
Question – I have a health problem associated with low vitamin D – should I take Vitamin D

Answer: YES

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The body consumes vitamin D while trying to restore your health

Vitamin D MAY be able to treat your problem, but having a healthy level of vitamin D WILL increase the probability of your being healthy.

Restoring your vitamin D levels WILL decrease the chance of getting many of those health probems and MAY treat your disease.

Incidence of 22 health problems related to vitamin D have doubled in a decade
Treatment by Vitamin D category listing
Intervention category listing
Vitamin D also TREATS
Meta-analysis of Vitamin D summaries of studies and Vitamin D and specific diseases
Overview Loading of vitamin D
Diseases that may be related via low vitamin D which contains the following chart and list
see wikipage: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=1817
91+ Disease associations:   Disease 1 ==> Disease 2 (both associated with low vitamin D

Proof that Vitamin D Works has the following summary
Vitamin D prevents or treats 99 health problems

ADHD,  Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis,  ALS,  Alzheimer's,  Antibiotic Use in Seniors,  Asthma,  Autism,  Autoimmune Diseases,   Back pain,  Blood Cell Cancer,   Breast Cancer,   Cardiovascular,  Cholesterol,  Chronic Hives,  Chronic Kidney Disease,  Cluster Headaches,  Congestive Heart Failure (Infants),  COPD,  Crohn's Disease,  C-Section and Pregnancy Risks,  Cystic Fibrosis,   Dengue Fever,  Depression,   Diabetes,  Diabetic Neuropathy,  Eczema,  Epilepsy,   Falls,  Fatigue,  Fatty Liver (Child),  Fibromyalgia,  Gestational Diabetes,  Gingivitis,  Growing Pains,  Hay Fever,  Heart Attack,  Hemodialysis,  Hepatitis-C,   Hip Fractures,  Hypertension,  ICU survival,  Influenza,  Irritable Bowel Syndrome,  Ischemic Stroke,  Knee Osteoarthritis,  Leg Ulcers,  Long-COVID,   Low Birth Weight,  Lupus,  Male Infertility,   Menstrual Pain,  Metabolic Syndrome,  Middle Ear Infection (Infants),  Mite Allergy,  Multiple Sclerosis,  Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease,  Osteoarthritis,  Parkinson's Disease,  Perinatal Depression,  Pneumonia (Ventilator-associated),  Poor Sleep,  PreDiabetes,  Preeclampsia,  Pre-term Birth,  Prostate Cancer, Psoriasis,  Quality of Life,   Raynaud's Pain,   Respiratory Tract Infection,  Restless Leg Syndrome,   Rheumatoid Arthritis,   Rickets,  Sarcopenia,  Sepsis,  Short Neonates,  Sickle Cell,  Stronger Senior Muscles,  Survive ICU,  TB,  Tonsillitis,  Trauma Death,  Traumatic Brain Injury,  Tuberculosis,  Ulcerative Colitis,  Urinary Tract Infection,  Vaginosis,  Vertigo,  Warts,  Weight Loss

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Click on underlined items for details

