Vitamin D and Breast Cancer: Are they married or just acquaintances? MD Prevent Blog post
With recent headlines like Vitamin D Enhances Breast Cancer Survival, a woman could hardly be faulted for running out and stacking up on Vitamin D pills. The meta-analysis study (a compilation of studies) upon which this headline and similar ones are based, was published in Anticancer Research and showed that the higher the Vitamin D level at the time of diagnosis, the better the prognosis. On the surface, this would suggest a cause and effect relationship. To the untrained eye, one might conclude that raising Vitamin D levels has some type of anti-cancer effect.
However, the evidence to date would suggest that this is not the case. First, even in this study, even women with very high levels of Vitamin D were still diagnosed with breast cancer. The higher levels of vitamin D simply meant average longer survival. So what do I think is going on?
I believe, and a recent study, which I will discuss in a moment, supports my tentative conclusion, that this is a matter of correlation between vitamin D levels and one's state of health.. As correlation does not imply causation, raising vitamin D levels artificially high with Vitamin D supplements will neither prevent cancer, as the first study clearly showed, nor improve its prognosis. Why?
In a study published in the Lancet, the British medical journal, titled, The effect of Vitamin D supplementation on skeletal, vascular, or cancer outcomes: a trial sequential meta analysis, the researchers compiled a representative group of Vitamin D studies and divided them into two groups. The first group included studies such as the breast cancer study above that showed consistently that higher levels of vitamin D correlated well with better health and disease outcomes. The second group of studies were double.blind randomized controlled studies that showed that Vitamin D supplementation versus placebo had little effect on overall health.
The authors of this study proffered what they believe to be the plausible explanation for the inconsistencies between the two groups of studies. They tentatively concluded that raising Vitamin D levels above a certain threshold of adequacy doesn't prevent disease; rather, disease lowers Vitamin D levels. as applied to the breast cancer study, this means that the women with the highest level of Vitamin D at the time of breast cancer diagnosis were healthier than those with lower Vitamin D levels and therefore had a better prognosis. The worse the breast cancer, the unhealthier the patient, the lower the Vitamin D level, the poorer the prognosis.
As with all studies, one can reach no conclusive decisions from either of these studies. They merely add to our knowledge. My take-away from these studies is that Vitamin D is essential to human health and having levels above 20 mcg is essential and some say above 30 mcg. is ideal.
The best way to get your Vitamin D remains 15 minutes of daily sun exposure to your torso/extremities. Alternatively, consuming food products with high concentration of Vitamin D like unsweetened Almond Milk and wild Alaskan Salmon are second, with Vitamin D pills coming in third. If you are taking pills because you absolutely can't do the first two then the recommended daily allowance (RDA) if you are below age 70 is 600 iu. and above age 70 it's 800 iu. That's not a typo. By the way, RDAs were developed to cover 97% of the population's needs.
Supplementing with levels above these numbers has not been shown to have any benefit so save your money. Again, this is what the current preponderance of evidence shows. I'll let you know if something changes. Some large population studies are underway with expected publication in 2016 and 2017 so stay tuned.
Author also has other blog posts
Is Faith In Dietary Supplements A New Religion? Feb 2014
New Study May Have Discovered Real Anti-Aging Approach Sept 2013 (telomeres)
The Longevity Paradox: Why Is Living to 100 Easier for Some People Than Living to 90 is For Most? Jan 2014 -clips follow
If you are reading this expecting me to provide you with such truths, let me apologize in advance. I have searched for them for the past three years by speaking to over 1,000 senior citizens, several over aged one-hundred, in reading over 50 books, 35,000 studies/abstracts and countless online articles, and I am sorry to say that I don't believe they exist.
To prove my point, let me share my own recently completed informal, admittedly unscientific, but revealing research project. The project involved accumulating all the stories about centenarians published online in 2013. Most of the stories were identified through a Google alert email for the keyword "longevity." After identifying over 50 stories, I searched each story for the centenarians' 'secret' or 'key' to longevity. I created a chart of the first 50 individuals I randomly came across that offered a revelation.
Here are the results.
The oldest centenarian was 114, with many having turned 100 just last year. 35 were women and 15 were men.
