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Compare symptoms of Omicron, Flu and Colds

New York Times Dec 2022 Symptom Table


Forture Mag Jan 2022 Symptom Table

Note: Flu may be much worse this year (already bad in Australia) - July 2022

Medical News Today Sept 2022 Symptom Table


Tulsa Jan 2022 Symptom Table


VitaminDWiki - COVID

Not VitaminDWiki Early Treatment

VitaminDWiki - Flu

Flu in VitaminDWiki has the following
Vitamin D fights all phases of Influenza

VitaminDWiki - Colds

Vitamin D reduces the risk of getting a cold
Respiratory viral infection (RSV) and low vitamin D - many studies
Reduction in Cold and Flu with Vitamin D
Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and taking Zinc every 2 hours reduces the severity and length of colds
4.5X more likely to catch a cold if low sleep - hypothesis - due to low vitamin D

A 50 ng level of Vitamin D greatly reduces the risk of COVID, Flu and Colds

Large vitamin D dose (hammer) will treat Covid and Influenza if taken ASAP

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday December 15, 2022 12:36:17 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 23)
Compare symptoms of Omicron, Flu and Colds        
6521 visitors, last modified 15 Dec, 2022,
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Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
18985 Symptoms NYT.jpg admin 15 Dec, 2022 48.17 Kb 196
18852 Tulsa table.webp admin 25 Nov, 2022 76.67 Kb 245
18457 Symptoms Med News Today.jpg admin 21 Sep, 2022 108.12 Kb 256
17249 Esarly Treatment March 17 2022.jpg admin 18 Mar, 2022 34.46 Kb 461
17246 All symtoms.jpg admin 18 Mar, 2022 63.14 Kb 700