- ADHD = Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Wikipedia
- ADHD children have much lower levels of vitamin D
- ADHD is more likely if low vitamin D in early pregnancy
- Less sun is associated with more ADHD (season and latitude)
- The ADHD rate has increased a lot in the past few decades - especially for adults
- Vitamin D levels have dropped a lot in the past few decades
- There are many positive observational studies of Vitamin D and ADHD
- ADHD shares risk factors with Autism and many other diseases:
Low Vitamin D, Low Omega-3, Low Magnesium, Low UVB (= high latitude or winter) - ADHD has been treated by each of Vitamin D, Omega-3, Magnesium, and Zinc
- Vitamin D, Omega-3, and Magnesium are very synergistic - best to try all three
- 3,030 studies in Foogle Scholar on ADHD + OMEGA-3 + Magnesium + Vitamin D as of Jan 2025
- Magnesium as a potential complementary treatment for ADHD - a review of recent literature - May 2024 FREE PDF
- How Vitamin D, Magnesium, Omega-3 and Zinc prevent and treat COVID-19 etc. – June 2021 citing VitaminDWiki
- Role of vitamins and nutrients in the management of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): a narrative review - May 2024 FREE PDF
- Advances in the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Current and Promising Strategies - Nov 2024 FREE PDF
vitamin D overview ( more on ADHD info below)
Learn how Vitamin D is essential for good health
Watch a 5 minute video "Does Less Sun Mean more Disease?"
Browse for other Health Problems and D in left column or here
see also Supplementing and More in the menu at the top of every page
If you have a disease associated with low Vit D take Vit D
Raising your Vit D levels will substantially prevent other low-Vit D health problems
Proof that Vitamin D Works Getting Vitamin D into your blood and cells
Books and Videos
Reasons for low response to vitamin D Why are doctors reluctant
Cancer studies include: Breast
Colds and flu Dark Skin
COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos
- ADHD Treatment by Omega-3, Vitamin D, Magnesium, etc. - - - - - -
9 items in both categories ADHD and Omega-3 in VitaminDWiki - ADHD reduced by Omega-3 in trials either using high doses or over the long term – July 2016
- Half of ADHD children treated by Omega-3 RCT 2009
- PubMed - March 2019 Omega-3 appears to treat ADHD
- ADHD is helped by a combination of Omega-3 and zinc-2016
- ADHD helped by 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly + Mg - RCT April 2021
- ADHD treated by Vitamin D - Meta-analysis of trials Oct 2019
- ADHD helped somewhat by Omega-3 in 8 weeks - Sept 2022
- Saffron as good as Ritalin at treating ADHD - RCT 2019
- ADHD associated with Low Vitamin D - - - - - - - -
- Doxycycline in early pregnancy increases risk of ADHD in child by 3X – if low Vitamin D – Oct 2024
- ADHD 2 X more likely if Tylenol (which decreases Vitamin D) was used a lot during pregnancy
- ADHD 1.5X more likely if low Vitamin D during early pregnancy– Dec 2019
- For every 10 ng of vitamin D during pregnancy, 11% less likely for a child to have ADHD symptoms - July 2015
- ADHD decreased by 11% for every 4 ng higher level of vitamin D in the cord at birth - 2016
- ADHD Prevention Opinion - Vitamin D
- ADHD associated with both low vitamin D and poor Vitamin D Receptor - Feb 2018
- Less ADHD where the sun is brighter (United States) - March 2013
- 95 percent of ADHD had inadequate vitamin D from food– Jan 2018
- ADHD children had 21 ng of vitamin D (control = 35 ng) – Jan 2014
- ADHD children have low vitamin D levels (19 vs. 29 ng) 2015
- ADHD Incidence - increasing - - - - - - - - -
- ADHD conventional Treatment (many not treated due to cost, side effects) - - - - - -
- Overlap of ADHD and Autism, etc. (behaviors, solutions) - - - - - - - - - -
- ADHD other - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 ADHD Meta-analyses in VitaminDWiki 52 items in the ADHD category on VitaminDWiki - ADHD associated with asthma, sleep disturbances, epilepsy, excess weight, wounds, injuries, RLS
- ADHD in Adults
- See ADHD web
- ADHD Celebs - pictures
- ADHD names from history
- ADHD Chart of possible reasons (vitamin D not mentioned)
- Magnesium and mental illness chart
- Brain plasticity software has shown nice improvement in some ADHD symptoms - 2016
- ADHD children typically treated with strong stimulates 5X more likely be become addicted
- Associations with the category ADHD
ADHD Treatment by Omega-3, Vitamin D, Magnesium, etc. - - - - - -
9 items in both categories ADHD and Omega-3 in VitaminDWiki - ADHD risk factors include low Zinc, Vitamin D, Magnesium and Omega-3 (umbrella review) – Oct 2020
- Mental disorders fought by Omega-3 etc. - meta-meta-analysis Oct 2019
- Behavior disorders reduced with Magnesium, Omega-3, and Zinc
- ADHD children eat less fatty fish (Omega-3 again) – May 2019
- Omega-3 probably can decrease Autism and ADHD – March 2019
- Omega-3 reduced violence in children and violence between parents – RCT May 2018
- ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
- ADHD 2 times more likely if poor Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio – meta-analysis May 2016
- ADHD and Vitamin D Deficiency
See also: ADHD Omega-3 on the web
- Omega-3 PUFAs in children with ADHD 2019 Ph.D. thesis, extensive abstract
- 2019 Ph.D. by Sellick "The effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on the cognitive neuroscience of ADHD."
ADHD reduced by Omega-3 in trials either using high doses or over the long term – July 2016
Critical appraisal of omega-3 fatty acids in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder treatment.
Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2016 Jul 26;12:1869-82. Doi 10.2147/NDT.S68652. eCollection 2016.
Königs A1, Kiliaan AJ1.Department of Anatomy, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition & Behaviour, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder. The classical treatment of ADHD, where stimulant medication is used, has revealed severe side effects and intolerance. Consequently, the demand to search for alternative treatment has increased rapidly. When comparing levels of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω-3 PUFAs) in ADHD patients with those in age-matching controls, lower levels are found in ADHD patients' blood. ω-3 PUFAs are essential nutrients and necessary for proper brain function and development. Additionally, there are strong indications that ω-3 PUFA supplements could have beneficial effects on ADHD. However, the results of ω-3 PUFA supplementation studies show high variability. Therefore, we reviewed recent studies published between 2000 and 2015 to identify effective treatment combinations, the quality of design, and the safety and tolerability of ω-3-containing food supplements. We searched the databases MEDLINE, PubMed, and Web of Science with keywords such as "ADHD" and "ω-3/6 PUFA" and identified 25 studies that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.The results of these ω-3 PUFA studies are contradictory but, overall, show evidence for successful treatment of ADHD symptoms. The tolerability of the given supplements was high, and only mild side effects were reported.
