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The False Promise of Fish Oil Supplements (nope) Aug 2019

 Download the Scientific American PDF from VitaminDWiki

Do doctors ignore the Omega-3 data more than they ignore Vitamin D data?
   Founder of VitaminDWiki, Aug 2019

Vitamin D and Omega-3 category in VitaminDWiki starts with

408 Omega-3 items in category Omega-3 helps with: Autism (7 studies), Depression (28 studies), Cardiovascular (34 studies), Cognition (52 studies), Pregnancy (44 studies), Infant (34 studies), Obesity (14 studies), Mortality (7 studies), Breast Cancer (5 studies), Smoking, Sleep, Stroke, Longevity, Trauma (12 studies), Inflammation (18 studies), Multiple Sclerosis (9 studies), VIRUS (12 studies), etc
CIlck here for details

A few recent items showing that Omega-3 improves health

Cardiovascular and Omega-3

Intervention Trials (usually RCT) using Omega-3

Meta-analyses of Omega-3

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday August 22, 2019 21:23:08 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 9)
The False Promise of Fish Oil Supplements (nope) Aug 2019        
3292 visitors, last modified 22 Aug, 2019,
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