Highlights of Report in Swedish translated by Google
- Peter Bergman and his colleagues are fortunate to have 140 patients in daily treatment for one year with either vitamin D (4000 IU) or a placebo.
- The study was double-blind: neither the patients - all of which were susceptible to infections - nor caregivers knew who belonged to which group before the trial was over.
- The results show that vitamin D reduced patient discomfort.
- The probability of requiring treatment with antibiotics during the study period was 63 % lower in the vitamin D group compared with the placebo group, and the incidence of fungal infections, including respiratory, decreased.
Chart from 2015 publication
Note: if takes ~100 days for the vitamin D levels to plateau (thus, no benefit is expected until then)
Respiratory tract infection eliminated in 36 percent of people
Types of Respiratory Infections
Vitamin D did particularly well with
- Moraxella catharralis
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Pseudomona aeruginosa
- Fungal infection
Adverse effects: fewer with vitamin D than with placebo
Suspect that Vitamin D caused the reduction in:
- Gastrointestinal
- Cardiovascular
- Infections
The RTI aspects
 Download the English 2012 PDF from VitaminDWiki
 Download the English 2015 PDF from VitaminDWiki
See also VitaminDWiki
- VitaminDWiki RTI studies 26 as of Sept 2021
- 4,000 IU of Vitamin D - many pages
- Respiratory Tract Infection risk reduced 2X by Vitamin D loading doses – meta-analysis Jan 2021
- Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Infants reduced 5.9 X by daily 600 IU of vitamin D (China) - March 2020
- Respiratory tract infections in childhood – vitamin D is needed, no consensus of how much – Oct 2015
- Vitamin D and Respiratory Tract Infections – meta-analysis with charts June 2013
- Vitamin D response time is 3-6 months, not much benefit in first 4 months – RCT July 2017
- Vitamin D in respiratory diseases – Spring 2017
- Respiratory Tract Infection visits 2.5 less likely with vitamin D: Pregnancy 2000 IU, Infant 800 IU – RCT Oct 2014
- All items in Breathing and Vitamin D
460 items - Hypothesis: Respiratory problems will decrease with increased vitamin D – Jan 2012
- Respiratory Virus risk reduced 35 percent by Vitamin D (14,000 IU weekly) – RCT Oct 2018
- Respiratory diseases helped by vitamin D if initially have low level – RCT review Jan 2015
- Common cold incidence reduced by two thirds (500 IU for IBD with low vitamin D) – RCT Jan 2019
- Vitamin D does not reduce Infectious Disease when not enough is given – March 2015
- Inflammatory diseases: review of vitamin D, with many tables – May 2014 which has the following summary table
See also web
- Prevention of New Respiratory Episodes in Children with Recurrent Respiratory Infections: An Expert Consensus Statement - Nov 2020
- 1,000 IU of vitamin D was not enough for recurrent RTI
-  Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
- Human Metapneumovirus Infection in Hospitalised Children with Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection in Hangzhou, China 2013
Has a chart showing a very strong relationship with season of low Vitamin D at 30 degrees North latitude in China
Note RTI in Middle East peaks in the summer, not winter, because they stay away from the hot hot sun.
Respiratory infections reduced by 63 percent with 4000 IU vitamin D daily - RCT Dec 2012357854 visitors, last modified 27 Jan, 2024, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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