Table of contents
- UV radiation and air pollution as drivers of major autoimmune conditions
- VitaminDWiki -
21 studies in both categories Multiple Sclerosis and UV - VitaminDWiki - Autoimmune category contains
- VitaminDWiki Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D production - many studies contains
- VitaminDWiki – Rheumatoid Arthritis category contains
UV radiation and air pollution as drivers of major autoimmune conditions
Environ Res. 2023 Feb 8;115449. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115449 PDF behind a publisher paywall
Daniele Piovani 1, Enrico Brunetta 2, Stefanos Bonovas 2Autoimmune diseases (ADs) comprise a very heterogeneous group of chronic disorders characterized by disruptive immune responses against self-antigens (Davidson and Diamond, 2001). ADs affect about 5% of the population and include a plethora of conditions denoted by drastically different phenotypes thus showing a widely varying spectrum of morbidity and mortality (Davidson and Diamond, 2001). In this review we focus our attention mainly on five major autoimmune conditions, namely
- type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM),
- rheumatoid arthritis (RA),
- autoimmune thyroid disorders (ATD),
- multiple sclerosis (MS), and i
- nflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
Most ADs are of uncertain origins and are thought to arise from an interplay between genetic and environmental factors (Davidson and Diamond, 2001; Ramos et al., 2015; Vojdani et al., 2014; Piovani et al., 2019). Genetic susceptibility is considered to account for up to about 20–30% of the risk of ADs, whilst environmental factors are deemed responsible of the rest 70–80% (Vojdani et al., 2014). Evidence shows that the incidence and prevalence of major autoimmune conditions are rising, with some countries showing larger increases than others (Dinse et al., 2020; Walton et al., 2020; Mayer-Davis et al., 2017; Ng et al., 2017). Investigating the reasons for the increasing burden of ADs is both an opportunity to deepen our understanding on their etiology (i.e. environmental triggers) and to counteract this trend. A non-exhaustive list of environmental factors that have been extensively studied as potential drivers of major autoimmune conditions over the last decades is composed by infections, tobacco use and xenobiotics, occupational exposures (e.g. silica dust), ultraviolet (UV) rays’ exposure, factors related to hygiene, dietary patterns and single nutritional components, as well as the gut microbiome, physical activity, psychological distress, and other lifestyle factors (Piovani et al., 2019; Kivity et al., 2009; Agmon-Levin et al., 2009; Fournié et al., 2001; Khan and Wang, 2020; Salliot et al., 2020). The long-standing observation that latitude is associated with the burden of several ADs has prompted an entire area of epidemiological and experimental research that has postulated a definite role of sunlight exposure and vitamin D on the etiology of major autoimmune conditions (Mohr et al., 2008; Piovani et al., 2020; Celdir et al., 2022; Lam et al., 2020; Zipitis and Akobeng, 2008; Fitzgerald et al., 2015; Hahn et al., 2022). A historical perspective shows that most ADs were described between the 19th and 20th century and saw dramatic increases in their incidence and prevalence in the second part of the 20th century, during the third industrial revolution (Entezami et al., 2011; Landtblom et al., 2010; Kaplan and Windsor, 2021; Bach, 2002). Living in an urban environment has been associated with the incidence of major autoimmune conditions (Soon et al., 2012; Solomon et al., 1975; Southerland et al., 2022). Air pollutants may affect UVA and UVB skin absorption, thus interfering with sunrays-mediated effects on the human body (Kimlin et al., 2007; MacLaughlin et al., 1982; Jasaitis et al., 2016). Contact with air pollutants causes systemic inflammation, activates oxidative pathways, induces epigenetic alterations and modulates the function and phenotype of dendritic cells, Tregs and T-cells, which are key players in many immune-mediated diseases (Southerland et al., 2022; Fuller et al., 2022; Brunekreef and Holgate, 2002; Veldhoen et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2019; Ferrari et al., 2019).
In this paper, we present the current evidence regarding the role of UV-mediated effects on human immunity and ADs, and how anthropic-derived air pollution may drive the rise of major autoimmune conditions through indirect (i.e. by acting on sunrays) and direct mechanisms on the human body.
