Sleep disorders cured by 60-80 ng of vitamin D and some B vitamins – March 2013


A few of Dr. Gominak's slides,
all slides are attached at the bottom of this page


Sleep, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, IBS, Fibromyalgia - Gominak March 2015
Sleep problems cured by vitamin D, etc. – workshops and patient workbooks – Gominak 2018

What’s the right dose?

  • We make 20,000 IU of vitamin D on our skin in 1-6 hours in a bathing suit, middle of the day middle of the summer.
  • Time needed to accomplish this is related to skin color.
  • 1,000 IU/day is clearly not going to replace this.
  • There are two types of doses :
    • 1) Repleating dose ( going from 15 ng/ml to 65 ng/ml ) and
    • 2) Maintenance dose (staying at 65ng/ml)
  • The one time dose to go from 18 to 60 is much higher than the maintenance dose.
  • Repleating dose is 10-20K/day for 4-6 weeks depending on the first measured level and, what month it’s measured in, and how long it’s been that low.

Dosing vitamin D

  • Summer dose is zero to 10,000 and different for each person based on where they live, how much they go outside and how fast they make it, ie skin color.
  • Dark skinned people make it slower, they are made for very high sun environment and use melanin in their skin to block D formation so they don’t get too high.
  • We know that darker skinned people have more sleep disorders, this is why.
  • Each person needs to learn their own winter dose and summer dose that keeps them 60-80 ng/ml.

Dosing vitamin D

  • Surprisingly, once my patients wake up strong, happy and pain free for several months they can often tell by the way they feel that their level isn’t right.
  • When they feel worse they decrease or increase by half of their dose.
  • If, within a day or so, they’re feeling good again it usually means they went the right way.
  • Always insist on numbers to support these moves in the first to second year. After that they may not need to be done as often.
  • All insurances will do four vitamin D levels per year with the ICD 9 of 268.9; vitamin D deficiency. All of your patients make that diagnosis so don’t be afraid to use it.

Other vitamin deficiencies that affect sleep may develop after long periods of D deficiency

  • D hormone has other cofactors that are necessary for its action in each cell, so I always give a multivitamin.
  • B12 helps the sleep and should be >500. If it’s below 500 I supplement with 1000 mcg per day for several years.
  • D has receptors in the parietal cells of the stomach that make acid and intrinsic factor so B12 deficiency is usually a secondary deficiency to D deficiency and what we’ve been taught about “pernicious anemia” is actually wrong, once you replace the D as well as the B12 the anemia usually corrects.
  • Anemia of “chronic disease” always has a low D level in the background, and in my experience usually corrects with the proper vitamin D replacement, 60-80 ng/ml.
  • All the cells of the bone marrow, including red cells and platelets have vitamin D receptors on their surface.

Vitamin D side effects

  • Leg cramps or worsening headaches may suggest magnesium is low, give sunflower or pumpkin seeds as a magnesium source daily or take magnesium gluconate 500 mg/day. (not oxide) send them to for any questions.
  • If D causes diarrhea (1/50 of my patients) put the D on the skin instead of orally for a while or try the powdered form instead of D dissolved in oil. Or carefully use a tanning bed.
  • Be careful of giving supplemental D to people who are not sick. They may not need it and if it gets too high it will goof up their sleep.
  • If they feel worse immediately lower the dose.

In the third year of giving lots of patients vitamin D some questions remain

  • Why are some of my daily headache sufferers developing burning in their hands and feet?
  • Why don’t all of the patients who came to see me for burning in the hands and feet get completely better with D?
  • Why do some vitamin D deficient patients have pain and some do not?
  • Why are some people cured of pain using D and some not?
  • Why haven’t the irritable bowel symptoms gone away even though the reflux has?
  • Why aren’t my patients losing weight at the rate that they gained it when they became D deficient?
  • Why are some of my patients still not sleeping normally with everything I know of in range?
  • What is it that their brain still wants to sleep normally?

Why do all of these people have “abnormal colonic microbiomes”?

  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Stroke
    (All who we know have sleep apnea and low D)
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Ulcerative colitis, crohn’s
  • Lupus
  • Autoimmune diseases of almost any kind

See also VitaminDWiki

VitaminDWiki: there are several other forms of Vitamin D for poor guts

See also web

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