
Chair-side vitamin D test for 80 nmol - Sept 2023

Estimation of vitamin D levels using a chairside diagnostic test kit in patients with gingivitis and periodontitis: A cross-sectional study

J. of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 13(5):p 402-409, Sept 2023. 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_50_23
Koppolu, Pradeep1; Alshahrani, Abdullah M A2; Ghawas, Mohammad A Y2; Almuqbil, Mohammed S A2; Swapna, Lingam A3; Almuhaydib, Abdulmalik K H2

Most of those with Peridontitis have < 80 nmol/mL of Vitamin D

Vitamin D rapid test by Natejah
sold in Saudi Arabia for $13.00 - see below
Periodontitis is an inflammatory condition of the periodontium that is instigated by microbial biofilms developed on the teeth. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the vitamin D status of gingivitis and periodontitis patients while maintaining a healthy group as the control using simple low-cost chairside pre-coated with 25-OH Vitamin D antigen rapid test kits.

Materials and Methods:
From outpatients visiting the college’s periodontics clinics, a total of 101 patients were screened. The study sample includes 38 patients in the periodontitis group, 32 in the gingivitis group, and 31 in the healthy group. A middle-digit needle was used to collect blood samples, which were put into a test cassette with membrane that had been coated with 25-OH Vitamin D antigen on the test line area of the strip. Vitamin D Quick Test (Natejah) Semi-quantitatively detects 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH) D) in human finger-stick complete blood at a cutoff convergence of 30 ± 4 ng/mL. Vitamin D blood levels below 80 nmol/L are considered to have deficient vitamin 25(OH)D levels. Clinical parameters between healthy, gingivitis, and different stages of periodontitis subjects were compared using one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison. Fisher’s exact test was done to compare vitamin D levels in the three groups.

Fisher’s exact test revealed that there was a statistically significant increase in the number of subjects with stages 4 and stage 3 periodontitis who lacked vitamin D levels (less than 80 nmol/L). Whereas least deficient in Vit D were noticed among Healthy and Gingivitis subjects. When compared to healthy individuals, gingivitis, and various stages of periodontitis had significantly higher mean PI values in a Tukey’s multiple comparison. Vitamin D deficiency was found to be 27.5% in subjects with gingivitis and 71.5% in subjects with periodontitis.

Periodontitis is associated with vitamin D deficiency, in contrast to gingivitis and healthy subjects. The severity of periodontitis was likewise linked to the amount of vitamin D in the individual’s blood. When compared to expensive, time-consuming, and laborious laboratory methods, the findings of this study suggest that a simple inexpensive chairside pre-coated with 25-OH Vitamin D antigen rapid test kits can be considered a viable alternative for determining vitamin D levels.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

>1 million of the 10-minute testers have been sold

10-minute Y/N testers have been sold in > 50 countries, but not the US as of Dec 2023

See also VitaminDWiki

Chair-side vitamin D test for 80 nmol - Sept 2023        
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20506 Chair-side_CompressPdf.pdf admin 22 Dec, 2023 299.47 Kb 72