Health can be greatly improved by weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D - video Lahore - March 2023

Presented in Iceland March 4, 2023
YouTube (22 minutes in English)     Charts and transcript in English     Smelltu hér til að sjá töflur á íslensku

(1) Does Less Sun Mean More Disease? - 5-minute video

Image Image Image

Video in English  video with Icelandic captions
I started off with being an electronics engineer and after retiring, I got interested in being able to help people's health around the world. And the way I got started with that is I had back pains before and very severe back pain that would occasionally come along, but would make it so I was having a hard time walking. A person introduced me to vitamin D and I gave it a try, and he had a... This is a trial back in 2009, in which 85% of the people that had back pain, the back pain went away. So I was quite interested and it went away from me, and I went and studied a lot more. And now 12 years later, I've got 40,000 different studies on vitamin D and omega-3 and magnesium and a few other oxidants, and we put together a video that will play for you during the intermission time in which it talks about... The title is, Does Less Sun mean More Disease?

(2) Reykjavík has the longest Vitamin D winter of the world's capitals

Source of chart
And that seems to be a very common thing and so somewhat appropriate to be here in Iceland, in which there's very little sunshine. One example that we have there in our video, just as a little clip of it, is that one doctor who I've spoken with many times got all of his 2000 patients up to 200 nanomoles of vitamin D I'm used to saying nanograms. I had to look to see what it was there. And his patients loaders were showing there had been four people per four visits per year on average, and went down to one visit per year on average, he went out of business.

This is some of the fear that the doctors who are aware of it fear that they'll also go out of business. Most doctors aren't that aware of what vitamin D does and its importance, but there is of a list of the reasons that people are concerned about that. Onto the next slide. This is just showing the... For the city, that it is the city, which has the longest number of days of winter in terms of vitamin D, there's different ways of describing winter, of course. And Iceland, Reykjavik has the longest or the least amount of sunshine coming to it of any capital in the entire world.

(3) The single best supplement/nutrient to improve your health is Vitamin D

Vitamin D proved to prevent/fight 48 health problems (50K weekly)
Vitamin D observed to prevent/fight another 50 health problems
Vitamin D is the largest seller of all individual supplements
Vitamin D has more publications/data than any other supplement
Vitamin D improves the immune system

I've been aware, and I've sampled, tried out over a hundred different supplements in my life. And most of them I gave up on after two months because I couldn't get any feedback. I couldn't feel what it was like, and I felt it was important or for me, if it doesn't seem to make me feel better in a short period of time, then I'm not particularly interested in it. Some people say, "Oh, this supplement will extend your life." Or, "This supplement will make it so you won't have prostate cancer." Or other things that are long ways away. I tend to be interested in short-term feedback and seeing what's... Well, I wanna feel the experience. And what I'm gonna try to show you today is that you will be able to, if you're doing the things I'm suggesting here, be able to feel a difference in some respect in about one month. It won't cure breast cancer in one month. It won't cure any cancer in one month, but it does cure some diseases and various pains and knee arthritis, osteoarthritis, etcetera. By the way, I wanted to get a showing of hands of the people who are here, of how many are already taking vitamin D. Yeah, I thought so.

So I don't have to introduce the vitamin D too much that way. How many are here are medical professionals? Okay. And nutritionists count in with that. But anyway, back to the introduction on vitamin D. I've been accumulating, there's been 700 meta-analysis of vitamin D over the last 12 years, I've been accumulating their information and I've broken it down into how many there have been for colorectal cancer, for instance. I think there's 42 of them now. But the doctor profession or the... There's a whole lot of reasons that the people do not prescribe vitamin D, one of which is that they're waiting to get more data, more data, but for me, after 20 or 30 meta-analysis, which are... And looking at other randomized controlled trials, that to me is enough information. So I'll show you here in a minute. The number of studies that have been done proving that with a randomized controlled trial that the disease went away or got either prevented or treated in a fairly short period of time. Many of the trials only last three months.

I'm much more for... I'm interested in taking vitamin D for the rest of my life, and that's kind of what I'm encouraging people to do rather than just for a very short period of time. During the time... Just being reminded here. During the time that I've been watching it, vitamin D have been about the 10th most popular supplement. And now in many different countries, it's the most popular supplement in terms of the number of capsules sold or bottles sold. And also there's more publications on vitamin D than there are on vitamin A, various Bs, of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K combined. Vitamin D is more than all of those combined. So there's a lot of data on it but unfortunately the medical profession hasn't really gotten into that yet.

