Overview of vitamin D testing
- Low-cost Vitamin D Blood tests cost $40 - $70
- Several governments no longer give free vitamin D tests
- Beware - hospital/govt tests often cost $150-$250
- Blood is typically drawn at a lab or hospital
- Low-cost Vitamin D testers (two yes-no tests for 11 dollars) - 2024
- Tests can also be made at home - blood spot is mailed in
- Test results from both are available in 1-5 days
- Test results from both have a reliability/repeatability/consistency of plus or minus 5 percent
- Example: 30 ng it could really be 28.5 ng to 31.5 ng
- The primary purpose of a blood test is to make sure you are getting enough vitamin D
- Rarely will the test find that you are getting too much vitamin D
- You may want to have a loading dose followed by 3 months on maintenance dose, then get a vitamin D test to confirm that you are taking enough
Test Vitamin D at a lab: for less that $50 (probably more accurate than a home test)
Primarily in the US
UltraLab - $47 Aug 2023
Tripment $42 Aug 2023
Study of accuracy and repeatability of vitamin D blood spot test Sept 2014
Results There was good agreement between measurements of 25OHD from DBS and plasma; R2 = 0.73 from a regression of plasma concentration on DBS concentration. The within-batch and between-batch intraclass correlations from the 500 replicate measurements were 0.82 (95% confidence interval, 0.80, 0.85) and 0.73 (95% confidence interval, 0.68, 0.78), respectively.
FREE Vitamin D deficiency test, which does not need your blood
Quick self test of vitamin D deficiency is not quantitative, but free and extremely easy to do
Home blood spot tests $35 to $80 2022
Review of 4 by Medical News Today - Dec 2022 $50-$80
Review of 4 by Testing.com - Jan 2022
2 for $70
$17 - Qualitative 1 of 4 levels: 0-10, 10-30, 30-100, and >100 ng/ml
Provides results in 10 minutes instead of several days
Life Extension
They mail out a coupon which you bring to a Labcor location to get your blood tested.
Life Extension will send you the results within a week - your choices include mail, FAX, e-mail ...
(I have used LEF many times and have gotten results in an e-mail the next day. Henry Lahore)
Cost of test: Non-members $62.67, members $47.00 (as of Feb 2013)
The $75 Life Extension membership fee is applied to any product they sell!
Thus, you can get a free vitamin D blood test by paying their membership fee. Such a deal
Note: many of their great supplements are available at lower than member cost on Amazon.
Private MD also uses Labcor for $63 (confirmed Nov 2014)
Description: The Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy test is primarily ordered to measure the amount of 25-hydroxy vitamin in the bloodstream to rule out Vitamin D deficiency.
A significant deviation from the normal range may require further evaluation by your physician.
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy: AKA = 25-Hydroxycalciferol. 25-OH-D, Cholecalciferol Metabolite, Vitamin D, Vitamin D3 Metabolite
ZRT $75
Grassroots $70
Facebook for Grassroots
GrassrootsHealth is sponsoring the use of blood spot test kits (laboratory analysis done by ZRT Labs)
The tests are to be done twice a year by each individual, along with the submission of some basic health data.
The kits are not available as a ‘stand alone’ without health data.
You have to fill in some information on the amount of vitamin D you are taking, etc
They provide a quantity price discount. I suspect all kits are shipped at the same time)
1 test - $65 + $5 shipping
2 tests - $63/test + $5 shipping
10 test - $60/test + $5 shipping
Video of use of GrassRoots home test kit similar to other home tests
A group of 6,000 people have vitamin D levels higher than 50 ng – GrassrootsHealth many charts
Here is the GrassRoots Chart as of April 2012
$57 with lowest cost shipping
Money-back guarantee, but not available in Canada or New York.
Test results are currently mailed, not e-mailed. Test type is EIA by Diasorin (Liason).
Home test kits sold for UK and the world As of Sept 2022 $34
£29 UK and £33? overseas. - overseas customers have to add airmail return postage
It is a service by a hospital in Birmingham, England. which has been doing vitamin D tests for 20+ years
CLICK HERE for a Video showing the use of their test kit
Orders are placed over the phone, not online. Results are sent by email, however.
Here is a copy of their test results (- in nmol, not nanograms)
Note: UK considers > 10 ng to be adequate.