Health Problem Treat
Reduction by Vit DRCT = Randomized Controlled Trial
   * = link to additional RCT
CT = Clinical Trial
HypertensionT P 149 to 142 mm Hg
HT risk reduced 10X
RCT*  *, 2400 IU.  100,000 IU*
When Vitamin D > 40 ng
Cardiovascular after attack T 32 % fewer deaths CT 1000 IU
Diabetes Type 1 P 85 % 12,000 kids, 2000 IU
Diabetes Type 2T 62 % RCT* CRP reduction, 4000 IU
Injection is far better - RCT *
RCT 50,000 IU/2weeks + probiotics
RCT 5,000 IU daily 6 months
Back Pain T 95 %
reduced 50%
5000/10000 IU
60,000 IU weekly
Influenza P 90 % RCT *, 2000 IU
Falls P 50%RCT, 100,000 IU monthly
RCT with Meals on Wheels 2016
Hip Fractures P 30 % RCT * 800 IU
Rickets P 98 % Turkey, 400 IU
NOT RCT, given to all children
Raynaud's Syndrome T 40 % RCT, visual scale, 20000 IU Avg
Menstrual pain P 76 % RCT, 7000 IU Avg,
70% reduction 2018
PMS reduced by half
Pregnancy risks P 50 % RCT, 4000 IU
C-section, unplanned P 50 % RCT, 4000 IU, small study
Low birth weight P 60 % RCT * 1000 IU of D2
TBP 60 % RCT, 800 IU
Breast Cancer P 60 % RCT, 1100 IU (2007)
Rheumatoid Arthritis pain T 40 % RCT, 500 IU, added to prescription
Cystic Fibrosis T 75 %
2nd study improved
RCT, pilot 4X fewer deaths 250,000 IU
RCT, pilot 8,200 IU
Chronic Kidney T 90 to 70 PTH RCT, 3500 IU,
Respiratory Tract Infection P 63 % 3 RCT, 4000 IU 1 year 2nd 2000/800 IU
20,000 IU weekly
Lupus T
zero flares
Pain reduced
Loading then 100,000 IU monthly,
RCT too
RCT 4,000 IU
Sickle Cell T Less pain
RCT, up to 100,000 IU/week
Leg ulcer healing T 4X faster RCT, 50,0000 IU/week, small study
Traumatic Brain Injury T 2X RCT, 20,0000 IU/day with progesterone
Parkinson's DiseaseT StabilizedRCT, 1200 IU/day
Multiple SclerosisP
95% were CURED
RCT, 7100 IU prevent pre-MS ==> MS
20,000 to 140,000 IU/day
Congestive Heart Failure T 90 % RCT, 1000 IU infants (also: Adults, not RCT)
Middle Ear Infection P 30 % RCT, 1000 IU infants
GingivitisT 88 %RCT, 2000 IU
Muscle in seniors T 17 % more muscle RCT, 4000 IU
Antibiotic use when >70y T 47 % RCT, 60,000 IU monthly
Infants tallerBenefit1 cm tall RCT, 50,000 IU weekly,
for 8 weeks while pregnant
Gestational Diabetes T Reduced 3X RCT, 2 doses of 50,000 IU
After Heart Attack T +6% ejection fraction RCT, 800,000 IU one time
Prostate Cancer T Fewer +cores RCT, 4000 IU (2012)
Asthma P   T Reduced symptoms RCT, 60K IU/month;
RCT 50K IU/week
Need good D at 4 weeks into preg.
Depression T Reduced RCT 300,000 IU injection
RCT 1500 IU helped Prozac
RCT 50,000 IU weekly, elderly
Low vitamin D
while breastfed
P All infants > 20 mg RCT, 5,000 IU
Fibromyalgia T Half of many still has FibroRCT, 30-48 ng
RCT 50K IU/week
Hives, Chronic T Reduced 40% RCT, 4000 IU added
CholesterolT Reduced 4 mg RCT, 400 IU + Ca
Weight Loss T lost 5 more lbs RCT, 2000 IU +diet +exercise
Gestational DiabetesP 40% RCT * , 5,000 IU
Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease
T 17X improvement CT, 50,000 IU weekly
RCT 100,000 IU monthly
Asthma T 1/2 Asthma attacks RCT >42 mg of vitamin D
Quality of Life (QoL) T Nursing Home QoL CT, 4,000 IU in daily bread
Death of Critically Ill
T 20% increase in survivability RCT 540 K IU loading than 90K monthly
Restless Leg Syndrome T Score 26 ==> 10 CT, Vitamin D dose size
not stated in abstract
Hepatitis-C T Aided normal drugs RCT 2.000 IU
Crohn's disease T improved when > 30 ng
2nd study fewer relapses
RCT 2,000 IU
10,000 IU RCT
Pre-term birth P 2.5X decrease, also: fewer
c-section & better Apgar
RCT 2,000 IU India
Cluster headaches T CH eliminated in 60% 10,000 IU, Mg, Omega-3, etc
Autism T 80% improved CT 300 IU/kg/day for 3 months
PreDiabetes T ~20% reduced RCT 60,000 IU/month
Weight loss:
Overweight and Obese
T 12 lbs in 6 months RCT 100,000 IU/month
Sarcopenia = muscle loss T 27% increase RCT 1,000 IU
Growing Pains T 60% decrease ~100,000 IU/month -NOT RCT
2nd study, similar results
Osteoarthritis pain T 60% decrease 50,000 IU/weekly - NOT RCT
ALS T helped 2,000 IU - NOT RCT, given to all
Vertigo T 3X reduction if raised > 10ng 600,000 IU load, then maint.
NOT RCT, given to all
Warts T 80% eliminated injection NOT RCT
60,000 IU/injection
Metabolic Syndrome P reduced 44% when VitD
increased by 30 ng
NOT RCT, given to all
Hay fever P reduced 48% RCT   1,000 IU for 30 days
Preeclampsia P Recurrance cut in half
3 RCT 3.6 X less likely if > 30 ng
50,000 IU every 2 weeks
4,000 IU daily
Blood cell cancer
Multiple Myeloma
T Survival 90% vs 50%10,000 IU/week
NOT RCT, given to all
Irritable Bowel Syndrome T Reduced3,000 IU spray RCT
Urinary Tract Infection P 50% reduction RCT 20,000 IU weekly
Mite Allergy P 5X reductionRCT 2,000 IU preg, 800 IU child
Perinatal depression
(depression near birth)
T 50% reduction RCT 2,000 IU for just a few weeks
Vaginosis T 10X reductionRCT 2,000 IU
Eczema T Reduced2 RCT 1,600 IU
Fatty Liver Disease
T Reduced RCT 20,000 IU weekly
Knee Osteoartiritis T Pain Reduced RCT 60,000 IU monthly after loading dose
Tuberculosis T Faster Recovery RCT single 450,000 IU dose
Stroke - Ischemic T Faster Recovery RCT single 600,000 IU injection
RCT single 300,000 IU injection
Sepsis T Reduce ICU and Hospital
length of stay by 7 days each
RCT 400,000 IU
Trauma deaths T 50% fewer deaths Vitamin D & Glutamine
NOT RCT, given to all
Hemodialysis patients T helped 50,000 IU weekly NOT RCT, given to all
Fatty liver - child T 2 X reduction RCT  Vitamin D & DHA
Fatigue T Reduced 100,000 IU single dose
NOT RCT, given to all
Sleep Disorders T Nicely treated RCT  50.000 IU bi-weekly
T RCT   Death rate cut in half300,000 IU injection
Infertile males T birth rate doubled RCT   300,000 IU + maint
Waist size T Waist size reduced 3 cm 100,000 IU loading + maint for 6 months
for those with Metabolic Syndrome
NOT RCT, given to all
Attention Deficient
Hyperactivity Disorder
T Reduced
RCT  3,000 IU for 12 weeks
RCT  50,000 IU weekly
Alcoholic liver cirrhosis T improved survival1,000 IU of vitamin D NOT RCT
Diabetic nephropathy T Reduced HOMA-IR, FRS RCT 50,000 IU weekly
Ulcerative Colitis T Reduced 60% RCT 50,000 IU nano daily for a week
Obese weight loss T Lost 3X more pounds $10 of Vitamin D added to
  calorie restriction & walking
Endometriosis T Nicely treated RCT  50.000 IU bi-weekly
Diabetic Wounds T 4X more likely to heal RCT  6,400 daily
Alzheimer's T Often reverseEach person gets a different amount of
Vit D, Omega-3, B12, Iron, etc
Autoimmune P Decrease 30% RCT  Vit D + Omega-3
Smoking T reduce problems RCT  50,000 bi-weekly
Tonsillitis T Virtually eliminated RCT  50,000 weekly
Epilepsy T Helped 6 waysNOT RCT, given to children & adults
Dengue FeverT P
PsoriasisT cured30,000 to 60,000 IU
ICU SurvivalT 2X longer 500,000 IU
Long-COVIDT 60,000 IU weekly