(4) 3 forms of Vitamin D in the blood: the final form is a Hormone Image

This is a complex pair of charts, but it's just mainly wants to show you that the fact that this is one of the few that I have in both English and in Icelandic, the Icelandic is probably too small for you to see, but it's just showing the at net, going from the top to the bottom, you're getting various sources of vitamin D, which goes down to the semi activated one, which is shown as a rectangle on there, and then goes down to a fully activated one which is the second rectangle, the second brown rectangle. And it's the fully activated one, which is the hormone that you've heard about. But there... Although for a long time people thought the hormone version was the only thing that was helping, it turns out that all of those different levels help in different places in the body.

(5) Some hospitals are noticing: Higher cost if low Vitamin D

$10,000 higher annual VA hospital cost if have low Vitamin D
VA found less testing for vitamin D resulted in increased health costs – Jan 2012
click on chart for details
Here's an example of one hospital that hasn't, let's say hospital system for the veterans in the United States Veterans Affairs Hospital, in which they were just noticing giving vitamin... Some hospitals were giving vitamin D to their patients and others weren't. And then there was a nice study that was done quite a few years ago that noticed those hospitals that were giving vitamin D to the patients, there was $10,000 less cost to the hospital per year for giving that vitamin D. And that's a... I'll be giving away a whole bunch of bottles of vitamin D here, but the cost of the bottle is $20 and for most people, that will last for two years versus it's $10,000. And so the one person made the study and presented it to the Veterans Administration and they said, "Well, that's nice." And they did nothing. A little disappointing.

(6) Fewer Health Problems if more vitamin D Pregnancy

Details at: Overview Pregnancy and vitamin D
I've got many, many charts like this. This is just an example chart for pregnancy. Looking at... Starting off. Oops. Could you move that up a little bit? Yeah, there we go. Thank you. Most people and people in Iceland is somewhat similar to the rest of the world are at about... Excuse me, I'll have to multiply this. I'm used to nanograms still. Anyway, down at about 50 nanomoles is where most people are. It's that's so far left hand side of the screen. And this is just for looking at various pregnancy problems that if you start off at that level and then you increase oftentimes by randomized controlled trials to get some more... Increase your vitamin D level. That's going to the horizontal axis and the vertical axis it shows the decrease in the incidence of that health problem. And so this is just a few of hundreds of studies or summary of studies that I have that... But this kind of shows it nicely. The 100 nanomoles is the level at which... So the, the minimum level which you'd be getting by having just one pill of vitamin D per week.

(7) Wide range of response to Vitamin D: 50K Vitamin D weekly

Image Translates to Before, After, Weekly

Even more Vitamin D needed if obese, etc
There are 4 ways to increase Low responses and Decrease High responses
So this shows the vitamin D levels that people have generally is in the black curve there. But if you increase the vitamin D level by just taking that one pill per week, you get approximately that curve. Notice it's not just a single amount, it sort of hovers between 150 and 200 nanomoles for the central part that there is a lot of variability, study after study after study shows, due to many reasons, which I won't get into, it'll take about an hour just describing all the different reasons that there's about a four to one difference in the response that an individual will get to taking 50,000 IUs of vitamin D once a week. And that's kind of displayed there on that green curve. So as we talk about later on, you can... We're talking about... Oh, for instance, I was saying, most of the people will be getting above 100 nanomoles. There'll be a few underneath that 100 nanomole part, the little green section, but most of them will be much higher than that.

(8) 26 Health problems fought by bi-weekly 50K Vitamin D

Diabetes    Heart Failure    Chronic Pain    Depression    Autism    Breast Cancer    Colon Cancer    Prostate Cancer    BPH (prostate)    Preeclampsia    Premature Birth    Falls    Cognitive Decline    Respiratory Tract Infection    Influenza    Tuberculosis    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease    Lupus    Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome    Urinary Tract Infection    Poor Sleep    Growing Pain    Multiple Sclerosis    PMS    Schizophrenia    Endometriosis    Smoking

Details at
So here, I've got two different slides that I wanted to show to you to build up to see what it's like. There has been a fair amount of work on taking 50,000 IUs of vitamin D once every two weeks. It's a very conservative amount and it's been proven to... You can't quite see it on there, to decrease the incidence of or treat or fight 26 different health problems and all done by randomized controlled trials. So you're fairly sure that there's no cheating going on, there's no placebo effect because the people don't know if they're getting the vitamin D or not. But all of the diseases that I have marked here, actually I'll switch it over.