In conclusion, there is evidence that a ω-3 PUFA treatment has a positive effect on ADHD. It should be added that treatment could be more effective in patients with mild forms of ADHD. Moreover, the dosage of stimulant medication could be reduced when used in combination with ω-3 PUFA supplements. Further studies are necessary to investigate underlying mechanisms that can lead to a reduction of ADHD symptoms due to ω-3 PUFA treatments and also to determine the optimal concentrations of ω-3 PUFAs, whether used as a single treatment or in combination with other medication.
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Half of ADHD children treated by Omega-3 RCT 2009
Omega-3/Omega-6 Fatty Acids for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial in Children and Adolescents
Journal of Attention Disorders March 2009 vol. 12 no. 5 394-401Objective: The aim of the study was to assess omega 3/6 fatty acids (eye q) in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Method: The study included a randomized, 3-month, omega 3/6 placebo-controlled, one-way crossover trial with 75 children and adolescents (8—18 years), followed by 3 months with omega 3/6 for all. Investigator-rated ADHD Rating Scale—IV and Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale were outcome measures. Results: A majority did not respond to omega 3/6 treatment.
However, a subgroup of 26% responded with more than 25% reduction of ADHD symptoms and a drop of CGI scores to the near-normal range.
After 6 months, 47% of all showed such improvement. Responders tended to have ADHD inattentive subtype and comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders.
Conclusion: A subgroup of children and adolescents with ADHD, characterized by inattention and associated neurodevelopmental disorders, treated with omega 3/6 fatty acids for 6 months responded with a meaningful reduction of ADHD symptoms. (J. of Att. Dis. 2009; 12(5) 394-401)
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PubMed - March 2019 Omega-3 appears to treat ADHD
- Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Youths with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials and Biological Studies Feb 2018
- The Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Developmental Psychopathology: A Systematic Review on Early Psychosis, Autism, and ADHD Dec 2017, free PDF
- Omega-3 supplementation associated with improved parent-rated executive function in youth with mood disorders: secondary analyses of the omega 3 and therapy (OATS) trials. Oct 2017
Omega-3 for just 12 weeks significantly improved ADHD therapy - A double-blind placebo-controlled randomised trial of omega-3 supplementation in children with moderate ADHD symptoms Oct 2017
12 weeks, no improvement - Do Omega-3/6 Fatty Acids Have a Therapeutic Role in Children and Young People with ADHD? Aug 2017
15 studies reviewed. "omega-3/6 fatty acids offer great promise as a suitable adjunctive therapy for ADHD."
Full free PDF online - Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio in Patients with ADHD: A Meta-Analysis Spring 2016 Free PDF
ADHD is helped by a combination of Omega-3 and zinc-2016
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ADHD helped by 50,000 IU vitamin D weekly + Mg - RCT April 2021
The effect of vitamin D and magnesium supplementation on the mental health status of attention-deficit hyperactive children: a randomized controlled trial
BMC Pediatrics volume 21, Article number: 178 (2021)
Mostafa Hemamy, Naseh Pahlavani, Alireza Amanollahi, Sheikh Mohammed Shriful Islam, Jenna McVicar, Gholamreza Askari & Mahsa MalekahmadiBackground
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by varying severity in attention deficit and hyperactivity. Studies have shown deficiencies in the serum level of magnesium and vitamin D in people with ADHD. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of vitamin D and magnesium supplementation on mental health in children with ADHD.Methods
We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 66 children with ADHD. Participants were randomly allocated to receive both vitamin D (50,000 IU/week) plus magnesium (6 mg/kg/day)supplements (n = 33) or placebos (n = 33) for 8 weeks. A strengths and difficulties questionnaire was used to evaluate children’s mental health at baseline and the end of the study.Results
After eight weeks of intervention, the serum levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 and magnesium increased significantly in the intervention group compared with the control group. Also, children receiving vitamin D plus magnesium showed a significant reduction in emotional problems (p = 0.001), conduct problems (p = 0.002), peer problems (p = 0.001), prosocial score (p = 0.007), total difficulties (p = 0.001), externalizing score (p = 0.001), and internalizing score (p = 0.001) compared with children treated with the placebo.Conclusion
Vitamin D (50,000 IU/week) and magnesium (6 mg/kg/day) co-supplementation for a duration of 8 weeks could improve the behavioral function and mental health of children with ADHD. However, further well-designed studies with a larger sample size are needed.Trial registration: IRCT2016030326886N1
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ADHD treated by Vitamin D - Meta-analysis of trials Oct 2019
The Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Journal of Child and Adolescent PsychopharmacologyVol. 29, No. 9 https://doi.org/10.1089/cap.2019.0059
Jing Gan, Peter Galer, Dan Ma, Chao Chen, and Tao XiongObjective: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were conducted to assess the benefits and harms of vitamin D supplementation for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients.
Methods: We followed the standard methodological procedures of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Intervention. PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Science and Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Social Science and Humanities (Web of Science), ClincalTrials.gov, and World Health Organization's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform were searched for RCTs in January 2019. Independently, two authors (J.G., T.X.) extracted data, assessed the risk of bias, combined the data, and graded evidence quality using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation approach. Our primary outcomes were assessed through rating scales of ADHD severity. Secondary outcomes measured were the possible adverse effects of vitamin D supplementation and vitamin D status after supplementation for ADHD.
Results: We included four RCTs with 256 children addressing vitamin D supplementation as adjunctive therapy to methylphenidate on ADHD symptoms. Vitamin D supplementation demonstrated a small but statistically significant improvement in ADHD total scores, inattention scores, hyperactivity scores, and behavior scores. The improvement was likely limited due to the low to very low quality of evidence in the literature. There was no statistically significant improvement in oppositional scores. Reported adverse events in the vitamin D group were mild and not significantly different from the control group. Vitamin D supplementation increased serum vitamin D levels and the ratio of patients with sufficient vitamin D levels.
Conclusions: Vitamin D supplementation as adjunctive therapy to methylphenidate appeared to reduce ADHD symptoms without serious adverse events associated with improved vitamin D status. However, considering the generally low strength of evidence, well-designed RCTs are needed to determine the efficacy and safety of vitamin D supplementation for both children and adults with ADHD, especially in the setting of a combination of vitamin D and other ADHD treatments.
