The Evidence is strong: Air pollution seems to cause dementia (perhaps low Vitamin D) – May 2019


  • “In one (study) from 2018, researchers followed 130,000 older adults living in London for several years. Those exposed to higher levels of air pollutants, particularly nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter released by fossil fuel combustion, were significantly more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease—the most common kind of dementia—than their otherwise demographically matched peers”
  • “Another, a 2017 study published in the Lancet, followed all adults living in Ontario (roughly 6 and a half million people) for over a decade and found that those who lived closer to major high-traffic roads were significantly more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease across the study period regardless of their health at baseline or socioeconomic status”

A study looked at those counties which complied with new air quality standards

  • “In counties that had to quickly comply with the new air quality standards, older people developed Alzheimer’s at lower rates than their peers in counties where the new rules didn’t apply”

1 microgram/cubic meter of fine particle pollution raised US elder’s risk of dementia as if they had aged 2.7 additional years.

Reasons why air pollution ==> low vitamin D

  1. Air pollution decreases the UVB getting to the ground
  2. Air pollution decreases the amount of time that people are getting noon-day sun
  3. Pollution is often associated with hot temperatures, another reason to not go outdoors
  4. Irritation/Inflammation from polution may consume vitamin D

See also VitaminDWiki

See also web

5279 visitors, last modified 09 May, 2019,
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