Section snippets
Geographical and epidemiological patterns of major autoimmune conditions
The incidence and prevalence of several ADs show widely varying patterns across the globe (Walton et al., 2020; Mayer-Davis et al., 2017; Ng et al., 2017; Shapira et al., 2010). Type 1 diabetes, for example, shows up to a 350-fold variation in incidence across countries (Mayer-Davis et al., 2017; DIAMOND Project Group, 2006), with the highest being observed in Northern Europe and America, but also Australia and New Zealand. A very similar distribution has been observed for ADs such as MS (. . .Impact of sunlight on human immunity
Human beings have always sought for sunlight exposure. Cave paintings tell that primitive humans appreciated and celebrated exposure to sunrays. Humans are diurnal organisms. Melatonin production occurs during the night and circadian rhythms are arranged around the fact that humans should sleep during the night and perform activities in daylight (Mead, 2008; Holick, 2004). Despite the well-known detrimental effects of excessive sun exposure, and especially the risk of skin cancer, sunlight is . . .Epidemiologic evidence of the role of vitamin D and sunshine on autoimmune diseases
Very recently for the first time, the largest randomized controlled trial on vitamin D supplementation ever performed, the VITAL randomized trial, provided direct evidence that vitamin D is causally implicated in the development of ADs in humans (Hahn et al., 2022). The authors of the study published in the British Medical Journal enrolled 25,871 healthy participants of 50 or more years of age and allocated them randomly to vitamin D (2000 IU/day) or matched placebo, and to omega 3 fatty acids . . .Anthropic-driven air pollution, human health and autoimmune diseases
Although the concept of autoimmunity and of the existence of ADs as a group of diseases was not theorized before the end of 1950s (Burnet, 1957), the first, later recognized, cases of the most common autoimmune conditions were mostly observed between the 19th and the 20th century, during the second industrial revolution (Entezami et al., 2011; Landtblom et al., 2010; Kaplan and Windsor, 2021). Later in time, the third industrial revolution (i.e. second part of the 20th century) was temporally. . .Conclusions
In this paper, we have reviewed how epidemiological and experimental data converge on suggesting a decisive role of UV exposure and air pollution on major autoimmune conditions. Although the underlying mechanisms are far from being elucidated comprehensively, the current proposed paradigm suggests the presence of indirect and direct mechanisms of air pollutants in shaping the immune system and favor autoimmunity processes, hence contributing in explaining the rise of these group of diseases inFirst few References
- D.M. McCafferty et al. Inducible nitric oxide synthase plays a critical role in resolving intestinal inflammation Gastroenterology (1997)
- A. Lanzavecchia et al. Regulation of T cell immunity by dendritic cells Cell (2001)
- S. Kivity et al. Infections and autoimmunity--friends or foes? Trends Immunol. (2009)
- M.G. Kimlin et al. Location and vitamin D synthesis: is the hypothesis validated by geophysical data? J. Photochem. Photobiol., B (2007)
- C. Horton et al. Harnessing the properties of dendritic cells in the pursuit of immunological tolerance Biomed. J. (2017)
- A. Hewagama et al. The genetics and epigenetics of autoimmune diseases J. Autoimmun. (2009)
- M.D. Griffin et al. Gene expression profiles in dendritic cells conditioned by 1 alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 analog J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. (2004)
- P. García-González et al. Tolerogenic dendritic cells for reprogramming of lymphocyte responses in autoimmune diseases Autoimmun. Rev. (2016)
- R.S. Gangwar et al. Oxidative stress pathways of air pollution mediated toxicity: recent insights Redox Biol. (2020)
- R. Fuller et al. Pollution and health: a progress update Lancet Planet. Health (2022)
All references are online - free at publisher
VitaminDWiki -
21 studies in both categories Multiple Sclerosis and UV This list is automatically updated
- Multiple Sclerosis treated equally by UVB and weekly 50,000 IU of Vitamin D – RCT July 2023
- Mutiple Sclerosis half as likely in children spending 30 to 60 minutes per day in the sun – Dec 2021
- Sun reduces risk of Multiple Sclerosis via both Vitamin D and another way – Dec 2019
- UV helped EAE mice (MS) designed to not respond to Vitamin D – Oct 2019
- Multiple Sclerosis 2X more likely if low winter UV – June 2018
- Multiple Sclerosis half as likely if get plenty of sunshine (not a news item) – March 2018
- Clinically Isolated Syndrome progresses to Multiple Sclerosis, unless UVB treatments – RCT Dec 2017
- Vitamin D and Sun conference – Germany June 2017
- Multiple Sclerosis suppressed by an Ultraviolet wavelength not associated with Vitamin D (mice) – Nov 2016
- Multiple Sclerosis helped by UV – possibly via cytokines, etc. – Oct 2015
- Hypothesis – Multiple Sclerosis risk increases with low UV, viral infections, and antibiotics in childhood – March 2015
- How UVB reduces autoimmune diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis – April 2014
- UV decreases Multiple Sclerosis via cis-urocanic acid (and via vitamin D) – June 2013