(9) 48 Health problems fought by weekly 50K Vitamin D

ADHD    Anxiety    Asthma    Autism    BPH (prostate)    Cancer - Breast    Cancer - Colon    Cancer - Prostate    Cardiovascular    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease    Cognitive Decline    Colds     Depression    Diabetes    Endometriosis    Falls    Fibromyalgia    Hashimoto's Thyroiditis    Hay Fever    Heart Failure    Hives     Hypertension – Pulmonary    Immune System    Infant    Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome    Influenza    Kidney Disease    Lupus    Migraine    Multiple Sclerosis    Obesity    Osteoarthritis – Knee Pain    Pain - Chronic    Pain - Growing    PMS    Preeclampsia    Premature Birth    Respiratory Tract Infection    Schizophrenia    Sleep - Poor    Sleep Apnea    Smoking    Sports Performance    Stroke    Surgery    Tuberculosis    Ulcerative Colitis    Ulcers – Venous    Urinary Tract Infection

Details at
So everything on the website I have can be instantly translated into 133 languages and Icelandic is of course one of them. But that's the 26 health problems that if you wanna be conservative about it and say, "Well, maybe I'll just start off with once every two weeks." Then you can... It's proven that you'll get improvements on all of those. On that website, I have details on every single one of those and you can look at the studies that were involved and see how much of an improvement you actually got. Okay, the next slide is showing... It's fortunate that many companies or many people are using 50,000 IUs once a week or once every two weeks so I can have lots of data to show to you.
So you'll notice that the number of health problems being fought has increased somewhat now. In fact, we're at 48 health problems that have been proven to be treated by vitamin D. There's about another 50 health problems that haven't been proven yet. People are using it for the various health problems and it's being useful but they haven't gotten around to paying the $100,000 to several million dollars to run a randomized controlled trial to actually prove that that's the case. By the way, this entire presentation and all the slides will be on YouTube and also on my vitamin D wiki, the website that has all this information. And so on the webpage, you can look at each of those and be able to click on them and get the exact details of when the study was done, how many people were involved, what was the benefit but I'm just trying to provide the summary of it right here, the top level.

(10) Health Problems fought by 50K Vitamin D: biweekly, weekly


None      Monthly       Bi-weekly                    Weekly

Details at
This is just showing the number of health problems dealt with. Before I'd mentioned there was 24 health problems once every two weeks and 48 or so up in there weekly but it almost fits along a linear curve. If you do nothing, then you've got all the normal health problems but if you take more and more vitamin D, there is proven to actually decrease, as I've said there are 48 health problems when you take it weekly.

(11) Health Problems fought quickly (months) or slowly (years)

Examples of Quick Response
    Pregnancy, Respiratory (Influenza, Colds, COVID)

Examples of Slow Response (long time to grow)

Vitamin D is not a miracle drug that acts instantly
This is what I was mentioning about diseases being slow growth or slow developing diseases versus fast or health problems in which you can notice the problem very quickly such as back pain, knee pain, fibromyalgia, whole assortment of pains. Oh, by the way, on the website, there's on the left-hand side of the 14,000 pages that I have, on every one of them on the left-hand side is 174 different health problems so you can look up your concerned health problem and see if there's been some study or what the study has been on your particular case. Anyway, the quick response ones, that is to say something you notice fairly soon within a month or a couple of months, there's pregnancy, there's a whole bunch of different pregnancy problems that virtually go away with taking vitamin D once a week. It also helps with influenza and colds and COVID and quite a few other things and there's quite a few slow response ones that if you take the vitamin D, you will statistically in a few years or five years have less incidence of a whole bunch of 19 different cancers. You personally won't particularly notice that but statistically it's the case, just a slow growth thing, so I tend, as I said before, tend to be interested in the fast response and that I can feel something quickly and then if there's something else that is improved much later on, that's good.

Not dealing with the pregnancy part, but concerned with other things that I look at the short-term stuff. So anyway, vitamin D is not a miracle drug. It does not act instantly, although some people are thinking it's like snake oil or it's curing too many things. And there is a possibility that that's one of the turnoffs that some people have is that this can't be true. It can't do all these different things. But virtually every plant and animal on the earth for the last 750 million years has had a vitamin D receptors in it and been using vitamin D. That was 750 million years this before there were even animals that had skeletons. So it's not just calcium. It's useful for quite a few other things.