See also VitaminDWiki
The TOP articles in Test and Vitamin D are listed here:
- Low trauma bone fractures in seniors – considering Vitamin D loading dose for all, without testing – Nov 2019
- Vitamin D levels observed to vary by 20 percent during a day – Feb 2019
- Vitamin D compliance 3X higher when children with fractures actually knew their low vitamin D level – March 2019
- How should Vitamin D be tested – a changing landscape – June 2016
- Big differences (~10 ng) in vitamin D test results, even when using the same type of tester – Aug 2015
- Vitamin D measurements vary with the same sample of blood – March 2014
- Warning – Medicare will pay for just 1 vitamin D test PER LIFETIME (if not related to a few diseases)
- No longer debating vitamin D supplementation, now debating need for testing first – April 2013
- Instant vitamin D Yes-No test now available
- VA showed increased vitamin D associated with lower health costs - Lancet May 2012
- All items in category Test for D
160 items
Many on variations between tests: different days, different testing methods- No vitamin D test needed before supplementing (typically) – April 2014
- Low-cost Vitamin D testers (about 13 dollars in quantity) – Feb 2018
- 50,000 IU monthly safe to take without any vitamin D testing – RCT Dec 2013
- Vitamin D test statistics: recent increase, esp. middle age, most under 30ng – Nov 2013
- 80 X increase in Vitamin D testing in Australia in a decade - June 2013
- VA showed increased vitamin D associated with lower health costs - Lancet May 2012
- After 245,000 vitamin D tests 121,000 supplemented but only 5,400 had 2nd test – Oct 2011
- Vitamin D testing continues to have lots of varition between systems – Nov 2012
- Vitamin D measurements vary with the same sample of blood – March 2014 chart follows - 1090 tests of the same blood sample
See also web
- Vitamin D blood test: Past and present debates, difficulties, and developments Vitamin D Council Jan 2013
Review of Vitamin D Assays: Past and Present Debates, Difficulties, and Developments. Calcif Tissue Int. 2013 Jan 13.
16 types of tests for vitamin D
85% use Immunoassay methods - About 10% of adults have a fear of needles Wikipedia
So would be reluctant to get a vitamin D blood test - Quest Diagnostics - Vitamin D
lots of details, such as comparing standard and active (Calcitriol) vitamin D tests
Vitamin D testing from a Canadian viewpoint – Jan 2014
Vitamin D Testing NutriStart Canada Jan 8, 2014
Highlights- Provinces restricting tests – “except in selected patients with advanced renal failure, mineral and/or bone diseases”.
- Restricted: Alberta, B.C., Labrador, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Ontario.
- Your cost in Canada ranges from $93 to $32
- BC 2013 “Routine serum vitamin D testing or screening for vitamin D deficiency is not recommended…
- An author in BC found that they would have needed to get a referral and then pay $61.32.
- US: not need a doctor:
mymedlab.com $80
healthcheckusa.com $95 Labcorp
privatemdlabs.com $63 Labcorp - The Life Extension Foundation is $47 for members and $63 for non-members. Labcorp
- The Vitamin D Council home test - ZRT Labs, $65
- Grassroots Health home test kit $65 ZRT
- Update How Alberta Canada restricts Vitamin D testing – May 2016
The results of the Vitamin D test can be good, but Active Vitamin D might not get to the cells
Due to low Magnesium, Low Omega-3, Genes, Kidney disease, etc.
Category Calcitriol contains
64 items
Low cost vitamin D Blood Tests134817 visitors, last modified 25 Aug, 2023, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 4713 Quest increase decrease.jpg admin 11 Dec, 2014 83.16 Kb 50680 4641 Council home test kit.jpg admin 28 Nov, 2014 48.72 Kb 34411 4325 UK test kit.jpg admin 28 Aug, 2014 78.33 Kb 45764 2085 Nano2.jpg admin 08 Feb, 2013 93.25 Kb 10691 2084 Nano1.jpg admin 08 Feb, 2013 66.95 Kb 14175 2021 OPKO.jpg admin 28 Jan, 2013 8.06 Kb 13735 50 ZRT test.gif admin 17 May, 2010 9.53 Kb 3817 49 ZRT home test kit.gif admin 17 May, 2010 71.80 Kb 47334 48 GrassRoots chart of 1000 tests.gif admin 17 May, 2010 36.12 Kb 3894