Off topic: Malaria recovery associated with having more immature red blood cells – Sept 2016

The New Science of Disease Recovery Atlantic

  • “They have divided the immune response into two basic categories: the traditional part, dubbed resistance, which fights the pathogen itself; and the less-studied part, called tolerance, which aims to curb or repair the damage . . . “
  • predict whether malaria-infected mice would live or die – based on % of immature red blood cells
  • “In the lab, about 20 percent of a genetically identical group of mice will die if infected with malaria.”
    VitaminDWiki notes that this is similar to the 20% of people who get symptoms after being bitten by mosquitoes carrying Zika, Dengue, etc,
  • “Children with the sickle-cell trait, who are more resilient to the infection, have ratios of red blood cells that mimic those of the resilient mice.”

Reticulocyte Wikipedia

  • “Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells,”
  • . . “0.5% to 2.5% in adults and 2% to 6% in infants”
  • “The number of reticulocytes is a good indicator of bone marrow activity. . . “

Test for Reticulocytes

Wonder if Vitamin D increases the body’s ability to repair damage of various diseases = Tolerance

See also VitaminDWiki

Items in both categories of Bone Health and Dark Skin are listed below

3842 visitors, last modified 11 Oct, 2016,
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