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ADHD helped somewhat by Omega-3 in 8 weeks - Sept 2022
Impulsiveness in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder after an 8-week intervention with the Mediterranean diet and/or omega-3 fatty acids: a randomized clinical trial
Neurología Vol 37, Issue 7, Sept 2022, Pages 513-523 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nrleng.2019.09.009
San Mauro Martin a, S. Sanz Rojo a, L. González Cosano a, R. Conty de la Campa a, E. Garicano Vilar a, J.A. Blumenfeld Olivares b c
The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) is a self-administered instrument designed to assess the personality/behavioral construct of impulsiveness. Impulsiveness has been associated with several psychiatric disorders, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This study assesses the progression of impulsive behavior in children with ADHD after an 8-week dietary intervention with the Mediterranean diet and/or omega-3 fatty acid supplementation by using a version of the 11-item BIS adapted for children (BIS-11c).Methods
This cross-sectional study includes 60 children with ADHD from the region of Madrid, Spain. Participants were divided into 4 groups, with one control group and 3 intervention groups (Mediterranean diet, omega-3 supplementation, and Mediterranean diet plus omega-3 supplementation). A personalized Mediterranean diet was designed for members of groups 2 and 4. The BIS-11c was administered to determine the level of impulsiveness, and the KIDMED test was used to assess adherence to the Mediterranean diet.Results
The supplementation group showed a fairly significant decrease in the total BIS-11c (P = .049). Total cognitive score slightly decreased in the diet and supplementation groups. Only the control group showed a considerable decrease in the total motor score. Total non planning scores were lower in all groups after the intervention. Baseline and final BIS-11c scores were positively correlated with treatments (r > 0.9).Conclusion
An intake of 550 mg EPA fatty acid and 225 mg DHA fatty acid per day for 8 weeks is associated with less marked impulsive behavior in children with ADHD. A Mediterranean diet may improve BIS scores, although our results are not conclusive in this population.
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Note: This study does not even contain the phrase "Omega-6". Doubt that the Med Diet was low in Omega-6 cooking oilds which can block most of the benefit of the Omega-3
Saffron as good as Ritalin at treating ADHD - RCT 2019
Randomized Double-Blind Study Shows Saffron Can Help ADHD Mercola
- 6-week trial 20-30 mg of either ==> same result
- "Saffron, known as the world’s most expensive spice by weight, has traditionally been valued for its antispasmodic, antiseptic, antidepressant, anticancer and anticonvulsant effects, and the researchers noted that saffron’s active compounds are known to “increase the reuptake inhibition of dopamine and norepinephrine and are N-methyl D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antagonists and GABA-α agonists.”
- "Therapeutically, they add, saffron has been shown to enhance memory while also possessing antidepressant, antianxiety, and neuroprotective effects that may be valuable in the treatment of ADHD."
- From Crocus sativus L. Versus Methylphenidate in Treatment of Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind Pilot Study Feb 2019
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ADHD associated with Low Vitamin D - - - - - - - -
Doxycycline in early pregnancy increases risk of ADHD in child by 3X – if low Vitamin D – Oct 2024
Associating prenatal antibiotics exposure with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in preschool children: The role of maternal vitamin D
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Vol 285 , 15 Oct 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.117037
Highlights- Biomonitoring-based study on prenatal antibiotics and preschoolers’ ADHD symptoms.
- Doxycycline exposure during the first trimester increases ADHD symptom risk.
- HAs/PHAs exposure during the first trimester increases ADHD symptom risk.
- Mid-pregnancy sulfamethazine exposure shows greater neurotoxicity in girls.
- Effect of maternal vitamin D can modify doxycycline exposure on ADHD symptoms.
The associations between prenatal antibiotics exposure and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in preschoolers, and the role of maternal vitamin D in these associations, remain to be explored.Objectives
To evaluate the relationships between multiple maternal urinary antibiotics levels and preschoolers’ ADHD symptoms, and to identify the potential modifying effects of maternal vitamin D.Methods
Based on a prospective birth cohort, the present study included 2033 mother single bond child pairs. Maternal urine and serum samples were collected during all three trimesters to measure the urinary concentrations of 43 antibiotics (including two metabolites) and the serum vitamin D levels. The ADHD symptoms of preschoolers were assessed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual–oriented ADHD problems scale in the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. Multiple informant models in the form of logistic regression were conducted to investigate the associations between prenatal antibiotics exposure and preschooler ADHD symptoms, and these associations were stratified by child sex and maternal vitamin D status.Results
Compared with the lowest tertile concentrations, maternal exposure to the middle tertile concentrations of doxycycline and human antibiotics/preferred as human antibiotics (HAs/PHAs), and the highest tertile concentrations of doxycycline during the first trimester were associated with an increased risk of ADHD symptoms in children. An increased risk of ADHD symptoms was observed in girls exposed to the highest tertile levels of sulfamethazine during the second trimester. Furthermore, pregnant women with vitamin D deficiency have a greater risk of ADHD symptoms in their offspring after exposure to doxycycline in the first trimester.Conclusions
Maternal exposure to doxycycline and HAs/PHAs during the first trimester increases the risk of ADHD symptoms in preschoolers. Mid-pregnancy sulfamethazine exposure increases the risk of ADHD symptoms in girls. Maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy may exacerbate the adverse effects of doxycycline exposure on ADHD symptoms.
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ADHD 2 X more likely if Tylenol (which decreases Vitamin D) was used a lot during pregnancy
ADHD 2 X more likely if Tylenol used a lot during pregnancy (Autism increased too) – Dec 2016
ADHD 1.5X more likely if low Vitamin D during early pregnancy– Dec 2019
Maternal Vitamin D Levels and the Risk of Offspring Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2019.11.021Objective
Recent evidence has highlighted the importance of vitamin D to the development of the central nervous system. Some studies have shown an association between maternal vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and offspring Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms based on parent- or teacher ratings. There are no previous studies on early pregnancy 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) levels and the risk of diagnosed offspring ADHD. Our aim was to examine maternal 25(OH)D levels in early pregnancy and offspring ADHD.Method
In this nationwide population-based case-control study, 1067 ADHD cases were born between 1998 and 1999 and diagnosed according to the International Classification of Diseases, and 1067 matched controls were identified from Finnish registers. Maternal 25(OH)D levels were measured using quantitative immunoassay from maternal sera, collected during the first trimester, and archived in the national biobank. Conditional logistic regression was used to examine the association between maternal 25(OH)D and offspring ADHD.Results
There was a significant association between decreasing log-transformed maternal 25(OH)D levels and offspring ADHD both in the unadjusted analyses (OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.33-2.05, P<.001) as well as in the analyses adjusting for maternal socio-economic status and age (OR 1.45, 95% CI 1.15-1.81, P=.002). Analyses by quintiles of maternal 25(OH)D levels in the lowest versus highest quintile revealed an adjusted odds ratio for offspring ADHD of 1.53 (95% CI 1.11-2.12, P=.010).Conclusion
This study demonstrated an association between low maternal 25(OH)D during pregnancy and an elevated risk for offspring ADHD. If replicated in independent samples, this finding may have significant public health implications.
