Vitamin D3 supplementation in obese, African-American, vitamin D deficient adolescents
J. of Clinical & Translational Endocrinology, Vol 12, June 2018, Pages 1-7.
Sheela N.Maggeb1 Divya Prasada Babette S.Zemelc Andrea Kellya
- Overview Vitamin D Dose-Response
- Reasons for low response to vitamin D
- 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily helped 80 percent of adolescents – Dec 2020
Items in both categories Obesity and Dark Skin are listed here:
- Dark-skinned people have low vitamin D (Obese pregnant women in UK in this case) – Sept 2024
- UK vitamin D levels vs race and obesity (all less than 30 ng) – April 2024
- Predictors of low vitamin D: race, age, and BMI (confirmed now by Machine Learning) – Feb 2024
- Cancer of breast is highest in dark-skinned women (low Vitamin D: dark skin and obese) - Feb 2022
- Sarcopenia with obesity is more likely if dark skin, diabetes, OR COPD (all associated with low vitamin D)
- 26 health factors increase the risk of COVID-19 – all are proxies for low vitamin D
- Half of obese black teens achieved at least 30 ng of Vitamin D with 5,000 IU daily – June 2018
- Stroke outcome 6.9 X worse if black and overweight (all three related via low vitamin D) – March 2018
- Indoor pollution is a problem with obese black asthmatic children – May 2018
- Blacks are more obese, have lower Vitamin D, and have more Cancer etc. than whites – Feb 2018
- Increase in Vitamin D deficiency with weight and skin darkness – chart – March 2016
- 5,000 IU daily or 50,000 IU Vitamin D weekly repleted many dark skinned adolescents – RCT Dec 2015
- Obese diabetics with dark skins not benefit from 6,000 IU of vitamin D daily (no surprise) – RCT March 2015
- African-Americans at high risk of obesity and diabetes - 2011
- Bariatric surgery less than 30 ng of vitamin D – 82 pcnt teens, 100 pcnt of black teens – June 2012
- Low vitamin D associated with obesity-related diseases for ethnic minorities – Sept 2011
- Reasons for low response to vitamin D
- Telomeres improved when obese blacks took 2000 IU of vitamin D daily – Oct 2011
- Black women lacking Calcium and Vitamin D weighed more – Aug 2011
- Dark skinned obese not helped much by weekly 50000 IU dose of vitamin D – May 2011
- Black obese children had low vitamin D and more fat under skin than whites – Mar 2011
- Obesity in American-Indians and African-American teens
- Vitamin D3 in obese and non obese African American children – 2008
- Low vitamin D in teens: especially black or overweight – June 2010
Overview Obesity and Vitamin D contains the following summary__
- FACT: People who are obese have less vitamin D in their blood
- FACT: Obese need a higher dose of vitamin D to get to the same level of vit D
- FACT: When obese people lose weight the vitamin D level in their blood increases
- FACT: Adding Calcium, perhaps in the form of fortified milk, often reduces weight
- FACT: 168 trials for vitamin D intervention of obesity as of Dec 2021
- FACT: Less weight gain by senior women with > 30 ng of vitamin D
- FACT: Dieters lost additional 5 lbs if vitamin D supplementation got them above 32 ng - RCT
- FACT: Obese lost 3X more weight by adding $10 of Vitamin D
- FACT: Those with darker skins were more likely to be obese Sept 2014
- OBSERVATION: Low Vitamin D while pregnancy ==> more obese child and adult
- OBSERVATION: Many mammals had evolved to add fat and vitamin D in the autumn
- and lose both in the Spring - unfortunately humans have forgotten to lose the fat in the Spring
- SPECULATION: Low vitamin D might be one of the causes of obesity – several studies
- SUGGESTION: Probably need more than 4,000 IU to lose weight if very low on vitamin D due to
risk factors such as overweight, age, dark skin, live far from equator,shut-in, etc. - Obesity category has
444 items See also: Weight loss and Vitamin D - many studies Child Obesity and Vitamin D - many studies Obesity, Virus, and Vitamin D - many studies
Obese need more Vitamin D- Normal weight Obese (50 ng = 125 nanomole)
- Normal weight Obese (50 ng = 125 nanomole)
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Wonder why one had a negative response and why two responded poorly
One of more of the following: Obesity?. Black?, Gut?, Genes?, failure to take the vitamin D?, winter?, become sick?Obese, African-American (AA) adolescents are at increased risk for vitamin D deficiency. The primary objective of this pilot study was to examine the effect of vitamin D supplementation upon 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) levels in obese, AA adolescents.
A randomized, double-blinded, controlled pilot study included 26 obese (BMI ≥ 95%ile), vitamin D deficient (25OHD < 20 ng/mL), pubertal AA adolescents (ages 12–17). Subjects received cholecalciferol 1000 IU or 5000 IU daily for 3 months. Serum 25OHD, vitamin D binding protein, parathyroid hormone, and cardiometabolic risk markers were obtained at baseline and post-treatment.Results
Of 39 subjects enrolled, 26 (67%) were vitamin D deficient (mean 25OHD 12.0 ± 3.8 ng/mL) at baseline and were randomized, with 22 completing the study. Sex, age, season, pubertal stage, BMI, insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and 25OHD were similar at baseline between the 1000 IU and 5000 IU groups. Post-treatment, 25OHD increased less in the 1000 IU group (5.6 ng/mL, p = 0.03) vs. the 5000 IU group (15.6 ng/mL, p = 0.002). 83% of the 5000 IU group and 30% of the 1000 IU group reached post-treatment 25OHD ≥ 20 ng/mL (p = 0.01); 50% of the 5000 IU group, but no subject from the 1000 IU group, achieved 25OHD ≥ 30 ng/mL (p = 0.009). We detected no group differences in mineral metabolites or cardiometabolic risk markers following supplementation.Conclusions
Cholecalciferol dosing in excess of the current Institute of Medicine dietary reference intakes was required to achieve 25OHD levels ≥20 ng/mL in obese, AA adolescents. Supplementation of 5000 IU may be required to achieve the desired goal.Half of obese black teens achieved at least 30 ng of Vitamin D with 5,000 IU daily – June 20187246 visitors, last modified 07 Jan, 2021, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
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