ | Most people do not have enough anymore | N.A. | daily to 2 weeks | |
Magnesium | 375 | Many people need Mg Vit D consumes Mg Muscle pain, Afib | 30% | daily | |
Vitamin K | 158 | Hard bones, soft arteries | 115% | 2 days | |
Omega-3 | 411 | Synergistic with Vit D Independent of Vit D | 30? % | daily trying weekly | |
Calcium | 230 | Reduce or add Vit K | daily | ||
Zinc | 93 | immunity | 20 ?% if poor VDR | 7 day | |
Boron | 36 | plants and animals need B | +20% | 7 day | |
Resveratrol | 49 | antioxidant | >100% if poor VDR | Daily | |
Glutathione | 10+ | master antioxidant | Improves activation of 5 Vit D genes | 2 days |
Also Vitamin C 55 | Iodine 33 | Iron 72 | Vitamin B12 58 | Selenium 25 | Folate 31 |
4160 visitors, last modified 19 Oct, 2024, |