For every 10 ng of vitamin D during pregnancy, 11% less likely for a child to have ADHD symptoms - July 2015
Vitamin D in Pregnancy and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-like Symptoms in Childhood.
Epidemiology. 2015 Jul;26(4):458-65. doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000292.
Morales E1, Julvez J, Torrent M, Ballester F, Rodríguez-Bernal CL, Andiarena A, Vegas O, Castilla AM, Rodriguez-Dehli C, Tardón A, Sunyer J.BACKGROUND: Vitamin D status during prenatal brain development may influence the risk of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in childhood. However, there are no prospective studies addressing this hypothesis. We aimed to examine whether maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy is associated with the risk of ADHD-like symptoms in offspring.
METHODS: We conducted a prospective study analyzing data from 1,650 mother-child pairs from five birth cohorts embedded in the INMA Project (Spain, 1997-2008). Maternal vitamin D status in pregnancy was estimated by measuring plasma concentration of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 25(OH)D3 at 13 weeks of gestation. Children were assessed by teachers for ADHD-like symptoms at ages 4-5 years using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ADHD form list.
RESULTS: After adjustment, the number of total ADHD-like symptoms in children decreased by 11% per 10 ng/ml increment of maternal 25(OH)D3 concentration (incidence rate ratio IRR = 0.89; 95% confidence interval CI = 0.80, 0.98). Similarly, the number of symptoms in the ADHD subscales decreased in relation to higher maternal 25(OH)D3 concentration (IRR per 10 ng/ml increment = 0.89; 95% CI = 0.79, 0.99 for the inattention scale; and IRR = 0.88; 95% CI = 0.78, 0.99 for the hyperactivity-impulsivity scale). Using diagnostic criteria, we found an association between increasing maternal 25(OH)D3 with a lower risk of ADHD DSM-IV (relative risk ratio per 10 ng/ml increment = 0.87; 95% CI = 0.72, 1.06) and ICD-10 hyperkinetic disorder (relative risk ratio = 0.72; 95% CI = 0.49, 1.04) in children.
CONCLUSION: Higher maternal circulating levels of 25(OH)D3 in pregnancy are associated with a lower risk of developing ADHD-like symptoms in childhood.
ADHD decreased by 11% for every 4 ng higher level of vitamin D in the cord at birth - 2016
Inverse associations between cord vitamin D and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms: A child cohort study.
Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2016 Sep 30. pii: 0004867416670013.
Mossin MH1, Aaby JB1, Dalgård C2, Lykkedegn S3, Christesen HT3, Bilenberg N4.OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between cord 25-hydroxyvitamin D2+3 (25(OH)D) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in toddlers, using the Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1.5-5.
METHOD: In a population-based birth cohort, a Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1.5-5 questionnaires was returned from parents of 1233 infants with mean age of 2.7 (standard deviation 0.6) years. Adjusted associations between cord 25(OH)D and Child Behaviour Checklist-based attention deficit hyperactivity disorder problems were analyzed by multiple regression.
RESULTS: The median cord 25(OH)D was 44.1 (range: 1.5-127.1) nmol/L. The mean attention deficit hyperactivity disorder problem score was 2.7 (standard deviation 2.1). In adjusted analyses, cord 25(OH)D levels >25 nmol/L and >30 nmol/L were associated with lower attention deficit hyperactivity disorder scores compared to levels ⩽25 nmol/L (p = 0.035) and ⩽30 nmol/L (p = 0.043), respectively. The adjusted odds of scoring above the 90th percentile on the Child Behaviour Checklist-based attention deficit hyperactivity disorder problem scale decreased by 11% per 10 nmol/L increase in cord 25(OH)D.
CONCLUSION: An inverse association between cord 25(OH)D and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in toddlers was found, suggesting a protective effect of prenatal vitamin D.
ADHD Prevention Opinion - Vitamin D
Probably can reduce the risk of ADHD by getting lots of Vitamin D in early pregnancy or pre-conception.
Ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby - take Vitamin D before conception has the following.
ADHD associated with both low vitamin D and poor Vitamin D Receptor - Feb 2018
- Vitamin D and vitamin D receptor levels in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
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Less ADHD where the sun is brighter (United States) - March 2013
Geographic Variation in the Prevalence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: The Sunny Perspective
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95 percent of ADHD had inadequate vitamin D from food– Jan 2018
Evaluation of dietary intake in children and college students with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Nutr Neurosci. 2018 Jan 23:1-14. doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2018.1427661. Epub ahead of print
Evaluation of dietary intake in children and college students with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Holton KF1, Johnstone JM2,3, Brandley ET4, Nigg JT3.
1 Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, Department of Health Studies, American University, Washington, DC, USA.
2 Department of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA.
3 Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA.
4 Department of Health Studies, American University, Washington, DC, USA.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate dietary intake among individuals with and without attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and to evaluate the likelihood that those with ADHD have inadequate intakes.
Children, 7-12 years old, with (n = 23) and without (n = 22) ADHD, and college students, 18-25 years old, with (n = 21) and without (n = 30) ADHD, comprised the samples. Children's dietary intake was assessed by a registered dietitian using 24-hour recalls over 3 days. College students kept a detailed food record over three days. Dietary information for both groups was entered into the Nutrition Data Systems for Research database, and output was analyzed using SAS 9.4. Nutrient analyses included the Healthy Eating Index-2010, the Micronutrient Index (as a measure of overall micronutrient intake), and individual amino acids necessary for neurotransmission. Logistic regression was used to model the association of nutrient intake with ADHD. Models were adjusted for age, sex, IQ (or GPA), and energy intake (or total protein intake) as appropriate. Significance was evaluated at P = 0.05 and using the Benjamini-Hochberg corrected P-value for multiple comparisons.RESULTS:
No evidence existed for reduced nutrient intake among those with ADHD compared to controls in either age group. Across both groups, inadequate intakes of vitamin D and potassium were reported in 95% of participants. Children largely met nutrient intake guidelines, while college students failed to meet these guidelines for nine nutrients. In regards to amino acid intake in children, an increased likelihood of having ADHD was associated with higher consumption of aspartate, OR = 12.61 (P = 0.01) and glycine OR = 11.60__ (P = 0.05); and a reduced likelihood of ADHD with higher intakes of glutamate, OR = 0.34 (P = 0.03). Among young adults, none of the amino acids were significantly associated with ADHD, though glycine and tryptophan approached significance.DISCUSSION:
Results fail to support the hypothesis that ADHD is driven solely by dietary micronutrient inadequacy. However, amino acids associated with neurotransmission, specifically those affecting glutamatergic neurotransmission, differed by ADHD status in children. Amino acids did not reliably vary among college students. Future larger-scale studies are needed to further examine whether or not dietary intake of amino acids may be a modulating factor in ADHD.