Here are the reasons (totaled for times cited with overlap so adds up to more than 50) they gave for their longevity:
18 attribute it to (hard) work and physical activity
10 attribute it to regular alcohol consumption
6 attribute it to strictly never drinking or smoking
14 attribute it to a good attitude towards life and/or to faith
1 to Anacin pills
1 to love of roller coasters
1 to good doctors
1 to cafe lattes (long before they became popular)
1 to marrying a man thirty years younger
1 to eating bacon
1 to eating Italian food
1 to eating junk food
1 credited cigarettes and 1 credited cigars (and yet, no lung cancer)
2 claimed no explanation
Rebuttal by VitaminDWiki on living longer (click on the images for more information)
Dose dependant effect of vitamin D on many dieasese - often with no threshold
Fewer Deaths (not just live longer) with Higher vitamin D
Mortality and vitamin D – great chart
Proof that Vitamin D Works includes the following Random Controlled Intervention Trials
Most proofs are not just a matter of living longer, but of actually Preventing or Treating the disease
Vitamin D prevents or treats 99 health problems
ADHD, Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis, ALS, Alzheimer's, Antibiotic Use in Seniors, Asthma, Autism, Autoimmune Diseases, Back pain, Blood Cell Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cholesterol, Chronic Hives, Chronic Kidney Disease, Cluster Headaches, Congestive Heart Failure (Infants), COPD, Crohn's Disease, C-Section and Pregnancy Risks, Cystic Fibrosis, Dengue Fever, Depression, Diabetes, Diabetic Neuropathy, Eczema, Epilepsy, Falls, Fatigue, Fatty Liver (Child), Fibromyalgia, Gestational Diabetes, Gingivitis, Growing Pains, Hay Fever, Heart Attack, Hemodialysis, Hepatitis-C, Hip Fractures, Hypertension, ICU survival, Influenza, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ischemic Stroke, Knee Osteoarthritis, Leg Ulcers, Long-COVID, Low Birth Weight, Lupus, Male Infertility, Menstrual Pain, Metabolic Syndrome, Middle Ear Infection (Infants), Mite Allergy, Multiple Sclerosis, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson's Disease, Perinatal Depression, Pneumonia (Ventilator-associated), Poor Sleep, PreDiabetes, Preeclampsia, Pre-term Birth, Prostate Cancer, Psoriasis, Quality of Life, Raynaud's Pain, Respiratory Tract Infection, Restless Leg Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rickets, Sarcopenia, Sepsis, Short Neonates, Sickle Cell, Stronger Senior Muscles, Survive ICU, TB, Tonsillitis, Trauma Death, Traumatic Brain Injury, Tuberculosis, Ulcerative Colitis, Urinary Tract Infection, Vaginosis, Vertigo, Warts, Weight Loss
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Click on underlined items for details
Health Problem | Treat Prevent | Reduction by Vit D | RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial * = link to additional RCT CT = Clinical Trial |
Hypertension | T P | 149 to 142 mm Hg HT risk reduced 10X | RCT* *, 2400 IU. 100,000 IU* When Vitamin D > 40 ng |
Cardiovascular after attack | T | 32 % fewer deaths | CT 1000 IU |
Diabetes Type 1 | P | 85 % | 12,000 kids, 2000 IU |
Diabetes Type 2 | T | 62 % | RCT* CRP reduction, 4000 IU Injection is far better - RCT * RCT 50,000 IU/2weeks + probiotics RCT 5,000 IU daily 6 months |
Back Pain | T | 95 % reduced 50% | 5000/10000 IU 60,000 IU weekly |
Influenza | P | 90 % | RCT *, 2000 IU |
Falls | P | 50% | RCT, 100,000 IU monthly RCT with Meals on Wheels 2016 |
Hip Fractures | P | 30 % | RCT * 800 IU |
Rickets | P | 98 % | Turkey, 400 IU NOT RCT, given to all children |
Raynaud's Syndrome | T | 40 % | RCT, visual scale, 20000 IU Avg |
