Ultraviolet light (which produces vitamin D) decreased the use of psoriasis drugs for a year – Aug 2017

Narrowband UVB treatment is highly effective and causes a strong reduction in the use of steroid and other creams in psoriasis patients in clinical practice.

PLoS One. 2017 Aug 3;12(8):e0181813. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181813. eCollection 2017.
Foerster J1,2, Boswell K1, West J1, Cameron H1,2, Fleming C1,2, Ibbotson S1,2, Dawe R1,2.



  1. Vitamin D produced by UV lasts longer than that produced by supplements
    Thus, the one year of benefit is not much of a surprise
  2. Narrowband UVB appears better than UVB, which is better than UVA+UVB from tanning
  3. Topical vitamin D is also very good for many skin problems, such as psoriasis
    The founder has found that a few montly drops of vitamin D keeps the knée psoriasis away

See also VitaminDWiki

Pages listed in BOTH Psoriasis AND UV

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

Narrowband NB-UVB phototherapy (NB-UVB) is an effective treatment for psoriasis, as demonstrated by clinical trials. However, due to required infrastructure and need for treatment attendance opinions on the value of offering this treatment in routine practice vary. AIMS: To provide high quality large-scale and long-term data on the efficacy of NB-UVB for psoriasis under real-world conditions in order to assist in management decisions.

The following resources were employed: (1) complete and prospectively recorded prescription drug records for a population of 420,000 marked by low demographic mobility, (2) prospectively recorded clinical treatment outcomes for all NB-UVB treatment episodes occurring in the local population; (3) complete dermatology electronic treatment records of all psoriasis patients, allowing cross-validation of diagnoses and treatment records. Using these data sets, we analysed all first-ever initial NB-UVB treatment episodes occurring over 79 months (n = 1749) for both clinical outcomes and the effect of NB-UVB on the use of topical treatments for psoriasis.

Around 75% of patients both achieved a status of "clear/minimal disease" and used fewer topical treatments. NB-UVB treatment led to a strong reduction for both steroid creams (25%) and psoriasis-specific topicals, e.g. vitamin-D products (30%) during the 12-month period following NB-UVB treatment. The effects measured were specific as no effect of NB-UVB was noted on drug prescriptions unrelated to psoriasis. Results were independent of individuals administering and/or scoring treatment, as they were highly similar between four geographically separate locations.

NB-UVB treatment is highly effective and leads to a remarkable reduction in the need for topical cream treatments for a period of at least 12 months.

PMID: 28771503 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0181813

4846 visitors, last modified 05 Aug, 2017,
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