See also web Glutamate and Aspartate Are the Major Excitatory Transmitters in the Brain
Chapter in a 1999 book - online, free
ADHD children had 21 ng of vitamin D (control = 35 ng) – Jan 2014
Vitamin D Status in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Pediatr Int. 2014 Jan 13. doi 10.1111/ped.12286.
Goksugur SB, Tufan AE, Semiz M, Gunes C, Bekdas M, Tosun M, Demircioglu F.
Department of Pediatrics, Medical Faculty, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey.BACKGROUND: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood and is an early onset, affecting 2-18 % of children worldwide. Etiopathogenesis of ADHD is obscure. In recent studies, low levels of vitamin D are found in association with many disorders as well as in neuropsychiatric diseases. In this study, we aimed to investigate serum vitamin D levels in pediatric ADHD patients.
METHODS: A total of 60 ADHD patients and 30 healthy controls were included in the study. The ages of both groups were in 7 and 18 years old range. Serum levels of 25-OH-Vitamin D, calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were investigated.
RESULTS: Serum levels of 25-OH-vitamin D were found to be significantly lower in children and adolescents with ADHD compared to healthy controls, and no significant differences were found between the groups in terms of other variables. 25-OH-vitamin D level in ADHD group and control group was respectively; 20.9±19.4 ng/mL and 34.9±15.4 ng/mL (p=0.001).
CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that there is an association between lower 25-OH-vitamin D concentrations and ADHD in childhood and adolescence. To our knowledge, this is the first study that investigates the relationship between vitamin D and ADHD in children.
PMID: 24417979 Patients/caregivers can buy a copy of the study from the publisher for just $3.50
ADHD children have low vitamin D levels (19 vs. 29 ng) 2015
The Relationship between Serum Vitamin D Level and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Iran J Child Neurol. 2015 Fall;9(4):48-53.
Sharif MR1, Madani M2, Tabatabaei F3, Tabatabaee Z4.OBJECTIVE:
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders. In recent years, the impacts of various micronutrients on ADHD have been studied. However, vitamin D has received much less attention. This study was aimed at evaluating the association and level of serum vitamin D in children with ADHD.MATERIALS & METHODS: This case-control study was carried out, in 2012, on 6 to 12 yr-old children. Thirty-seven were children with ADHD in the cases group, and another 37 healthy children were in the control group. A venous blood sample was drawn from each child to measure the serum level of vitamin D. Other variables were compared as well.
RESULTS: The mean serum vitamin D level of children with ADHD (19.11±10.10 ng/ml) was significantly lower than that of the control group (28.67±13.76 ng/ml) (P<0.001).
A deficiency of vitamin D has been proven in various psychiatric diseases.
This study evidenced a significantly low level of serum vitamin D in children with ADHD.
This suggests the need for regularly monitoring of serum vitamin D levels and treatment of patients with vitamin D deficiencies.Intervention with vitamin D alleviated signs of ADHD - mentioned in PDF
An interventional study on 80 patients with ADHD above the age of 16 in New Zealand reported a 27% prevalence rate of vitamin D deficiency.
Using vitamin D supplements for eight weeks was found to be effective in alleviating the signs of the disease
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ADHD Incidence - increasing - - - - - - - - -
1 in 9 US children diagnosed with ADHD in 2022
had been 1 in 10 just 4 years earlier New Scientist June 2024
- Why Do 1 in 9 Children Now Have ADHD Diagnosis Mercola Aug 2024
- In the U.S., 1 in 9 children between the ages of 3 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD.
- 30.1% had not received any treatment for ADHD
ADHD in US teens increased 1.9 X in 20 years, and black children and teens 2.7 X (low D) - in 2018
Twenty-Year Trends in Diagnosed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among US Children and Adolescents, 1997-2016
JAMA Network Open. 2018;1(4):e181471. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2018.1471
Guifeng Xu, MD1,2; Lane Strathearn, MBBS, FRACP, PhD1,3; Buyun Liu, MD, PhD2; et al Binrang Yang, MD, PhD1,4; Wei Bao, MD, PhD2
Key Points- Question What are the long-term trends in the prevalence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder among US children and adolescents over the past 2 decades?
- Findings In this study of data from 186 457 children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 years from the National Health Interview Survey, a nationwide, population-based, cross-sectional survey conducted annually from 1997 to 2016, the estimated prevalence of diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in US children and adolescents increased from 6.1% in 1997-1998 to 10.2% in 2015-2016.
- Meaning Among US children and adolescents, the estimated prevalence of diagnosed attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder increased significantly between 1997 and 2016.
Importance Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is common in US children and adolescents. It is important to understand the most recent prevalence of ADHD and its long-term trends over the past decades.
Objective To estimate the prevalence of diagnosed ADHD and 20-year trends from 1997 to 2016 among US children and adolescents using nationally representative data.
Design, Setting, and Participants In this population-based, cross-sectional survey study (National Health Interview Survey), surveys were conducted annually from 1997 to 2016. A total of 186 457 children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 years from 1997 to 2016 were included in this analysis. Data were collected through in-person household interviews with a parent or guardian. The data analysis was performed in January 2018.
Main Outcomes and Measures Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosed by a physician or other health care professional.
Results Among the included 186 457 children and adolescents (96 017 boys 51.5%, 51 350 Hispanic 27.5%, 91 374 non-Hispanic white 49.0%, 28 808 non-Hispanic black 15.5%, 14 925 non-Hispanic other race 8.0%), 14 704 children and adolescents (7.9%; 10 536 boys 71.7%, 2497 Hispanic 17.0%, 9010 non-Hispanic white 61.3%, 2328 non-Hispanic black 15.8%, and 869 non-Hispanic other race 5.9%) were reported to have ever been diagnosed with ADHD. The weighted prevalence of diagnosed ADHD was 10.2% (95% CI, 9.6%-10.8%) in 2015-2016. There were significant sex and racial/ethnic disparities in the prevalence of diagnosed ADHD. The prevalence was 14.0% (95% CI, 13.1%-15.0%) in boys and 6.3% (95% CI, 5.6%-7.0%) in girls, 6.1% (95% CI, 5.2%-7.0%) in Hispanic individuals, 12.0% (95% CI, 11.1%-12.9%) in non-Hispanic white individuals, and 12.8% (95% CI, 11.0%-14.5%) in non-Hispanic black individuals. Over the 20-year period, the estimated prevalence of diagnosed ADHD in US children and adolescents increased from 6.1% in 1997-1998 to 10.2% in 2015-2016 (P for trend <.001). All subgroups by age, sex, race/ethnicity, family income, and geographic regions showed a significant increase in the prevalence from 1997-1998 to 2015-2016.