- MS prevention by UV is 2X better than prevention by vitamin D levels – Jan 2012
- There is more in UV than vitamin D which suppresses MS in mice – April 2010
- UV produces more than vitamin D – Aug 2011
- Lack of UV 20X more associated with MS than any other variable – Dec 2010
- Hypothesis - more in sunshine than vitamin D to reduce MS – Feb 2010
- MS UV and Vitamin D – 2009
- Lack of UV increased offspring MS - April 2010
- Mouse MS: UVB but not Vitamin D reduced incidence - April 2010
VitaminDWiki - Autoimmune category contains
205 items in Autoimmune category - Vitamin D and MS Asthma RA Diabetes Gut Allergy Hay Fever Lupus Psoriasis
- Predicted 95% autoimmune cured by HIGH-DOSE vitamin D - 2014
- 10% of the UK have Autoimmune Diseases - Lancet May 2023 PDF is behind a paywall
- Increase in 20 years : coeliac disease 2.19 X. Sjogren's syndrome 2.09, and Graves' disease 2.07
- All 43 references are FREE on-line
- Autoimmune diseases fought by Vitamin D, especially if have more than 40 ng – Sept 2022
- The BEST Nutrient for Autoimmune Conditions (Vitamin D) - video May 2022
- The number 1 Deficiency behind All Autoimmune Diseases (Vitamin D) video - Dec 2023
- Autoimmune disease clusters run in families having low D
- How Vitamin D reduces inflammation, improves immunity and fights autoimmunity – review Dec 2018
- 120 doctors and 20,000 MS patients using high dose Vitamin D Dec 2018
- Vitamin D has treated Multiple Sclerosis and autoimmune diseases for 16 years – Coimbra April 2018
- Vitamin D Receptor is associated in over 58 autoimmune studies
- More autoimmune disease if higher pollution or lower UVB - Feb 2023
- Many autoimmune diseases associated with low vitamin D or poor Vit D genes – July 2019
See also web: consensus that ~50 diseases are autoimmune, ~50 more are suspected:
VitaminDWiki Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D production - many studies contains
Fact: Pollution reduces the amount of time that people are outdoors
Fact: Pollution is often associated with hot temperatures - another reason to not go outdoors
Fact: Less time outdoors results in lower Vitamin D levels
Fact: Pollution attenuates the amount of UVB getting to the skin (but by only a few percent)
Fact:The body's ability to fight Irritation/Inflammation is aided by vitamin D
Fact: All of the types of PM2.5 deaths are also associated with low vitamin D
Most air pollutions reduce Vitamin D (PM2.5 is worst) – June 2021
Observation: Vitamin D should improve the health of people in dusty or polluted air- There were 60+ references in Air Pollution reduces Vitamin D page as of June 2023
- Inhaled vitamin D might turn out to be especially good form as it goes directly to the lungs.
VitaminDWiki – Rheumatoid Arthritis category contains
119 RA items See also Overview Rheumatoid Arthritis Autoimmune Inflammation Pain - Chronic Highlights of RA studies in VitaminDWiki
RA worse if low Vitamin D- Rheumatoid Arthritis score extrapolates to zero at 51 ng of Vitamin D (India) – June 2024
- Rheumatoid Arthritis is more severe if low vitamin D – July 2023
- Rheumatoid arthritis pain was 5.8 X more likely if low vitamin D – Aug 2017
- Adaptive and innate immune system, vitamin D genes, and Rheumatoid Arthritis – June 2019
- Rheumatoid Arthritis strongly associated with low vitamin D – meta-analysis April 2016
- Rheumatoid Arthritis associated with lower vitamin D and higher latitude – meta-analysis Jan 2016
10 RA and Vitamin D Receptor (auto-updated) - Adaptive and innate immune system, vitamin D genes, and Rheumatoid Arthritis – June 2019
- Resveratrol Role in Autoimmune Disease-A Mini-Review. – Dec 2016
- Immunological effects of vitamin D and their relations to autoimmunity – March 2019
- Arthritis runs in Pakistani families (Vitamin D Receptor) – March 2019
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis 2.2 X more likely if poor Vitamin D Receptor – Aug 2018
- Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis 8 X more likely if poor Vitamin D receptor – Dec 2017
- Inflammation and immune responses to Vitamin D (perhaps need to measure active vitamin D) – July 2017
- Vitamin D in rheumatoid arthritis-towards clinical application – April 2016
- Rheumatoid arthritis is 40 percent more likely if vitamin D Receptor problem – 2 meta-analyses 2015
- Rheumatoid arthritis, genes and vitamin D – May 2013
RA Treated by Vitamin D
- Several rheumatic diseases treated by high-dose vitamin D, but made worse if Calcium was added – April 2022
- Rheumatic Diseases often treated by Vitamin D, may need 40-60 ng – Oct 2021
- Rheumatoid Arthritis pain reduced by monthly 100,000 IU of Vitamin D – Oct 2018
- Rheumatoid arthritis reduced by 440,000 IU of Vitamin D over 4 months – Oct 2015
- Connective tissue disorders (Lupus, RA, etc) treated by vitamin D – May 2016
- 43 percent of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients have Vitamin D prescriptions (15 countries) – June 2017
- Big increase in vitamin D supplementation in just 2 years after Swiss rheumatology report – Dec 2013
- High dose vitamin reduced pain of fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis - July 2015
- Note: Vitamin D receptor problems (such as RA) are best treated by infrequent large doses of Vitamin D
More autoimmune disease if higher pollution or lower UVB - Feb 20235281 visitors, last modified 11 Feb, 2023,