Low cost cofactors for vitamin D Cofactors are also important here is a summary

Cofactor How Much Benefit Bone
teeth, nails
CommentsActual supplementation
by admin of VitaminDWiki
per day
Calcium <750mg Yes Is excess calcium harmful to health - 2010 0* = None: get from healthy food 0 ¢
Magnesium 100mg (element) YesMay increase response to Vitamin D by 30%
Many other health benefits as well
1/2 teaspoon of Magnesium Chloride ever 3 days
Make it by adding hot water to bulk MgCl (1 to 1)
also use topically on both knees nightly
~2 ¢
Vitamin K2>100 ug Yes perhaps 100 ug/1000 IU of vitamin D Super K - all three forms in 1 capsule20 ¢
Vitamin A ? maybeneed some, but too much is bad 0* 0
Boron 10 mg Yes may increase D3 in blood by 25% Daily in granola in the morning 1 ¢
Silica ? Yes Daily - Horsetail - buy in bulk
Include in morning cereal
1 ¢
Omega-31 g or
1 Vectomega tablet
By increasing
Vitamin D
helps health A LOT
May increase active D
1 Vectomega daily - VERY bioavailable75 ¢
Zinc ??Needed by Vitamin D Receptor
Thus results not seen in Vitamin D tests
take 30 mg tablet or liquid weekly3 ¢
Following are NOT cofactors
Poly fatsRatio of types of fat no Almonds have the best fat ratio
and they have Magnesium
daily mixed nuts5
Water 2.5 liters/quartsNoHelp flush kidneys of any excess Calcium
Perhaps only need this much
Water if >10,000 IU
>1 quart per day, filtered0
Iodine ?? microgramsNo many people are deficient recently
I am currently researching the topic
~600 micrograms once a week ~1¢
Sun How much time varies with
skin type, age, latitude,
clothing, stand/lie . .
YesProbably better than vitamin D supplements30 minutes sun-nap 80 days/year
UVB lamp in the winter
Vitamin D2,000-15,000Yes Proven to prevent/treat 76+ diseases 12,000 IU avg - Winter (50,000 every 4 days)
10,000 IU avg - Summer 50,000 every 5 days)

Is 50 ng of vitamin D too high, just right, or not enough

Reduce pain many cases, even if not treat/cure

Help the body heal itself

Some diseases are viscous – low D ==> disease ==> lowers the D level

As of March 2014 many diseases can be prevented by Vitamin D and a small subset of those can e treated by vitamin D. MS and psorasis are the only diseases which vitamin D appears (so far) to be able to cure. Expect many more diseases will be cured as the dosage levels are increases.