Conclusions and Relevance This study’s findings suggest that among US children and adolescents, the estimated prevalence of diagnosed ADHD increased significantly between 1997-1998 and 2015-2016. This study suggests that additional research is needed to better understand the cause of this apparent rise in prevalence.
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ADHD conventional Treatment (many not treated due to cost, side effects) - - - - - -
5 years of ADHD drugs increased risk of CVD by 35% (age <25) - Dec 2023
280,000 Swedes (adults & children)
Study PDF
ADHD diagnoses doubled in 2 decades, but 80-90% are not treated - May 2023
- "Children of parents with a bachelor’s degree 11.5% received medications."
- Medication: White children 14.8%. Black children, 9.4%
- 15.7% of boys and 7% of girls were currently receiving ADHD medications.
ADHD prescriptions in the US
Ritalin in the UK
Overlap of ADHD and Autism, etc. (behaviors, solutions) - - - - - - - - - -
click here for source of blue venn diagram
Click here for diagnostic confusion
VitaminDWiki – Autism category contains
Autism category has166 items - see also Overview Autism and vitamin D, Autoimmune , Cognitive, ADHD
Interesting Autistic studies
Autism associated with low Vitamin D- Most Autism Risk factors are associated with low vitamin D - March 2014
- Rickets – 26 percent had autism: no rickets, no autism (both associated with low vitamin D) – June 2015
- Autistics have half of the response to Vitamin D – RCT Oct 2018
- Vitamin D fights autism - trying to figure out how and why – May 2022
Autism TREATED by Vitamin D
- Autism in children reduced by Vitamin D (used 300 IU per kg per day) – RCT Oct 2016
- Autism treated by Vitamin D (monthly injection of 150,000 IU) – June 2017
- Autism decreased in 8 out of 10 children supplemented with vitamin D – April 2015
Autism PREVENTED by vitamins before and during pregnancy
- Autism risk is reduced by Vitamin D – early pregnancy or chlldhood – Umbrella review – July 2024
- Vitamin D and autism - treat: 300 IU per kg per day, prevent: during pregnancy 5,000 IU – Feb 2017
- Autism reduced 24% for each 4 ng more Vitamin D while pregnant ( ADHD 12%) – Feb 2024
- Autism rate cut in half when multivitamins (including vitamin D) used during pregnancy – Oct 2017
- Autism risk reduced 2X by prenatal vitamins (Vitamin D or Folic) – Feb 2019
- Autism 3X more likely after closely spaced pregnancy vs 3 year apart– Jan 2011
- Low Vitamin D decreases fertility and increases subsequent autism, ADHD, etc – Feb 2018
- Women who had supplemented with any vitamins were 6 X less likely to have autistic offspring – Jan 2018
- Autism rate in siblings reduced 4X by vitamin D: 5,000 IU during pregnancy, 1,000 IU to infants – Feb 2016
Autism and Vitamin D Receptor (not enough Vit D gets to the cells)
This list is automatically updated- More than 30% of Autistics also have ADHD - Nov 2024
- Autism treated by an activator of the Vitamin D Receptor: supforaphane - March 2024
- Autism may be synergistically treated by Vitamin D and probiotics – July 2022
- Autism 2X to 3X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – June 2020
- A good Vitamin D Receptor (or perhaps more vitamin D) protects against lead during pregnancy
- Autism much more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – many studies
Autism - other risk factors
- Autistic symptoms reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT March 2019
- Autism risk increased if infant had antibiotics (2X), acetaminophen (3X), or no vitamin D drops (1.5X) – June 2018
- 20 X more Parkinson's and 100X more Autism with GMO soy in China
- Note >100X increase in Autism while having GMO soy in the US
6 Autism and Virus/Vaccines - Vaccines increase the risk of autism (25 studies) - Feb 2025
- Fewer neurons in males born from COVID-19 vaccinated mothers (rats) - Jan 2024
- Does a vaccine increase the risk of Autism – March 2019
- Autism 2.75 X more likely in Hib vaccines containing Mercury – May 2018
- Vaccinated children had more chronic diseases - Sept 2018
- Autism and ADHD type disorders were 14X more likely in survey of extreme preterm vaccinated infants - April 2017
Dr. Cannell on Autism and Vitamin D in VitaminDWiki
- Autism treated by Vitamin D (80 – 120 ng) – Cannell update May 2018
- Autism Causes, Prevention and Treatment: Vitamin D Deficiency etc. – Book April 2015 Cannell
- Autism cured in a child with Vitamin D, Dr. Cannell comments and cofactor recommendations – March 2015
- Autism and Vitamin D - Dr. Cannell in Life Extension Mag - Jan 2014
- Autism treated by Vitamin D: Dr. Cannell - video June 2013
- includes his list of 27 reasons to associate Vitamin D with Autism in 2013
7 studies: Autism reduced by Omega-3 - Many autistic children are getting some Vitamin D, Omega-3, probiotics, etc. – Aug 2019
- Autistic symptoms reduced by Vitamin D and or Omega-3 – RCT March 2019
- Omega-3 probably can decrease Autism and ADHD – March 2019
- Autism treated in one person by Omega-3 plus Vitamin D – Dec 2018
- Autism problems reduced by Vitamin D, Omega-3 – RCT Oct 2018
- ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
- Autism risks include chemicals, deficiency of vitamin D, Omega-3 – mini-review April 2016
Poor Vitamin D Receptor is associated with Autism ADHD too?
