Vitamin D fortification is returning to Finland – now 400 IU per 100 gram of butter – Oct 2016

Successful nutrition policy: improvement of vitamin D intake and status in Finnish adults over the last decade

The European Journal of Public Health: 26 (5)
DOI: ckw154 First published online: 10 October 2016
Susanna Raulio, Iris Erlund, Satu Männistö, Sirpa Sarlio-Lähteenkorva, Jouko Sundvall, Heli Tapanainen, Erkki Vartiainen, Suvi M. Virtanen

See also VitaminDWiki

Chart by Wagner and Hollis,  downloaded from Grassroots April 2010 – also

  • Fortification with Vitamin D category listing has 135 items along with related searches
    • Note problem with Finland fortification – some people do not drink milk and/or use fat spreads

VitaminDWiki pages with FINLAND in title (16 as of Jan 2022)

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 23
Title Modified
Stillbirth rates dropped from 4.1% to 2.8% as Finland increased Vitamin D fortification – May 2022 28 Apr, 2024
Many T1 diabetics in Finland are self-treating with more than 1200 IU of Vitamin D daily – Feb 2024 08 Mar, 2024
Many T1 diabetics in Finland are self-treating with more than 1200 IU of Vitamin D daily – Feb 2024 08 Mar, 2024
Preterm birth rate increased in US but decreased in Finland (high Vitamin D) - Jan 2024 09 Feb, 2024
After years of adding vitamin D, Finland now has 38 ng levels - March 2022 14 Oct, 2023
Afib in Finland reduced 30% by Vitamin D (3200 IU) – RCT June 2023 09 Jul, 2023
Happiest country on earth has a high Vitamin D level (Finland, with little sun) – March 2022 27 Nov, 2022
95 percent of pregnant women in Finland took vitamin D – PHD Dissertation Dec 2019 04 Apr, 2022
Vitamin D levels in Finland increased 2000-2011 (supplementation and fortification) – May 2017 05 Jan, 2022
Less response to 800 IU of Vitamin D by Africans than natives in Finland – RCT March 2018 25 Dec, 2019
IBD in Finland – 3X increase in 15 years, more prevalent further from equator – Nov 2012 14 May, 2019
Vitamin D needed for 12 ng in winter in Finland – Whites 320 IU, Blacks 720 IU – July 2018 24 Jul, 2018
Spring sunshine in snowy Finland normalized Vitamin D levels to 36 nanograms – 2017 13 Mar, 2018
Type I Diabetes stopped increasing in Finland after Vitamin D levels were raised – July 2014 15 Oct, 2016
Improved health due to vitamin D fortification in Finland 15 Oct, 2016
Vitamin D fortification is returning to Finland – now 400 IU per 100 gram of butter – Oct 2016 15 Oct, 2016
Finland increased vitamin D - Nov 2010 26 Jul, 2014
Type 1 diabetes starting to decrease in Finland, they started Vitamin D fortification in 2003 – July 2013 26 Jul, 2014
Infants in France and Finland need 1000 IU of vitamin D, but apparently infants in US need only 400 - 2013 14 Jul, 2013
Finland hopes to double Vitamin D dose for elderly from 400 to 800 IU in 2012 – April 2010 12 Nov, 2012
Finland max 2000 IU vitamin D since cannot get more from food - 2011 03 Sep, 2012
Low vitamin D increased death rate 2X in Finland – Aug 2011 10 Feb, 2012
More likely to develop Prostate Cancer if have high level of vitamin D in Finland – Sept 2011 07 Sep, 2011

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Background: Due to vitamin D intake below recommendation (10 µg/day) and low (<50 nmol/l) serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D) concentration in Finnish population, the fortification of liquid dairy products with 0.5 µg vitamin D/100 g and fat spreads with 10 µg/100 g started in Finland in December 2002. In 2010, the fortification recommendation was doubled. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the vitamin D intake and status have improved among Finnish adults as a consequence of these nutrition policy actions. A further aim was to study the impact of vitamin supplement use to the total vitamin D intake.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted every 5 years. The National FINDIET Survey was conducted in Finland as part of the National FINRISK health monitoring study. Dietary data were collected by using a computer-assisted 48-h dietary recall. In 2002, dietary data comprised 2007, in 2007, 1575 and 2012, 1295 working aged (25–64 years) Finns.

Results: The mean D-vitamin intake increased from 5 µg/day to 17 µg/day in men and from 3 µg/day to 18 µg/day in women from 2002 to 2012. The most important food sources of vitamin D were milk products, fat spreads and fish dishes. The share of milk products was 39% among younger men and 38% among younger women, and 29% among older men and 28% among older women. Fat spreads covered on average 28% of vitamin D intake, except for younger men for which it covered 23%. Fish dishes provided 28% of vitamin D intake for older men and women, and approximately 18% for younger ones. In January–April 2012, the average serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH)D) concentration for men was 63 nmol/l for men and for women 67 nmol/l for women.

Conclusions: The fortification of commonly used foods with vitamin D and vitamin D supplementation seems to be an efficient way to increase the vitamin D intake and the vitamin D status in the adult population.

4797 visitors, last modified 05 Jan, 2022,
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