Menstrual pain | P | 76 % | RCT, 7000 IU Avg, 70% reduction 2018 PMS reduced by half |
Pregnancy risks | P | 50 % | RCT, 4000 IU |
C-section, unplanned | P | 50 % | RCT, 4000 IU, small study |
Low birth weight | P | 60 % | RCT * 1000 IU of D2 |
TB | P | 60 % | RCT, 800 IU |
Breast Cancer | P | 60 % | RCT, 1100 IU (2007) |
Rheumatoid Arthritis pain | T | 40 % | RCT, 500 IU, added to prescription |
Cystic Fibrosis | T | 75 % 2nd study improved | RCT, pilot 4X fewer deaths 250,000 IU RCT, pilot 8,200 IU |
Chronic Kidney | T | 90 to 70 PTH | RCT, 3500 IU, |
Respiratory Tract Infection | P | 63 % | 3 RCT, 4000 IU 1 year 2nd 2000/800 IU 20,000 IU weekly |
Lupus | T T | zero flares Pain reduced | Loading then 100,000 IU monthly, RCT too RCT 4,000 IU |
Sickle Cell | T | Less pain | RCT, up to 100,000 IU/week |
Leg ulcer healing | T | 4X faster | RCT, 50,0000 IU/week, small study |
Traumatic Brain Injury | T | 2X | RCT, 20,0000 IU/day with progesterone |
Parkinson's Disease | T | Stabilized | RCT, 1200 IU/day |
Multiple Sclerosis | P T | 68% 95% were CURED | RCT, 7100 IU prevent pre-MS ==> MS 20,000 to 140,000 IU/day |
Congestive Heart Failure | T | 90 % | RCT, 1000 IU infants (also: Adults, not RCT) |
Middle Ear Infection | P | 30 % | RCT, 1000 IU infants |
Gingivitis | T | 88 % | RCT, 2000 IU |
Muscle in seniors | T | 17 % more muscle | RCT, 4000 IU |
Antibiotic use when >70y | T | 47 % | RCT, 60,000 IU monthly |
Infants taller | Benefit | 1 cm tall | RCT, 50,000 IU weekly, for 8 weeks while pregnant |
Gestational Diabetes | T | Reduced 3X | RCT, 2 doses of 50,000 IU |
After Heart Attack | T | +6% ejection fraction | RCT, 800,000 IU one time |
Prostate Cancer | T | Fewer +cores | RCT, 4000 IU (2012) |
Asthma | P T | Reduced symptoms | RCT, 60K IU/month; RCT 50K IU/week Need good D at 4 weeks into preg. |
Depression | T | Reduced | RCT 300,000 IU injection RCT 1500 IU helped Prozac RCT 50,000 IU weekly, elderly |
Low vitamin D while breastfed | P | All infants > 20 mg | RCT, 5,000 IU |
Fibromyalgia | T | Half of many still has Fibro | RCT, 30-48 ng RCT 50K IU/week |
Hives, Chronic | T | Reduced 40% | RCT, 4000 IU added |
Cholesterol | T | Reduced 4 mg | RCT, 400 IU + Ca |
Weight Loss | T | lost 5 more lbs | RCT, 2000 IU +diet +exercise |
Gestational Diabetes | P | 40% | RCT * , 5,000 IU |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | T | 17X improvement | CT, 50,000 IU weekly RCT 100,000 IU monthly |
Asthma | T | 1/2 Asthma attacks | RCT >42 mg of vitamin D |
Quality of Life (QoL) | T | Nursing Home QoL | CT, 4,000 IU in daily bread |
Death of Critically Ill Patients | T | 20% increase in survivability | RCT 540 K IU loading than 90K monthly |
Restless Leg Syndrome | T | Score 26 ==> 10 | CT, Vitamin D dose size not stated in abstract |
Hepatitis-C | T | Aided normal drugs | RCT 2.000 IU |
Crohn's disease | T | improved when > 30 ng 2nd study fewer relapses | RCT 2,000 IU 10,000 IU RCT |
Pre-term birth | P | 2.5X decrease, also: fewer c-section & better Apgar | RCT 2,000 IU India |
Cluster headaches | T | CH eliminated in 60% | 10,000 IU, Mg, Omega-3, etc |
Autism | T | 80% improved | CT 300 IU/kg/day for 3 months |
PreDiabetes | T | ~20% reduced | RCT 60,000 IU/month |
Weight loss: Overweight and Obese | T | 12 lbs in 6 months | RCT 100,000 IU/month |
Sarcopenia = muscle loss | T | 27% increase | RCT 1,000 IU |
Growing Pains | T | 60% decrease | ~100,000 IU/month -NOT RCT 2nd study, similar results |
Osteoarthritis pain | T | 60% decrease | 50,000 IU/weekly - NOT RCT |
ALS | T | helped | 2,000 IU - NOT RCT, given to all |