(12) Only 4 pills per month for normal-weight adult

Put pills in at the beginning of the month
Take allotted pills each week
Take all remaining pills, even those forgotten, before end of the month

So here's just an example of a simple way of just reminding yourself. Some people are into taking supplements on a daily basis which is okay. And vitamin D actually though, works out to be better if you take it less than daily, like once a week, once every two weeks, actually the number starts to decrease its benefits at 17 days. But once a week, once every two weeks is just fine. So one of the ways of just remembering for yourself to take the vitamin D is to start the month by putting four of them into a little bowl and then just taking 'em out on one day of the week. Sunday is a nice memorable day. But towards the end of the month, if you haven't taken 'em all out, just finish it off.

The body has learned how to accumulate and store vitamin D very nicely. That's how we are here right now, because otherwise, if you didn't have any storage of vitamin D you'd have to be taken every day. And if there's a lot of rain, then you'd be sick and you would die. But most animals have learned to take in many different nutrients and store them in their bodies. And we're similar to all the other animals in that respect

(13) Almost 2 months to respond to 50K weekly unless start with loading dose

Details at
So if you were just taking 50,000 IUs weekly without a loading dose, you'd have that red line. Could you move it up a little bit? And in about three months, you would get to the level that the body says, "Ah, that's enough." And it regulates itself. You don't get too much. There's some specific genes, mechanisms biology that deals with taking excess out of your body. But for myself, I suspect in some cases, for you too, that you don't wanna wait around for three months to see that you're getting what the benefit is. And so there's a loading dose that you take ahead of time. The amount of loading dose varies with what your current vitamin D level is, which reminds me giving away or having you during the intermission or whenever this is a vitamin D test, it's a low cost, qualitative test is basically say, "Are you really low? Are somewhat low, or are you okay on vitamin D?" Typically 90% of the people are somewhat low or very low. Only 10% are above 30 nanograms, 75 nanomoles. So there's a whole bunch of those, 100 of these tests in the back.

(14) Obese need 2.5 times as much Vitamin D


Details at
For most adults, just taking one of those pills per week is quite sufficient. But for some of the people who are obese, it turns out that not only is the body good at storing vitamin D in general, but the obese are really good at storing the vitamin D and such that they need two and a half times more vitamin D to get the same blood level of vitamin D. And so that's the curve. That's a result of quite a few different studies showing that those studies were all done with daily vitamin D. And so on a daily basis of 5000 IUs got you up to 125 nanomoles if you're not obese but you require much more than that if you're are obese. And next slide. So this gets around to the details that was just whether you're, for the adults, it's the very upper pair of lines. It's 50K per week, or the obese need 100K per week.

(15) Vitamin D dose varies with weight and obesity

Adult Normal weight50K per week
Obese100K per week
YouthNormal weight50K every other week
Obese50K: 5 per month
Child Normal weight10K weekly
Obese50K every other week
Infant Normal weight10K every other week
Obese10K 5 per month

The simple rule: 100 IU of Vitamin D per kilogram does not include obesity
A little bit higher than that, but just in terms of the vitamin D pills, that's a convenient level to do it. Then the youth is less than child and an infant is less still. And it's got all the details as to what's involved there. Most of them are 50,000 IUs once a week or once every two weeks. Sometimes it's down for the infants, it's 10,000 IUs every other week or obese infants more often or higher dose.

I had briefly mentioned before that the co-factors or the other things that go along with vitamin D, they are involved in two ways. One is that they actually increase the amount of vitamin D that gets to your blood, which is a good thing, and they also... They'll prevent some side effects for instance, if you're taking the 50,000 IUs once a week. There is a side effect that happens in about one in 300 people if they don't have vitamin K 'cause what happens there is the vitamin K... The vitamin D makes the body much better at taking in calcium. Now, some people deal with this problem and I say, "Oh, just decrease my calcium intake, that works nicely." But for doctors who are trying to prescribe something, they will say, "Let's get some vitamin K in there also so we don't have the... They wanna have hardening of the bones rather than the hardening of the arteries." And so that helps keep it in the right spot.

(16) Cofactors that augment Vitamin D and/or prevent side effects

Magnesium, Vitamin K2, Omega-3, etc.

See Vitamin D Cofactors in a nutshell for more details
I could discuss almost any of the 174 different health problems, but obesity is one of them. And... It's essentially that if you want to lose weight and keep the weight off, you have to stress the body in some respect. You either have to exercise more or you have to eat less, or doing fasting of various kinds. And then once you're into that mode, if you add vitamin D in, they had randomized controlled trials. They had some people who were just... See... They were eating less and then they had other people who were eating less and also took vitamin D. They'd lost 12 pounds more in a year versus the ones that were just eating, eating the same number of calories and that much better. By the way, I had just recently tried the water fasting, and so I lost 10 pounds and regained three pounds so far. That was three weeks ago.

