Global surge in infectious diseases as over 40 countries report outbreaks 10-fold over pre-pandemic levels - June 2024



  • "Airfinity is a disease forecasting company. It tracks, simulates and predicts population level disease outcomes in real time to inform decisions that can increase the global life span."
  • "Today’s study has compiled data from over 60 organisations and public health agencies showing that the world is seeing a resurgence of at least 13 infectious diseases, with cases higher than before the pandemic in many regions. "

Our analysis reveals today’s outbreaks can be attributed to three main factors. The first is falling vaccination rates. Measles, polio, whooping cough (also known as pertussis) and tuberculosis are all vaccine-preventable. Declining uptake is leaving populations vulnerable and allowing the pathogens to spread. For example, global measles vaccination coverage has declined, with 20 countries in Europe falling below 90% in 2022, including the UK (87%), which is currently experiencing a national outbreak. Austria is seeing its worst measles outbreak on record as cases in the first five months of 2024 are already 190% higher than the pre-pandemic peak. Countries like Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Ireland, Netherlands are on track to surpass pre-pandemic levels if sustained transmission persists.

There is some evidence that the current pertussis outbreaks could in part be driven by pressure on the virus to gain adaptations that may impact the effectiveness of current vaccines, or that this could be occurring due to genetic drift. With a 134% post-pandemic increase in cases in 2024, Spain is among the growing number of countries in Europe to see a rising whooping cough burden. France, Norway, and the UK are also expected to surpass pre-pandemic levels soon.

The second is an overall decline in population immunity during the pandemic years. Restrictions on social interactions suppressed the circulation of pathogens such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Mycoplasma pneumoniae and invasive Group A Streptococcus, known as iGAS. Today’s resurgence can be attributed largely to more susceptible populations as well as increased testing and reporting of cases following the pandemic. For example, total influenza cases in the US last season were 28% higher than in 2019. In Europe, total influenza cases last season were 75% higher than in 2019.

The third factor is climate change which is enabling the spread of diseases such as dengue and cholera, and increasing the pathogens reach into new territories. Argentina has seen the largest rise with a 151-fold increase in dengue cases from 3,220 in 2019 to 488,035 so far this year.

As mosquitos move northward, we have seen more cases in southern Europe. Italy has seen a significant increase with its first locally acquired case detected in 2020 to 67 cases in 2023. In France, there were 65 reported cases, up from 9 in 2019, a 7.2-fold increase.

Not mentioned: Reduced immune systems due to COVID, Long COVID, and COVID vaccinations

VitaminDWiki – Immunity category contains

263 items in Immunity category

    see also

Virus category listing has 1369 items along with related searches

Overview Influenza and vitamin D
Vitamin D helps both the innate and adaptive immune systems fight COVID-19 – Jan 2022
Vitamin D aids the clearing out of old cells (autophagy) – many studies
600,000 IU of Vitamin D (total) allowed previously weak immune systems to fight off a virus antigen - Nov 2020
Search for treg OR "t-cell" in VitaminDWiki 1440 items as of Jan 2020
228 VitaminDWiki pages contained "infection" in title (June 2024)
Search VitaminDWik for BACTERIA in title 25 items as of Aug 2019
Vitamin D and the Immune System – chapter Aug 2019
7X less risk of influenza if Vitamin D levels higher than 30 ng – Oct 2017
Common cold prevented and treated by Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea – review April 2018
Vitamin D improves T Cell immunity – RCT Feb 2016
Immune system - great 11-minute animated video - Aug 2021
   Only the brain is more complex, nothing about Vitamin D

18 titles in VitaminDWiki contained INNATE or ADAPTIVE as of Jan 2023
Increasing publications on vitamin D and Infection