ADHD other - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 ADHD Meta-analyses in VitaminDWiki - Incidence Autism and ADHD reduced 18 percent per 10 ng of Vitamin D during pregnancy – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- Mental disorders fought by Omega-3 etc. - meta-meta-analysis Oct 2019
- Autism risk increased 30 percent by Cesareans (both low vitamin D) – meta-analysis Sept 2019
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder helped by Vitamin D, need more data – meta-analysis July 2019
- Increased risk of ADHD (28 pct.) and Autism (58 pct.) if low vitamin D during pregnancy – meta-analysis Jan 2019
- ADHD associated with low vitamin D in all 8 trials – meta-analysis Oct 2018
- ADHD in children 2.6 X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2018
52 items in the ADHD category on VitaminDWiki - wiki page:
- More than 30% of Autistics also have ADHD - Nov 2024
- Dopamine quickly increased by Calcitriol (fully activated vitamin D) – might be a way to treat ADHD – Oct 2024
- ADHD 4.9 X higher risk if less than 12 ng of vitamin D during early pregnancy – Aug 2024
- Children with ADHD again helped by 50,000 IU weekly Vitamin D – RCT June 2024
- Autism reduced 24% for each 4 ng more Vitamin D while pregnant ( ADHD 12%) – Feb 2024
- Central Nervous System protection by Vitamin D - Dec 2023
- Global burden of brain disorders surpasses cardiovascular disease and cancer - July 2023
- Infants getting an additional 800 IU of vitamin D for 2 years had 60% fewer psychiatric symptoms at age 7 – RCT May 2023
- Reduced Childhood Behavioral Problems if more Vitamin D while pregnant– April 2023
- Incidence Autism and ADHD reduced 18 percent per 10 ng of Vitamin D during pregnancy – meta-analysis Jan 2022
- ADHD significantly treated by daily Magnesium plus weekly Vitamin D – RCT April 2021
- ADHD 1.5X less likely if 4,400 IU Vitamin D daily during pregnancy - RCT Sept 2021
- Low Vitamin D decreases fertility and increases subsequent autism, ADHD, etc – Feb 2018
- ADHD 3.7 X higher risk if depressed pregnancy (low vitamin D) – Dec 2020
- Vaccinations resulted in increased office visits for children 16 months later - Nov 2020
- ADHD risk factors include low Zinc, Vitamin D, Magnesium and Omega-3 (umbrella review) – Oct 2020
- Mental disorders fought by Omega-3 etc. - meta-meta-analysis Oct 2019
- Autism risk increased 30 percent by Cesareans (both low vitamin D) – meta-analysis Sept 2019
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder helped by Vitamin D, need more data – meta-analysis July 2019
- Behavior disorders reduced with Magnesium, Omega-3, and Zinc
- Risk of severe ADHD increased 2X if multiple pesticides in urine while pregnant – June 2019
- ADHD children eat less fatty fish (Omega-3 again) – May 2019
- Omega-3 probably can decrease Autism and ADHD – March 2019
- Hypothesis – Brain plasticity improved by Vitamin D – Feb 2019
- Increased risk of ADHD (28 pct.) and Autism (58 pct.) if low vitamin D during pregnancy – meta-analysis Jan 2019
- ADHD associated with low vitamin D in all 8 trials – meta-analysis Oct 2018
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder impulsivity reduced by daily 1,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Jan 2019
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treated by weekly 50,000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Nov 2018
- ADHD associated with significantly less Vitamin B12 – Sept 2018
- Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder increasing (2.7X in US Blacks under age 18 in 20 years) – Sept 2018
- Vaccinated children had more chronic diseases - Sept 2018
- Vitamin D patented to treat ADHD – June 2018
- ADHD associated with both low vitamin D and poor Vitamin D receptor – May 2018
- Omega-3 reduced violence in children and violence between parents – RCT May 2018
- Omega-3 and Vitamin D each treat many mental health problems - April 2018
- ADHD 4 year-olds – smaller brain regions proportional to ADHD severity – March 2018
- ADHD reduced by just 3,000 IU of Vitamin D and methylphenidate for just 12 weeks – RCT Feb 2018
- ADHD in children 2.6 X more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2018
- A good Vitamin D Receptor (or perhaps more vitamin D) protects against lead during pregnancy
- ADHD, Autism, Early Psychosis and Omega-3 – review Dec 2017
- ADHD 2 X more likely if Tylenol used a lot during pregnancy (Autism increased too) – Dec 2016
- Autism and ADHD type disorders were 14X more likely in survey of extreme preterm vaccinated infants - April 2017
- Pesticides increase risk of Cancers, Alz, ALS, Asthma, ADHD, etc. (all related to low vitamin D) – Oct 2016
- ADHD 2 times more likely if poor Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio – meta-analysis May 2016
- Dopamine increased with vitamin D supplementation (in rats) April 2016
- ADHD decreased by 11% for each 10 ng increase in vitamin D in early pregnancy – April 2015
- ADHD in Arab countries – vitamin D is the only changeable risk factor – review April 2015
- Deficiencies of Vitamin D, Iron, Magnesium, and Zinc all associated with ADHD – Sept 2014
- Restless Legs Syndrome and ADHD strongly associated (no mention of vitamin D) – 2005
- ADHD and Vitamin D Deficiency
- Psychiatric problems such as ADHD treated with vitamin D – March 2010
ADHD associated with asthma, sleep disturbances, epilepsy, excess weight, wounds, injuries, RLS
Note: All of wich are associated with low vitamin D
[https://www.mdedge.com/neurology/article/267431/neurodevelopmental-disorders/adhd-symptoms-linked-physical-comorbidities?ecd=WNL_EVE_240121_mdedge|MD Edge Jan 2024
ADHD in Adults
1 In 17 US adults have been diagnosed with ADHD
ADHD underappreciated in older adults - Sept 2023
- "Less than half of older adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are diagnosed with the condition, and many never receive treatment."
- "To assess the possibility of ADHD, a clinician could give a patient a six-item screening test that asks questions such as how often over the previous 6 months have they had trouble completing assignments or remembering appointments. If they report difficulty in four or more of the six areas in the brief screener, clinicians can move on to a longer 18-item screening tool developed by the World Health Organization, Dr. Montano said."
- “ADHD cotravels with other mental health disorders like depression, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance use disorders at least half the time.”
A person with ADHD lives 8 fewer years (some of which may be due to low Vitamin D) - Jan 2025
- Life expectancy and years of life lost for adults with diagnosed ADHD in the UK: matched cohort study - January 2025 FREE PDF
- Shared genetic architecture between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and lifespan - March 2023 FREE PDF
Note Do blacks have a 5 year life penalty due to low vitamin D
Adult ADHD and Vitamin Bs and Vitamin D - 2016
Vitamin levels in adults with ADHD
BJPsych Open. 2016 Nov; 2(6): 377–384, online 2016 Dec 13. doi: 10.1192/bjpo.bp.116.003491
Elisabeth Toverud Landaas, Tore Ivar Malmei Aarsland, Arve Ulvik, Anne Halmøy, Per Magne Ueland, and Jan HaavikBackground: Micronutrients containing vitamins are reported to reduce symptom levels in persons with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but data on vitamin levels in ADHD are sparse.
Aims: To examine the relationship between vitamin concentrations, ADHD diagnosis, and psychiatric symptoms in young adult ADHD patients and controls.
Method: Eight vitamins and the nicotine metabolite cotinine were analysed in serum samples from 133 ADHD patients and 131 controls aged between 18 and 40, who also reported ADHD symptoms and comorbid conditions.
Results: Lower concentrations of vitamins B2, B6, and B9 were associated with the ADHD diagnosis, and B2 and B6 also with symptom severity. Smokers had lower levels of vitamins B2 and B9.