(17) Vitamin D helps you lose weight when you stress your body

After your vitamin D level has plateaued
You will experience fat/weight loss if you stress your body by:
1) Exercise
2) Calorie restrictive diet
3) Intermitant fasting
4) Water-only fasting

See Obese lost more weight on diet if added 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly – many RCTs
  The Vitamin That Quadruples Weight Loss - Oct 2019

(18) Why Vitamin D weekly is better than daily

More compliance (6X fewer opportunities to forget)

Weekly high concentration gets D into cells much faster
   True for most chemistries
   High gradients overcome Vitamin D Receptor limitations
44 percent of successful RCTs in VitaminDWiki had used non-daily dosing

Note Humans and animals have evolved to go for days with many nutrients

Details at Better than Daily
Oh, yeah, here's yet another reason for taking it weekly instead of daily. And I don't have a chart for the showing the differences, but I have a webpage specifically titled, Better Than Daily. And showing all the different studies that are found that when you take vitamin D less frequently or told to take vitamin D less frequently, that blood level goes up more. Now some of that is due to, you didn't forget as often and because like even in the randomized controlled trials, and they called and remind the people on a weekly basis, did you take your vitamin D? Did you take your vitamin D? And it runs off to about 20% of the people on average didn't take it or they forgot to. And so there's sort of a six times fewer opportunities to forget if you take the vitamin D just once a once a week, and as I showed you with that little bowl of vitamin D that you can take all the remaining ones at the fourth week and then, "Oop, I got two left. Okay, I'll just take the final two in two days," for instance. Oh, yeah, that's right. Note to myself here, I've got quite a few randomized controlled trials on vitamin D Wiki, and 44% of all of the successful trials used vitamin D less than daily.

(19) Doctors often reluctant to prescribe Vitamin D because:

  • Can have side affects If not adjust cofactors with high dose
  • Would require ignoring the position of the medical profession on supplements.
  • Risk being sued if exceed standard of care
  • Experts do not agree on how much is needed
  • Doctors are rarely been trained in nutrition
  • Medical training has an emphasis on treatment, not prevention
  • Doctors have tried prescribing small vitamin D doses recommended by govts., but with minimal success
  • Doctors often can only prescribe D2 anyway - become used to its not working
  • Doctors have too little time to read outside of their specialty
  • No profit for Big Pharma, nor hospitals, so doctors not rewarded
  • The Vitamin D dose needed often varies by 4X between individuals for many health problems
  • Doctors are told to not prescribe more than 4,000 IU – so miss out on many of the benefits
  • Doctors are used to monotherapy, single pill, of a single size for everyone

Details at 17 reasons why are doctors reluctant to accept vitamin D
Here's various reasons that doctors have experienced trying to do monotherapy, for instance, and saying, Hey, this, for most of the other drugs that the doctors give, they say, "Hey, this one pill will be good for you and you and you, whether you weigh a hundred pounds or weigh 300 pounds, the one pill's good and that's the only pill you need". The body doesn't work that way. At least for vitamin D and quite a few other things. The heavier you are from being a child to adolescent to an adult, the more of the nutrient you need. And the monotherapy approach where this one dose will fix all problems or fix various problems for all people independent of the size and weight of the person. That just really isn't based on any science anyway. There's a lot of other reasons there, but those are some of the core reasons of, that the doctors avoid.

Prescribing vitamin D that there's another key one I forgot to mention there, that even if they just prescribe 2000 IUs and then they'll say that, okay, we'll give 2000 IUs or 4000 IUs to a bunch of people and they give the same amount to everyone. And again, it, they find that for many people that isn't enough. And so they get negative feedback. They say, I've prescribed vitamin D, I've prescribed vitamin D, and the people are still coming in that are still sick and they're still having these problems, but they weren't prescribing enough vitamin D or knowing to prescribe it on a weekly basis or biweekly basis, which gives far more benefit than on a daily basis.

Well, that's basically all I've got to say for the introduction, and I'm kind of open to questions as to any particular health problems that you're concerned about, as to some health problems cluster headaches, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease and others need much higher amount of vitamin D than 50,000 once a week. There's over 50,000 people now who have gotten their multiple sclerosis cured, such that they are no longer in a wheelchair. They have been so bad that they're in a wheelchair that they took between 50,000 and 150,000 IUs on a daily basis, along with taking the vitamin K and the other odds and ends. And now those people, they're back. Remember some, several of them, they're back to being joggers again from being in the wheelchair. So there's a big difference.

See also Iceland and Vitamin D - many studies


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