48 studies are in both Immunity and Virus categories

VitaminDWiki – Long-COVID is now the biggest COVID concern - many studies

Table of Contents as of June 2024
VitaminDWiki - Long-COVID a month shorter if more than 20 ng of Vitamin D - Jan 2024
Long COVID associated with Low Vitamin D – Oct 2023
Vitamin D was the only statistically significant factor
Long-COVID 2.2X more-likely if had 2 COVID vaccinations - Dec 2022
Long-COVID 100% gone in 29% of long-COVID patients after histamin treatment (mast cells) - March 2024
Long-COVID is a national emergency: $2.6 trillion JAMA 2022
Long-COVID Fatigue has Debilitating Impact, Can be Worse than some Cancers - Jan 2024
Creatine significantly reduced Long-COVID in a small 6 month trial - Sept 2023
Long-COVID world-wide = 65 million - Jan 2023
Some Long-COVID problems still around after 2 years, especially if hospitalized - Aug 2023
Long-COVID symptom chart- Sept 2022
60+ VitaminDWiki pages have LONG-HAUL or LONG-COVID in the title
Long-COVID could be a mass disabling event - May 2023
Gut bacteria significantly reduced Long-COVID - RCT May 2023
6% of all Americans now have long-COVID - Feb 13, 2023
Inflammation and immunity troubles top long-COVID suspect list (many citations) - Feb 4, 2023
Long COVID Symptom Clusters - Fatigue, Cognitive and Respiratory - Dr. Been Video Jan 2023
71% on Long-COVID disability still unable to work 6 months later - Jan 2023
2nd COVID infection increases the risk of Long-COVID - 2022
Metformin might reduce the chance of Long-COVID after COVID by 40% - Jan 2023
Long-COVID treatment trials include NAC, Guanfacine, and Lithium - Jan 2023
Long-COVID medical costs average $9,000 in the first 6 months (far more in lost wages) – Dec 2022
Post-viral symptoms - some might be just in the brain - Dec 9, 2022
A Long-COVID protocol by David Archibald - Dec 1, 2022
2nd COVID infection increased by 3X chance of going to the hospital in next 6 months (US veterans) - Nov 2022
Long-COVID treatment trial starting Nov 2022
I’m a physician battling long COVID. I can assure you it’s real - Oct 28, 2022
Increased use of medical services after test positive for COVID (in Ontario) - Oct 2022
Long-COVID fought in some individuals by Lumbrokinase, Heparin, or Natto Serra - 2022
Long COVID may set you back a decade in exercise gains - Oct 13, 2022
Personal experience - recovering from about 20 years of lost respiratory capacity - founder of VitaminDWiki
47% of Covid Patients had NOT Fully Recovered 6 months later - Oct 2022
Type 1 Diabetes 2.9 x more likely within 30 days of COVID infection - Oct 2022
Strokes, heart attacks, sudden deaths: Does America understand the long-term risks of catching COVID? - Oct 2022
A wide spectrum of types, severity, and duration of Long-COVID problems - Oct 2022
The consensus of 3 long-COVID studies - SARS-CoV-2 in tissue, Epstein virus makes it worse - Oct 2022
Long-COVID is US: 16 million, of which 4 million are unable to work - Oct 2022
42% increased chance of neuro problems with Long-COVID - Dr. Campbell Video Sept 26, 2022
Long COVID Has Forced a Reckoning for One of Medicine’s Most Neglected Diseases (CFS) - Sept 2022
2 X higher rate of Long-COVID in the US (online survey) than in the UK - Sept 2022
One of Long COVID’s Worst Symptoms Is Also Its Most Misunderstood (brain fog) - Sept 12, 2022
Perhaps brain fog could be treated by brain plasticity (opinion of the founder of VitaminDWiki)
A person having long-COVID for 400 days was operated on - had virus in his appendix and skin - Sept 2022
Long-COVID is a $3.5 trillion dollar problem that we know very little about - Sept 2022
Increased health problems due to Long-COVID - March 2020 - Nov 2021 (published Sept 2022)
US VA handbook of Long-COVID 33 pages - Aug 2022
For Some Patients, Long Covid Symptoms Mask Something Else - Aug 2022
15 other long-haul diseases: EBV, Polio, mono, 1918 influenza, Zika, Dengue - Aug 2022
LONG-COVID incidence: was I in 10, now 1 in 20 if an asymptomatic infection - June 2022
LONG-COVID can last for many months - preventing some people from working - June 2022
COVID protects itself by changing the activation of > 100 genes - April 2021
COVID fails to revert the gene activation to normal when it is conquered (Epstein)
COVID, for example, protects itself by decreasing the activation of the Vitamin D Receptor
Vitamin D and Vitamin D receptor activators should treat Long-COVID
Long COVID’s grip will likely tighten as infections continue - Aug 2022
LONG-COVID has similar symptoms as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Many Chronic Fatigue symptoms are treated by D-Ribose
Many reports on the web of D-Ribose treating LONG-COVID
Long-COVID – Emergent Pandemic – Dec 2021
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