Vertigo | T | 3X reduction if raised > 10ng | 600,000 IU load, then maint. NOT RCT, given to all |
Warts | T | 80% eliminated injection | NOT RCT 60,000 IU/injection |
Metabolic Syndrome | P | reduced 44% when VitD increased by 30 ng | NOT RCT, given to all |
Hay fever | P | reduced 48% | RCT 1,000 IU for 30 days |
Preeclampsia | P | Recurrance cut in half 3 RCT 3.6 X less likely if > 30 ng | 50,000 IU every 2 weeks 4,000 IU daily |
Blood cell cancer Multiple Myeloma | T | Survival 90% vs 50% | 10,000 IU/week NOT RCT, given to all |
Irritable Bowel Syndrome | T | Reduced | 3,000 IU spray RCT |
Urinary Tract Infection | P | 50% reduction | RCT 20,000 IU weekly |
Mite Allergy | P | 5X reduction | RCT 2,000 IU preg, 800 IU child |
Perinatal depression (depression near birth) | T | 50% reduction | RCT 2,000 IU for just a few weeks |
Vaginosis | T | 10X reduction | RCT 2,000 IU |
Eczema | T | Reduced | 2 RCT 1,600 IU |
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | T | Reduced | RCT 20,000 IU weekly |
Knee Osteoartiritis | T | Pain Reduced | RCT 60,000 IU monthly after loading dose |
Tuberculosis | T | Faster Recovery | RCT single 450,000 IU dose |
Stroke - Ischemic | T | Faster Recovery | RCT single 600,000 IU injection RCT single 300,000 IU injection |
Sepsis | T | Reduce ICU and Hospital length of stay by 7 days each | RCT 400,000 IU |
Trauma deaths | T | 50% fewer deaths | Vitamin D & Glutamine NOT RCT, given to all |
Hemodialysis patients | T | helped | 50,000 IU weekly NOT RCT, given to all |
Fatty liver - child | T | 2 X reduction | RCT Vitamin D & DHA |
Fatigue | T | Reduced | 100,000 IU single dose NOT RCT, given to all |
Sleep Disorders | T | Nicely treated | RCT 50.000 IU bi-weekly |
Pneumonia (Ventilator-associated) | T | RCT Death rate cut in half | 300,000 IU injection |
Infertile males | T | birth rate doubled | RCT 300,000 IU + maint |
Waist size | T | Waist size reduced 3 cm | 100,000 IU loading + maint for 6 months for those with Metabolic Syndrome NOT RCT, given to all |
Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder | T | Reduced Reduced | RCT 3,000 IU for 12 weeks RCT 50,000 IU weekly |
Alcoholic liver cirrhosis | T | improved survival | 1,000 IU of vitamin D NOT RCT |
Diabetic nephropathy | T | Reduced HOMA-IR, FRS | RCT 50,000 IU weekly |
Ulcerative Colitis | T | Reduced 60% | RCT 50,000 IU nano daily for a week |
Obese weight loss | T | Lost 3X more pounds | $10 of Vitamin D added to calorie restriction & walking |
Endometriosis | T | Nicely treated | RCT 50.000 IU bi-weekly |
Diabetic Wounds | T | 4X more likely to heal | RCT 6,400 daily |
Alzheimer's | T | Often reverse | Each person gets a different amount of Vit D, Omega-3, B12, Iron, etc |
Autoimmune | P | Decrease 30% | RCT Vit D + Omega-3 |
Smoking | T | reduce problems | RCT 50,000 bi-weekly |
Tonsillitis | T | Virtually eliminated | RCT 50,000 weekly |
Epilepsy | T | Helped 6 ways | NOT RCT, given to children & adults |
Dengue Fever | T P | ||
Psoriasis | T | cured | 30,000 to 60,000 IU |
ICU Survival | T | 2X longer | 500,000 IU |
Long-COVID | T | 60,000 IU weekly |
Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough
291 genes improved expression by 2000 IU of vitamin D – RCT March 2013 Vitamin D actually changes genes
Rebuttal by VitaminDWiki on living longer
- being outdoors and getting vitamin D helps a lot
- Many Italian seniors garden, have high levels of vitamin D and are healthy - April 2012
- Why do gardeners live longer (vitamin D, etc.)
- Note that Gardening is in 2 of the 3 groups in the Blue Zones
Loma Linda, the exception. does not include gardening, but strongly encourages at least 20 minutes of sunshine daily