Conclusions: ADHD patients were overrepresented in the group with low levels of some vitamins, possibly indicative of inadequate dietary intake of these micronutrients in a subgroup of patients. It is important to identify these patients in dietary intervention trials for ADHD.
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Note: these are the Vitamin levels years after ADHD started
See ADHD web
- Young Women Are Using A.D.H.D. Drugs in Greater Numbers, C.D.C. Reports NYT Jan 2018
Prescriptions are up 7X since 2003 in women aged 25-29. The higher rate in the South and West
Typical drugs: Adderall, Vyvanse, and Ritalin - 700 Percent Increase in Prescribed ADHD Treatments Mercola May 2018
Nonmedical use of Adderall was almost 3 X higher than the use of nonmedical marijuana and 8 X higher than the use of cocaine. - Might be able to predict ADHD based on Low vitamin D levels Nov 2013
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki. - Vitamin D and other deficiencies can be mistaken for ADHD short article which refers to the book
- Is It Alzheimer’s, or A.D.H.D.? New York Times Sept 2015
3 % of Dutch over 60 have A.D.H. D. It overlaps with age-related cognitive decline
ADHD Celebs - pictures
ADHD names from history
Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Galileo, Thomas Edison, Wilbur Wright, Leonardo da Vinci, Walt Disney. Louis Pasteur, Winstone Churchill, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, Beethoven, Pablo Picasso, William Randolph Hearst, Robert Frost, Frank Lloyd Wright, Nikola Tesla -
from the 2008 book "Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies:
The Groundbreaking Program for the 4-A Disorders," which has a chapter on supplements,
"One of these conditions now strikes one in every three children in America."
ADHD Chart of possible reasons (vitamin D not mentioned)
Magnesium and mental illness chart
Which is in Overview Magnesium and vitamin D
Brain plasticity software has shown nice improvement in some ADHD symptoms - 2016
- Positive Study Results on Software to Address ADHD Symptoms BrainHQ
" The brain exercise group significantly improved, as compared to the control, on both the response inhibition measure and Stroop interference, a measure of executive function. A trend toward improvement, which did not reach significance, was noted on the two other secondary measures: sustained attention and short-term memory span."
Note: The Founder of VitaminDWiki has been enjoying the great benefits of BrainHQ since about 2005
ADHD children typically treated with strong stimulates 5X more likely be become addicted
Associations with the category ADHD
ADHD and Vitamin D Deficiency207699 visitors, last modified 28 Jan, 2025, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)Attached files
ID Name Uploaded Size Downloads 21757 ADHD Risk.webp admin 14 Sep, 2024 20.56 Kb 546 21756 Antibiotics and ADHD unless Vit d_CompressPdf.pdf admin 14 Sep, 2024 574.02 Kb 82 20473 ADHD 1.35.png admin 11 Dec, 2023 37.88 Kb 1217 20472 ADHD CVD_CompressPdf.pdf admin 11 Dec, 2023 182.32 Kb 198 19602 ADHD addiction.jpg admin 28 May, 2023 50.73 Kb 1988 19601 ADHD 2009 Sci-Hub.pdf admin 27 May, 2023 89.39 Kb 282 19552 Diagnostic confusion.jpg admin 09 May, 2023 74.29 Kb 2053 19551 ADHD Autism.jpg admin 09 May, 2023 122.83 Kb 2410 19550 ADHD Med and Omega-3.jpg admin 09 May, 2023 45.46 Kb 2129 19549 ADHD impulseiness.pdf admin 09 May, 2023 686.53 Kb 359 19548 ADHD Vita D meta 2019_CompressPdf.pdf admin 09 May, 2023 732.95 Kb 262 15450 ADHD RCT April 2021.pdf admin 17 Apr, 2021 862.17 Kb 747 12922 Omega-3 AHDH PHD 2019.pdf admin 06 Nov, 2019 5.55 Mb 1564 11570 Saffron ADHD RCT.pdf admin 15 Mar, 2019 239.17 Kb 1300 10543 Preterm ADHD.jpg admin 14 Sep, 2018 34.98 Kb 12763 10518 ADHD trend teens, blacks.jpg admin 11 Sep, 2018 91.48 Kb 14589 10517 ADHD trends.pdf admin 11 Sep, 2018 687.45 Kb 1329 10242 ADHD.jpg admin 24 Jul, 2018 11.58 Kb 12665 10168 ADHD sun CDC.jpg admin 12 Jul, 2018 17.52 Kb 15003 10167 ADHD sun.jpg admin 12 Jul, 2018 54.41 Kb 14625 10166 Geographic Variation in ADHD.pdf admin 12 Jul, 2018 499.06 Kb 1347 9584 Vitamin levels in adults with ADHD.pdf admin 26 Mar, 2018 214.20 Kb 1356 9439 ADHD Vit D Vit D Receptor.jpg admin 03 Mar, 2018 13.55 Kb 15833 9438 ADHD Vit D Vit D Receptor.pdf admin 03 Mar, 2018 288.61 Kb 1417 9145 ADHD celebs.jpg admin 06 Jan, 2018 88.67 Kb 17341 9073 ADHD very preterm.pdf admin 31 Dec, 2017 1.44 Mb 1527 9072 ADHD sunshine explain 40% Researchgate.pdf admin 31 Dec, 2017 499.06 Kb 2342 9071 ADHD preg 57 nmol.pdf admin 31 Dec, 2017 897.71 Kb 1616 9070 ADHD table.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 48.50 Kb 39089 9069 ADHD 4 venn.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 61.16 Kb 47090 9068 ADHD 5 venn.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 46.13 Kb 23750 9067 ADHD 6 venn.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 36.76 Kb 18292 9066 Autism and ADHS venn.jpg admin 31 Dec, 2017 28.43 Kb 17297 7901 ADHD T1.jpg admin 09 Apr, 2017 78.15 Kb 21535 7900 Omega-3 ADHD.pdf admin 09 Apr, 2017 439.54 Kb 1652 6528 ADHD Zinc Omega-3.pdf admin 06 Apr, 2016 671.83 Kb 2106 6524 ADHD 2015.pdf admin 05 Apr, 2016 200.88 Kb 2110 4824 Predict ADHD.pdf admin 06 Jan, 2015 188.52 Kb 2811 3393 ADHD adults.jpg admin 14 Dec, 2013 29.89 Kb 32974 3350 ADHD Spectracell.png admin 05 Dec, 2013 236.10 Kb 80639 3349 Ritalin in UK.jpg admin 05 Dec, 2013 30.98 Kb 36529 3348 ADHD prescriptions.jpg admin 05 Dec, 2013 78.82 Kb 48106 405 ADD_Study.pdf admin 14 Jan, 2011 268.02 Kb 5032